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Aisha Yousuf Region 4 Student Representative. Aisha Yousuf Regional Student Representative Responsibilities:  Help organize and coordinate regional student.

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Presentation on theme: "Aisha Yousuf Region 4 Student Representative. Aisha Yousuf Regional Student Representative Responsibilities:  Help organize and coordinate regional student."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aisha Yousuf Region 4 Student Representative

2 Aisha Yousuf Regional Student Representative Responsibilities:  Help organize and coordinate regional student activities  Keep student branches informed of the regional activities  Represent region 4 in the international student activities committee Items currently being worked on:  Regional student conference  Ethics competition  Region 4 Student Website Region 4 – Central USA Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers

3 Goals/Concerns:  Section student representatives Students need to submit reporting Section student paper contest  Focus on student branches with low (10-) membership University of Northern Iowa (Cedar Rapids) = 2 ITT Technical Institute – Indianapolis (Central Indiana) = 4 ITT Technical Institute – Mount Prospect (Chicago) = 9 University of St. Francis (Chicago) = 0 Indiana Institute of Technology (Fort Wayne) = 8 Tri-State University (Fort Wayne) = 8 Saginaw Valley State University (Northeast Michigan) = 0 Lake Superior state college (Northeastern Wisconsin) = 4 Dordt College (Siouxland) = 10 ITT Technical Institute – Troy (Southeastern Michigan) = 0 Region 4 – Central USA Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers

4 Region 4 – Central USA Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers

5 Goals/Concerns Contd.  Region Student Newsletter  Increase S-PACs  Graduate Student Paper Contest  Spread GOLD awareness with more combined GOLD/student branch activities Quiz Bowl competition between student branches and GOLD Gold Student Mentoring Day Seminars  Micromouse robotics competition Region 4 – Central USA Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers

6 Important Deadlines:  February 28 – Outstanding Student Branch counselor and Advisor Recognition Award  March 1 – Regional Exemplary Student Branch award  March 15 – Regional Student Branch Website Contest  May 1 – Annual Report of Activities Important Dates  March 25: Leadership Conference – Valparaiso University Region 4 – Central USA Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers

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