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Welcome Southwestern Families 2012-2013 Athletic Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Southwestern Families 2012-2013 Athletic Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Southwestern Families 2012-2013 Athletic Meeting

2 Agenda Dignity for All Students Act Concussion – Signs/symptoms, Procedure & Policy Changes the Southwestern Interscholastic Guide

3 Dignity for All Students Act (DASA) Southwestern Central School District

4 Dignity Act New York State’s Dignity for All Students Act seeks to provide the State’s public elementary and secondary school students with a safe and supportive environment free from discrimination, intimidation, taunting, harassment, and bullying on school property, a school bus and/or at a school function.

5 You Can’t Take it Back

6 What is bullying? Intentional, repeated acts of verbal, physical, or written aggression by a peer (or group of peers) operating from a position of strength or power with the goal of hurting the victim physically or damaging status and or social reputation. Source- Olweus (1978); United States Department of Education (1998)

7 What does it look like? Physical aggression Punching, shoving, acts that hurt people Verbal aggression Name calling, making offensive remarks Social Alienation Excluding, coercing others to reject or exclude a person Indirect bullying Spreading rumors, excluding, ganging up Relational bullying Bullying that damages relationships Intimidation Threats, intimidating phone calls or text message, coercing one to do things they would not normally do Cyber bullying Sending insulting messages or threats by email, text messaging, chat rooms Source- Olweus (1978); United States Department of Education (1998)

8  Peers who witness are traumatized as well Often afraid to report bullying and partake in the act for fear of victimization  Non reporting reinforces behavior Adults are afraid of overreacting or underreacting Sometimes fear prevents adults from being actively involved. Onlookers

9 What happens after I report? Procedure Staff member receiving information prepares a written record of the details (Incident Report Form) and notifies administration. Assure parents and/or students reporting an incident that such information is taken seriously. Investigation: Meet with victim, offenders and any witnesses. Follow-up with students and parents. Assign consequences and/or appropriate interventions. Document

10 DASA Coordinators  Elementary School  Bill Caldwell  Middle School  Rich Rybicki  High School  Mike Cipolla

11 Bullying Interventions at SWHS 2012-13 School Year

12 What have we done?  Southwestern High School has already taken steps to prevent bullying.  HELP Link HELP Link  Present information about bullying prevention to students annually  Counseling  Collaboration and communication with parents  Character Education- “Project Wisdom”  Bullying Survey

13 What else are we doing this year?  Bullying survey results will be presented to students, faculty, and parents in the fall  Character Education will be enhanced- all students will be involved in small group discussions throughout the year- emphasis will be on bullying prevention  School psychologist and counseling staff will work with DASA coordinator to provide counseling services to students involved in bullying situations

14 WHAT IS A CONCUSSION?  A concussion is a brain injury.  Concussions are caused by a bump or blow to the head.  Even a “ding,” “getting your bell rung,” or what seems to be a mild bump or blow to the head can be serious.  You can’t see a concussion.  Signs and symptoms of concussion can show up right after the injury or may not appear or be noticed until days or weeks after the injury.  If your child reports any symptoms of concussion, or if you notice the symptoms yourself, seek medical attention right away.

15 SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF A CONCUSSION OBSERVED BY A PARENT OR GUARDIAN  Appears dazed or stunned  Is confused about assignment or position  Forgets an instruction  Is unsure of game, score, or opponent  Moves clumsily  Answers questions slowly  Loses consciousness (even briefly)  Shows behavior or personality changes  Can’t recall events prior to hit or fall  Can’t recall events after hit or fall

16 SYMPTOMS OF A CONCUSSION REPORTED BY ATHLETE  Headache or “pressure” in head  Nausea or vomiting  Balance problems or dizziness  Double or blurry vision  Sensitivity to light  Sensitivity to noise  Feeling sluggish, hazy, foggy, or groggy  Concentration or memory problems  Confusion  Does not “feel right”

17 HOW CAN YOU HELP YOUR CHILD PREVENT A CONCUSSION?  Ensure that they follow their coach’s rules for safety and the rules of the sport.  Encourage them to practice good sportsmanship at all times.  Make sure they wear the right protective equipment for their activity (such as helmets, padding, shin guards, and eye and mouth guards). Protective equipment should fit properly, be well maintained, and be worn consistently and correctly.  Learn the signs and symptoms of a concussion.

18 WHAT SHOULD YOU DO IF YOU THINK YOUR CHILD HAS A CONCUSSION? 1. Seek medical attention right away. A health care professional will be able to decide how serious the concussion is and when it is safe for your child to return to sports. 2. Keep your child out of play. Concussions take time to heal. Don’t let your child return to play until a health care professional says it’s OK. Children who return to play too soon—while the brain is still healing—risk a greater chance of having a second concussion. Second or later concussions can be very serious. They can cause permanent brain damage, affecting your child for a lifetime. 3. Tell your child’s coach about any recent concussion. Coaches should know if your child had a recent concussion in ANY sport. Your child’s coach may not know about a concussion your child received in another sport or activity unless you tell the coach. July

19 Questions and Answers Thank you!

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