Working as a System for the Public Good Joachim Voss Director General, CIAT Alliance Executive, Incoming Chair.

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Presentation on theme: "Working as a System for the Public Good Joachim Voss Director General, CIAT Alliance Executive, Incoming Chair."— Presentation transcript:

1 Working as a System for the Public Good Joachim Voss Director General, CIAT Alliance Executive, Incoming Chair

2 Outline 1.Improving Efficiency and Quality 2.Rebuilding after Catastrophes 3.Improved Coordination of Our Efforts in Africa 4.Making Global Public Goods Available Regionally 5.New Approaches to Capacity Building 6.Global Challenge Programs 7.New Opportunities 8.Future Harvest Alliance

3 1. Improving Efficiency and Quality System Office CAS (Central Advisory Services for Intellectual Property Rights) ICT-KM (Information & Communication Technologies and Knowledge Management) G&D (Gender and Diversity Program) Human Resources Internal Audit FHAO (Future Harvest Alliance Office) Science Council Secretariat CG Secretariat

4 1. Improving Efficiency and Quality Inter-Center Research Support Services Shared library services Joint appointment for Director Corporate Services Shared research services Housing sister Centers

5 2. Rebuilding after Catastrophes Rwanda Mitch Afghanistan Cambodia Tsunami Seeds of Hope Healing Wounds CONSRN (Consortium to Restore Shattered Livelihoods of Communities in Tsunami Affected Nations) Aceh, Indonesia

6 3. Improved Coordination of Our Efforts in Africa Regional Medium Term Plans CGIAR Centers Regional & Subregional organizations National programs NGOs

7 3. Improved Coordination of Our Efforts in Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Challenge Program Intensified farming systems Sound NRM Accessibility and efficiency of markets Formulation and adoption of policies African-led (FARA)

8 4. Global Public Goods Available Regionally AI (Amazon Initiative) AHI (African Hillsides Initiative) CAC (Consortium for Central Asia and the Caucasus) CONDESAN (Consortium for the Sustainable Development of the Andean Region) UPWARD (Users ’ Perspectives with Agricultural Research and Development)

9 5. New Approaches to Capacity Building VASAT – Virtual Academy for the Semi-Arid Tropics GOFAU – Global Open Food and Agriculture University SAEC-DE – Strengthening Agricultural and Environmental Capacities through Distance Education

10 Start up dateSep 2003 BudgetUS$24M (2004-2005) US$44M (2006-2008) On-going projects17 competitive grants 34 commissioned grants 15 capacity building Members of Consortium18 Partners26 NARS 27 ARIs 6. Global Challenge Programs Generation

11 6. Global Challenge Programs Harvest Plus Start up dateMar 2003 Current budgetUS$72.4 M (2003-2011) Partnersover 38 16 ARIs/Universities 10 CG Centers 1 Private Sector 2 Regional Organizations 2 International NGOs 3 National NGOs 4 GOs Several NARS & Universities in developing countries

12 6. Global Challenge Programs Water and Food Start up date1 Nov 2002 Current budgetUS$65 M (2003-2008) On-going projects66 Members of Consortium19

13 There’s no point in looking for the effects of climate change here! When this is what is going to happen Maunder minimum. Little Ice Age. Variations of the Earth’s Temperature, 1000 - 2100 7. New Opportunities Climate Change

14 Africa at risk: lower maize yields expected due to climate change 500 1000 1500 2500 >2500 2000 Yield kg ha -1 <-2000 -1000 -250 +250 +1000 >2000 Change kg -1 ™ 20052050 Ceres Maize

15 World wheat crop under threat: global wind patterns spreading new strain of old disease

16 7. New Opportunities Agricultural Health & Human Health Contamination of Water Resources Vector-Borne Diseases 1415 species of infectious organisms known to be pathogenic to humans… 868 (61%) are zoonotic

17 Pesticide abuse Cyanogenic compounds Mycotoxin contamination 7. New Opportunities Agricultural Health & Human Health

18 What are high value products for the poor? Underutilized species Products derived from traditional commodities (value-added) Unique varieties of traditional commodities What are the strengths of the CG? Germplasm Breeding expertise Knowledge of traditional commodity chains 7. New Opportunities High Value Products

19 CBC Alliance Board (AB) Alliance Executive (AE) Priorities and Procedures approved by AB and AE Conflict resolution mediation approved by AB and AE 8. Future Harvest Alliance Advances

20 Thank you!

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