ASTM E08.04.01 Workshop Life Prediction Methodology and Validation for Surface Cracks Norfolk, Virginia May 23, 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "ASTM E08.04.01 Workshop Life Prediction Methodology and Validation for Surface Cracks Norfolk, Virginia May 23, 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 ASTM E08.04.01 Workshop Life Prediction Methodology and Validation for Surface Cracks Norfolk, Virginia May 23, 2007

2 2 Goals Develop validation procedures for surface cracks in monotonic and cyclic loading with regard to crack shape evolution, crack driving force, and fatigue life prediction. Gather the basis for an ASTM guideline for software validation of analyses of surface cracks in monotonic or cyclic loading.

3 3 George Irwin on Surface Cracks In the examination of fracture failures one rarely finds that the initial starting crack extended completely through the thickness or that the starting-crack development, say by fatigue, occurred along a line extending completely through a cross section of a component. A part-through crack is more typical of the starting-crack shape customarily found. Dec. 1962 J. Appl. Mech.

4 4 We Dont Have X-Ray Vision… …or do we?

5 5 Schedule1:15-2:45PM The Evolution and Application of Three- Dimensional Stress-Intensity Factors –J. C. (Jim) Newman, Jr., I. S. Raju, and S. A. Fawaz A Framework for Investigating Crack Shape Evolution of Surface Cracks –Will Riddell Surface Crack Testing of Welded Titanium Sheet According to ASTM E740 –Dan Garcia BREAK 2:45-3:15PM

6 6 Schedule3:15-5:00PM Crack Shape Evolution Studies with NASGRO 3.0 –Elizabeth Watts and Chris Wilson Comparison of Elastic-Plastic J Solutions for the Surface Crack –Chris Wilson and Eric Quillen Investigations into Deformation Limits for SSY and LSY for the Surface Crack in Tension –Phillip Allen and Doug Wells Closing Remarks 4:45-5:00PM

7 7 Closing Remarks Task Group E08.04.01 Life Validation meets Monday AM of Committee Week Contact me at Chris Wilson Dept. of Mechanical Engineering Tennessee Tech University 931-372-3216

8 8 Why We Do What We Do…

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