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CSC 599: Computational Scientific Discovery Lecture 5b: The Plate Tectonics Paradigm.

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1 CSC 599: Computational Scientific Discovery Lecture 5b: The Plate Tectonics Paradigm

2 Outline Importance Pre-Plate Tectonics Big Picture Ramifications Complications Earthquake Patterns Earthquake Database

3 Importance Plate tectonics gives geologists there first wholestic view of the Earth over time and space...  Most earthquakes  Volcanos  Mountains  Continents but it does not explain everything: 1. Earthquakes in middle of continent? 2. Early, early Earth? 3. Maybe ancient Mars, but today's Venus?

4 Pre-Plate Tectonics Theory 1: Earth made by God Evidence: Bible Explains: Mountains formed during flood Theory 2: Earth was hot, cooled off, shrunk Evidence: Further go down in mine hotter it gets Explains: Mountains are shrink ripples Theory 3: Geomorphic Cycles Evidence: Appalachian mountains built out of mountains Those mountains were built out of earlier mountains

5 Geomorphic Cycles 1. Mountain is lifted  No idea what lifts rock 2. Erodes into sea  Sand, mud forms plain at sea level 3. Eroded rock solidifies underground  Sand to sandstone  Mud to shale 4. Solidified rock lifted  Cycle starts again  What lifts rock? Rebound?

6 Geomorphic Cycles (2)‏ Explains Appalachian Mountians  Taconic Orogeny (550 – 440 MYA)‏ Explains carbonate (ie. Marine shell) rock in NY, New England  Acadian Orogeny (360 – 320 MYA)‏ Explains:  Angular unconformities (nonparallel strata)‏  Igneous intrusions,  Regional metamorphism  Deformation of older rock  Alleghenian Orogeny (299 - 251 MYA)‏ Also called “Appalachian” Created “piedmont” from NJ to Alabama

7 Continental Drift (1)‏ “Hey! Africa matches South American”  Abraham Ortelius (1596)‏ Dutch/Belgian Cartographer & geographer  Francis Bacon (1620)‏ British Philosopher, Statesman  Benjamin Franklin (1700s)‏ British/American Publisher, Scientist and Statesman  Antonio Snider-Pellegrini (1858)‏ French geographer

8 Continental Drift (2)‏ Franklin Coxworthy Roberto Mantovani (1889-1909)‏ Italian Geologist William Henry Pickering (1907)‏ US astronomer Frank Bursley Taylor (1908)‏ Amateur US geologist Alfred Wegener (1912)‏  German meteorologist  Compared Coastlines Rock types Fossils

9 Continental Drift (3)‏ Fossil Evidence for joined continents  Laurasia (N. supercontinent) broke up before Gondwanaland (S. continent)‏ Dinosaurs more diverse in N. hemisphere than S. Coal fields in Europe and N. America line up  Evidence stronger in S. hemisphere than N.

10 Continental Drift (4)‏ Continental Drift's Downfall  Anglo-American geologists dismissed Wegener Fuddy-duddies: “How can rocks move?” Wegener: “Continents move by centrifugal force to equator” Fuddy-duddies: “It takes way more force to plow thru ocean rock”  Wegener died in Greenland in Greenland, 1930s Doing experiments with balloons & jet stream

11 Plate Tectonics Explains most  Earthquakes  Volcanoes  Magnetism  Fossils among continents  Rock ages among continents  Over WHOLE planet for MUCH of its life! Plate ideas of geology and plate tectonics 1. Geological time 2. Rocks flow! 3. Continents come and go

12 Geological Time Earth way old MYA = Millions of Years Ago Don't know most history  No fossils before Cambrian Explosion  Old rocks cycled

13 Big Picture (2)‏ 2. Rocks flow!  Continents move at a couple of cm/year  Continents float on top of and moved by mantle  Mantle gently churning  Liquid outer core churning Causes magnetic field

14 Big Picture (3)‏ 3. Life of Plates  Spreading ridges New (ocean) plate made  Subduction zone Ocean recycled in mantle  Transform fault Plates slide past each other  Plates come and go Continental plates  light, old and float (N. America)‏ Ocean plates  heavy, new and sink (Juan de Fuca)‏

15 Evidence (beyond Wegener's)‏ Magnetism and spreading ocean ridges Closest to ridge = youngest Farthest from ridge = oldest Symmetric magnetism both sides

16 Ramifications Subduction zones in more detail:  Ocean under continent  Ocean under ocean  Continent under continent

17 Complications 1. Hot spots  Upwelling of mantle rock punch thru continent Get volcanic mountain  As continent moves above hot spot volcano moves on continent Get volcanic rock mtn chain eroding away from active volcano  Hot spots may be necessary to keep plates buoyant and moving

18 Complications (2)‏ 2. Plate boundaries not always clear  India and Australia? 3. Plates deform internally China = Australia smashing into Eurasia Chinese rocks are a mess, very few level strata Basin and Range in N. America

19 Problems 1. Earthquakes in middle of continents? New Madrid faulting system Two estimated mag 8 quakes, 1811 & 1812

20 Problems (2)‏ 2. Early-early Earth?  Pangaea only 500 MY Old Earth 4500 MY Old  Much more hotter way back when More initial heat Several times more radioactive decay When Iron melted it fell to core  Released 1022 megatons of gravitational energy  What was “crust” like then?  Isolated island arcs?

21 Problem (3)‏ 3. If plate tectonics such a good theory why don't we see it on other Earth-like planets?  Mars Maybe at one time Some evidence of ancient ridge-like bands Mars is smaller --> cooled faster --> no tectonics now  Venus Magellan spacecraft radar-imaged whole planet “Know more about surface of Venus than of Earth” Expected “ocean crust” (spreading ridge, subduct zone)‏ See “continental crust” (mountains, strike-slip faults)‏ Explanation: “Venus' surface so hot that is naturally buoyant”

22 Earthquakes

23 Earthquake patterns (1)‏ In space: Along faults Transform faults Subduction zones Wadati-Benioff zone = seismically active portion of fault

24 Earthquake patterns (2)‏ In Time: Measured in months: Fore shocks Main shocks After shocks Measured in centuries (?)‏ “Elastic rebound theory” BIG QUAKE (releases most energy)‏ (many years of many small quakes)‏ BIG QUAKE (releases most energy)‏ (many years of many small quakes)‏ BIG QUAKE (releases most energy)‏ Is it true? Not enough data to say Japanese have longest record of (large) quakes: several centuries

25 Earthquake patterns (3)‏ In magnitude By definition “main shock” bigger than: fore shocks after shocks Gutenberg-Richter Relationship Lower magnitude -> more earthquakes Log(N(M)) = a-bM M = magnitude N(M) = # quakes of mag M & greater a,b = constants

26 Modeling earthquakes Spring-slider block model  2 moving plates  matrix of blocks between them w/friction  blocks connected by springs  when one block moves, can trigger others  Reproduces Gutenberg/Richter stats!

27 Earthquake Databases USGS records (‏ Where: longitude: -180 to 180 degrees latitude: -90 to 90 degrees depth: 0 to 700 (?) km When: time since 1973 How big: Magnitude M L : “Richter Scale” Just a measure of earth-shaking in California M S : Travel along surface M b : Travel deep M W : Seismic moment = (rock rigidity)(fault area)(slip dist)‏ Has more “rational” relationship w/the energy

28 Problems with db Location  Missing if too small/under sea  Inaccurately placed if too small/under sea Time  Missing if too small/under sea Magnitude  Inconsistent scale  Missing if too small/under sea

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