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CERN Council Open Session - 14 December 2007 Status Report from the Director-General [Excerpts]

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1 CERN Council Open Session - 14 December 2007 Status Report from the Director-General [Excerpts]

2 Status of the SCOAP 3 fund-raising 25% of the total budget pledged. Contacts with US, Russia, China and Japan established Pledged Germany, 1000k Italy, 700k France, 420k CERN, 230k Sweden, 88k Greece, 77k Slovakia, 4k Under discussion UK, 730k Spain, 340k Poland, 140k Portugal, 100k Netherlands, 100k Belgium, 70k Denmark, 60k Norway, 30k Fund-raising in the Member States 2

3 "[The EU Council] recognizes the strategic importance for Europes scientific development of current initiatives to develop sustainable models for open access [...]" and "underlines the importance of effective collaboration between different actors, including funding agencies, researchers, research institutions and scientific publishers, in relation to access [... to], scientific publications [...]". It "invites Member States to enhance the co-ordination between Member States, large research institutions and funding bodies on access [...] policies and practices" Conclusions of the 2832 nd EU Competitiveness Council 3 These principles are precisely the pillars of the SCOAP 3 model

4 4 SCOAP 3 fund-rising in Observer States Japan, 780k –Contacts with MEXT and KEK. Under internal discussion. Russia, 370k –Contacts with Ministry of Education and Science and Federal Atomic Energy Agency. Under internal discussion. JINR Dubna informed. India, 300k –Under investigation Israel, 110k –Under investigation Turkey, 70k –Under investigation

5 5 SCOAP 3 in the US (target: 2.7M) A three-pronged approach 1. DoE laboratories. Re-direction of money used for journals subscription today. Effort led by Fermilab and SLAC, LANL just joined. Being discussed with others 2. Re-direction of money used for journals collective subscription by large library consortia. California Digital Library (CDL), representing all Universities of California, very positive: "We find the model both intriguing and innovative and are impressed with the level of support that SCOAP3 has been able to garner in Europe to date. Any proposal that holds out promise for placing scholarly publication on a more sustainable and open footing is very welcome. We plan to study this initiative more closely in order to explore the feasibility of CDL becoming a SCOAP3 funding partner on behalf of the University of California Libraries. 3. Re-direction of subscriptions of individual university libraries which are not organised in consortia From a SCOAP 3 presentation at DoE/HEPAP on 29-30/11. Conclusion letter available in two weeks.

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