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Protecting Children Online Risks Faced by Children Online and Policies to Protect Them Council of Europe Regional Workshop Kyiv, Ukraine, 7-8 December.

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Presentation on theme: "Protecting Children Online Risks Faced by Children Online and Policies to Protect Them Council of Europe Regional Workshop Kyiv, Ukraine, 7-8 December."— Presentation transcript:

1 Protecting Children Online Risks Faced by Children Online and Policies to Protect Them Council of Europe Regional Workshop Kyiv, Ukraine, 7-8 December 2010

2 The OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Inter-Governmental Organisation, grouping 33 member countries committed to democracy and the market economy Provides statistics and economic and social data, analyses and forecasts economic developments Researches social changes and evolving patterns in many areas such as trade, environment, agriculture, fiscal policy, technology, and more …  « Policy laboratory » for governments

3 3 The OECD helps governments coordinate among themselves and with other stakeholders to design and implement national policies that are effective in an international environment.

4 4 Global Partners OECD shares expertise and exchanges views with more than 100 other countries. 33 member countries Australia Austria Belgium Canada Czech Republic Chile Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Israel Italy Japan Japan Korea Luxembourg Mexico Netherlands New Zealand Norway Poland Portugal Slovak republic Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom United States Candidates to accession Estonia* - Russia Enhanced Engagement Brazil – China – India Indonesia – South Africa (*) invited to become member in May 2010. Co-operation with International / Regional organisations

5 5 OECD Working Party on Information Security & Privacy (WPISP) Consensus-based policies To sustain trust in the Internet Economy With Business, Civil Society, Internet Technical Community And other international/regional organisations

6 6 WPISP’s work areas Security of information systems and networks –OECD 2002 Guidelines for the Security of Information Systems and Networks: Towards a Culture of Security –OECD 2008 Recommendation on the Protection of Critical Information Infrastructures –2007-2008: Recommendation on Critical Information Infrastructure protection –2011-2012 : Comparative analysis of cybersecurity strategies Digital Identity Management and E-Authentication Privacy protection (Since 1980) –OECD 1980 Guidelines for the Protection of Privacy (to be reviewed in 2011) –OECD 2007 Recommendation on Cross-Border Enforcement of Privacy Laws Technologies: Cloud Computing, RFID and Sensors Cryptography Protection of Children Online (2009-2011)

7 7 Protection of Children Online: Scope The work focuses on: –OECD members, but also includes information about other countries –Government policies to protect children online, taking into account all stakeholders’ responsibility and efforts OECD work does not cover criminal aspects, i.e. child sexual abuse images online Co-operation with Council of Europe to cover a wider spectrum of risks Analytical report  Policy Recommendations

8 8 Online Risks

9 9 Quantitative aspects Use of the Internet by children –E.g. Internet access is on the rise and increases with age (e.g. in UK in 2010: 75% of 5-7, 93% of 8-11 and 99% of 12-15) –E.g. Children spend more time on the Internet Statistics on risks –E.g. Children profiles on Social Networks increases, users get younger. (e.g. in UK, 22% of 8 to 11 year-olds) Availability and comparability of data –A large quantity of data is available: (e.g. 441 European studies, 2009) –Data availability depends on risks and becomes rapidly obsolete –Difficult to compare due to non-standardised age groups and lack of consensus on the definition of risks Data on exposure to violent content on the Internet in Europe ranges from 90% in Ireland for users aged 10-20, to 25% in Italy for children aged 7-11

10 10 Key findings The protection of children against risks online : Raises complex and evolving challenges –Benefits vs. variety risks –Changing technologies and uses Cultural dimension (e.g. harmful content) Emerging policy area

11 11 Mix of policy tools No silver policy bullet National mix Multilayered, Multi-stakeholders, Multilevel policies  Complexity National Policy Mix Legal measures Co & self- regulation Technical measures Awareness & education Positive content provision

12 12 Policy coherence Managing complex policies to protect children online requires: Co-ordination o Government leadership o Platforms for information exchange and co-ordination Consistency o Maximising protection, preserving benefits and fundamental rights o With economic and social dimensions of the Internet o Consolidation (definitions, instruments, public/private) Coherence o Mutually reinforcing policy action

13 13 Evidence-based policy Policies to protect children online should be proportionate to the risks, effective and balanced. This requires evidence based policy making. Measurement of risks o Input for evidence-based policy / national priority setting o Systematic and quantitative data surveys o Harmonisation of methodologies and definitions (national/ int’l level) Policy impact assessments o Enhancing the precision of policy making o Come to terms with conflicting policy objective Performance evaluation o Public / private sector initiatives

14 14 International co-operation Information exchange and co-ordination o Better co-ordination of work carried out by international/regional organisation o Empirical foundations for quantitative and qualitative comparative policy analysis Strengthening international networks o National Internet hotlines / awareness centers o Pursuing joint initiatives across borders, including with private sector o Capacity building / resource sharing

15 15 Report in March / April Recommendation in S2 2011

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