+ China Open/Close. + Hmmmm… In which ways can people be “open” or “closed” to others???? Do you believe ASFM is an “open” or “closed” school? Why? Discuss!

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Presentation on theme: "+ China Open/Close. + Hmmmm… In which ways can people be “open” or “closed” to others???? Do you believe ASFM is an “open” or “closed” school? Why? Discuss!"— Presentation transcript:

1 + China Open/Close

2 + Hmmmm… In which ways can people be “open” or “closed” to others???? Do you believe ASFM is an “open” or “closed” school? Why? Discuss! Do you believe Monterrey is an “open” or “closed” city? Why? Discuss!

3 +

4 +

5 + What do you think is the message of this image?

6 +

7 + Globalization Defined Globalization most often relates to the increasing interconnection between people and connection through: A) Technology B) Business C) Culture

8 + Open vs. Closed A society that is open participates fully in globalization whereas a society that is closed does not in some way or another

9 + One Day on Earth

10 + Congrats! You’re the new discoverer and democratically elected President of some random sounding country (I tried to make up a country but they all sounded stupid… sorry). Left side of the room – Reasons why your country shouldn’t be involved with globalization (trade, communication, travel, ideas, culture, etc) and instead depend only on itself to be successful. Right side of the room – Reasons why your country should be involved with globalization and therefore depend on others.

11 + Some Advantages… Helps spread the ideas of technology Consumers to get much wider variety of products to choose from. Consumers get the product they want at more competitive prices. It promotes understanding and goodwill among different countries because we can communicate in real time. Adverse impact of fluctuations in agricultural productions in one area can be reduced by pooling of production of different areas.

12 + Some Disadvantages… Economic depression in one country can trigger negative reactions across the globe. Countries lose their sense of uniqueness when they all imitate one idea of “culture.” It can increase spread of communicable diseases. Companies face much greater competition. This can put smaller companies, at a disadvantage as they do not have resources to compete at global scale.

13 + China Today Read one of the three articles about China in 2012.

14 + China Bans Music by Gaga – Oh no!

15 + China-Google Battle Over Internet Freedom

16 + Chinese Government Cracks Down on Internet Free Speech

17 + Open?

18 + Closed?

19 + Open?

20 + In conclusion:

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