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Broadening the Debate: The Pros and Cons of Globalization

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Presentation on theme: "Broadening the Debate: The Pros and Cons of Globalization"— Presentation transcript:

1 Broadening the Debate: The Pros and Cons of Globalization
Joyce Osland Journal of Management Inquiry

2 Introduction to Globalization
15th century New trade routes WWII International Monetary Fund World Trade Organization Reduce trade barriers Stimulate Globalization

3 Recent Trends Technological growth Recent protests

4 Opposing Views Proponents Opponents
Opportunity for economic growth and prosperity Opponents Threat to prosperity, political sovereignty, cultural integrity, and the environment

5 Definition of Globalization
Disagreement over definition Can be framed in a variety of ways Definition for this purpose “A process leading to greater economic interdependence and networks and the economic, political, social, cultural, and environmental results of that process.”

6 Purpose of the Article Impact of globalization on other areas in the broader system…a systems view Objective analysis of benefits and liabilities Common stakeholder perspectives Impact of globalization on: Equality, labor conditions, governments, culture and community, and the environment

7 Positive Effect of Globalization on Equality
Income increased globally Increased wages for well educated Increased wages for technologically skilled Improved economic conditions for those who compete successfully in the global economy Increased access to more goods Reduced prices duet to competition

8 Negative Effect of Globalization on Equality
Greater gap between the haves and the have-nots Some downward pressure on wages for the poorly educated and technologically unskilled Worsened economic conditions in countries marginalized from the global economy.

9 Positive Effect of Globalization on Labor Conditions
Increased job opportunities Upgraded education system and more training Increased labor standards Increased labor productivity CNN effect pressures firms to correct labor abuses

10 Negative Effect of Globalization on Labor Conditions
Certain industries were forced out of business Decreased labor conditions, forced over time, etc Decreased power of unions, benefits, and pensions

11 Globalization and Culture
Greater cross-cultured understanding Double edged sword Monoculture Other views of decentralization Regional centers Ethical identity

12 Environmental Sustainability
Meeting needs without compromising the ability of future generations Positive side Negative side

13 Globalization and Governments
Historically, governments played a major role in the promotion of economic development Currently, governments have less to do with the economic development within their borders

14 Technology, Governments, and Globalization
Technology has allowed businesses to move and change so fast that governments can’t keep up Technology has also helped break down the market boundaries, making it a losing battle for governments to try to control them

15 Positive and Negative Impacts on Governments because of Globalization
Positives Infrastructure Jobs Economic Development Improved management techniques Less wars? Negatives Lower labor standards Private vs. public goods Less government programs Smaller tax base

16 Lessons Learned Expanded boundaries shows good and bad
Impact is “mixed” Must consider tradeoffs Understand different assumptions for more objective discussions Take a systems approach The need to “tame” globalization

17 United Nations’ Global Compact
Response to globalization Aims to “create a more stable, equitable, and inclusive global market by making its nine principles an integral part of business activities everywhere.” Nine points Human rights, labor standards, and environmental practices

18 Global Compact Now 3,200 business participants in 94 countries
Added a tenth point on anti-corruption Participation and implementation lag is some markets including the U.S. New challenges: Motivate companies Deepen engagement by companies Increased penetration in emerging economies

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