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Canadian Symbols - Film A symbol is something/someone who stands for or represents someone or something else, an idea or quality.

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Presentation on theme: "Canadian Symbols - Film A symbol is something/someone who stands for or represents someone or something else, an idea or quality."— Presentation transcript:

1 Canadian Symbols - Film A symbol is something/someone who stands for or represents someone or something else, an idea or quality.

2 1. If a picture is worth a 1000 words, than the Canadian Flag is worth a million. 2. Symbols can come from any sources, elements found in our landscape, the rich traditions of aboriginal peoples, and people who came to live in Canada.

3 3. The first flag to fly in Canada was the St. George Cross of England brought by explorer John Cabot in 1497.

4 Fleur-de-Lis and Union Jack 4. The Fleur –de-Lis was carried by Jacques Cartier in 1534. 5. Since the 18 th century the Union Jack has symbolized membership in the commonwealth and allegiance to the British Crown.

5 The Red Ensign 6. From 1870 to 1965 the Red Ensign was our unofficial flag.

6 The Canadian Maple Leaf 7. The Maple Leaf flag first flew in 1965. Debate over the new flag. wmk6fvcJDA&feature=fvw tNQA2pOp4&feature=related George Stanley

7 8. List four famous Canadian buildings shown in the ever so cool musical montage. Parliament CN Tower Light house of Peggy’s Cove Peggy’s Cove LightHouse Nova Scotia

8 Pride 9. Our Maple Leaf identifies embassies and high commissions abroad and says home to Canadian Citizens. 10. As Canadians we embrace such values as compassion, respect and acceptance.

9 11. Countries troubled by war see the Maple Leaf as a symbol representing security fairness and justice.

10 12. Besides peacekeeping, what is one other way Canada helps other countries? Group Discussion/Reflection 13. The United Nations has several times declared Canada the best country to live in. 15. Before Europeans arrived, the aboriginal people lived here and they had a spiritual and enduring respect for the land, water, forests, wildlife. 14. Canadian travelers get a warm welcome when the flag is recognized.

11 16. What does the new Canadian citizen say when he/she receives his/her certificate of citizenship? O’Canada Your challenge is to write the O ‘ Canada stanzas.

12 17. What is one reason people from other Nations wish to live in Canada? Reflection Question 18. What is meant by the term multiculturalism? Discussion and Reflection 19. List Five sports that are portrayed. Hockey, skiing, skating, cycling, rowing, running, swimming

13 Canadian Hero's! 20. What famous Canadian hero is pictured to the left?

14 Canadian Accomplisments 21. List four jobs that are mentioned by the young people. Vet Marine biologist Astronnaut Musicians Social Worker Movie makers

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