MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys Survey Design Workshop Household Questionnaire: Education.

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Presentation on theme: "MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys Survey Design Workshop Household Questionnaire: Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys Survey Design Workshop Household Questionnaire: Education

2 MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Information collected 1.Highest level attended and highest grade completed 2.Attendance during current school year 3.Attendance during previous school year

3 MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Indicators 1.Pre-school attendance 2.School readiness 3.Net intake rate in primary education 4.Primary school net attendance ratio 5.Secondary school net attendance ratio 6.Gender parity index (primary school) 7.Gender parity index (secondary school)

4 MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Indicators 8. Children reaching last grade of primary 9. Primary completion rate 10. Transition rate to secondary school

5 MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Ages 3 and 4: Preschool attendance

6 MICS4 Survey Design Workshop




10 School readiness Net intake rate in primary education Net primary school attendance ratio Net secondary school attendance ratio Children reaching last grade of primary Primary completion rate Literacy rate Transition rate to secondary education

11 MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Goals Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) Achieve universal primary education Promote gender equality and empower women World Fit for Children (WFFC) Providing quality education Early childhood education Children out of school and alternative education Numeracy, literacy and essential life skills Adult literacy

12 MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Why do we measure education? Provide a comprehensive description of childrens participation and progression in the education system To evaluate impact of programmes and interventions based on trends

13 MICS4 Survey Design Workshop MICS Indicators # 7.2 - School readiness Numerator: Number of children in first grade of primary school who attended pre-school during the previous school year Denominator: Total number of children attending the first grade of primary school

14 MICS4 Survey Design Workshop MICS Indicators # 7.3 - Net intake rate in primary education Numerator: Number of children of school-entry age who enter the first grade of primary school Denominator: Total number of children of school-entry age

15 MICS4 Survey Design Workshop MICS Indicator # 7.4 - Primary school net attendance ratio (adjusted) Numerator: Number of children of primary school age currently attending primary or secondary school Denominator: Total number of children of primary school age Note: the primary school age is defined at the country level and agreed at the international level via ISCED1

16 MICS4 Survey Design Workshop MICS Indicator # 7.5 - Secondary school net attendance ratio (adjusted) Numerator: Number of children of secondary school age currently attending secondary school or higher Denominator: Total number of children of secondary-school age Note: the secondary school age is defined at the country level and agreed at the international level via ISCED2

17 MICS4 Survey Design Workshop MICS Indicator # 7.9 & # 7.10 - Gender parity index primary/ secondary school Numerator: Net primary/secondary school attendance ratio for girls Denominator: Net primary/secondary school attendance ratio for boys

18 MICS4 Survey Design Workshop MICS Indicator # 7.6 - Children reaching last grade of primary Proportion of children entering the first grade of primary school who eventually reach last grade

19 MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Methodological issues Also known as survival rate to last grade. Measures the education systems success in retaining children. Reconstucted cohort method. Assumes that dropouts never return to schools, promotion, repetition and dropout rates remain constant over the period, same rates apply to all pupils attending a grade

20 MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Methodological issues The product of proportions of transition for each grade Results look too high, because only retention is considered Repeaters are excluded from calculations Only dropouts are considered

21 MICS4 Survey Design Workshop MICS Indicator # 7.7 - Primary completion rate Numerator: Number of children (of any age) attending the last grade of primary school (excluding repeaters) Denominator: Total number of children of primary school completion age (age appropriate to final grade of primary school)

22 MICS4 Survey Design Workshop MICS Indicator # 7.8 - Transition rate to secondary school Numerator: Number of children attending the last grade of primary school during the previous school year who were in the first grade of secondary school during the current school year Denominator: Total number of children attending the last grade of primary school during the previous school year

23 MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Methodological issues – points to note The importance of estimation of age & eligibility of children to different levels of education Timing of survey versus the school year is important Proper customization is critical If non-formal education is prevalent, this should be reflected in the module – as separate questions

24 MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Methodological issues – points to note Attendance vs. enrolment Net attendance vs. gross Differences between different data sources – admin data versus survey data

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