Fast Portscan Detection Using Sequential Hypothesis Testing Authors: Jaeyeon Jung, Vern Paxson, Arthur W. Berger, and Hari Balakrishnan Publication: IEEE.

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Presentation on theme: "Fast Portscan Detection Using Sequential Hypothesis Testing Authors: Jaeyeon Jung, Vern Paxson, Arthur W. Berger, and Hari Balakrishnan Publication: IEEE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fast Portscan Detection Using Sequential Hypothesis Testing Authors: Jaeyeon Jung, Vern Paxson, Arthur W. Berger, and Hari Balakrishnan Publication: IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2004 Presenter:Ryan Cunningham

2 A quick note All images and equations taken directly from the publication

3 Port scanning Network reconnaissance technique Usually a prelude to an attack Difficult to detect  Traffic difficult to distinguish from regular traffic  Stealth scans can occur very slowly  Some scans are legitimate Search engine spiders SSH, peer-to-peer applications, etc.

4 Previous detection techniques Limit distinct connection attempts from one IP  Network Security Monitor  Snort Also detects malformed packets Limit failed connection attempts from one IP  Bro Sensitive to service on specific port  Robertson et al. showed threshold very important

5 Previous detection techniques Probabilistic model  Developed by Leckie et al.  Assesses typical traffic a machine receives  Also assesses the traffic a remote machine is likely to send  Combines these probabilities If the result is too much, an alert is sounded  Generates too many false positives

6 Previous detection techniques SPICE  Similar to probabilistic model  Used to detect low traffic “stealth” scans  Too computationally intensive for real world

7 Data set Traffic from two sites  LBL 6,000 hosts Sparse address space 4.4%  ICSI 200 hosts Dense address space 42%

8 Data set Anonymized TCP logs from Bro Recorded for one 24 hour period Bro NIDS flags for comparison and validation

9 Data set Unsuccessful Login attempt analysis

10 Data set Ratio of successful login attempts to unsuccessful login attempt analysis

11 Observations Scans usually come from one host Scans make lots of failed connection attempts and few successful connection attempts Scans should ideally be detected quickly False positive rate should be configurable

12 Sequential Hypothesis Testing Proposed by Wald in the 1940’s Method of doing repeated hypothesis testing as sequential data is gathered Deciding between two hypotheses Each time a data point arrives, decide  Accept H 0 (in our case, benign traffic)  Accept H 1 (in our case, port scan traffic)  Wait for more data (next connection attempt)

13 Sequential Hypothesis Testing We specify parameters  and    > false positive rate   < detection accuracy We must estimate parameters   and      probability a benign connection attempt is successful    probability a scanner connection attempt is successful

14 Sequential Hypothesis Testing For each test, we compute the likelihood ratio: Where

15 Sequential Hypothesis Testing Compare likelihood ratio to: If   <   then this is benign traffic   >   then this is scan traffic  Otherwise, wait for another connection

16 Sequential Hypothesis Testing We can estimate the expected number of connections required to decide with: Derivation is long and messy

17 Sequential Hypothesis Testing

18 Algorithm

19 Results Efficiency = true positive / total reported positive Effectiveness = true positive / total actually positive

20 Results Comparison with Snort and Bro N bar = average number of local hosts scanned before decision is made

21 Contributions Extremely fast port scan detection algorithm High accuracy Low false positive rate Sound statistical foundation Soundly evaluate the weaknesses of their approach Good use of appendixes Cure for insomnia

22 Weaknesses Buffer of activity  Attacker can spoof multiple IP addresses How is filled buffer dealt with?  Flush buffer  Attacker can use this to hide scan activity  Maintain larger buffer  Attacker can keep going until system crashes Distributed port scans undetectable  Botnets are increasing in popularity

23 Weaknesses Test assumes independent connection attempts  As suggested in paper, an attacker could exploit knowledge of the system to connect to some systems while doing surveillance on others No real time testing conducted, only simulation Reasoning is a little circular Poor use of language

24 Improvements Implement and test in real time Perform suggested improvements in paper  Differentiate between different services  Differentiate between rejected and unanswered connection attempts  Use a honeypot to see if complete three way hand shake is completed (to detect spoofed IPs) Should have kept some of the data away as a sort of test data set

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