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MICS Dissemination. Using MICS results to the maximum extent possible … to report on MDG and WFFC progress to update the situation analysis of children.

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Presentation on theme: "MICS Dissemination. Using MICS results to the maximum extent possible … to report on MDG and WFFC progress to update the situation analysis of children."— Presentation transcript:

1 MICS Dissemination

2 Using MICS results to the maximum extent possible … to report on MDG and WFFC progress to update the situation analysis of children in the country to (evidence-based) advocate to strengthen public policies and programmes in favor of children to facilitate additional in-depth analysis by national universities and research centres to mobilize stakeholders and stimulate national and local debates

3 Organizing Public Presentations Launching of Report –Political leaders, –Ministries –Partners in Development –Media (TV, Radio, printed press) Ad-hoc Presentations on specific results specific Press-releases etc

4 MICS Dissemination Plan At national level: –Ministries (both political and technical level) –Parliament –International community present in the country –Civil society, including adolescents associations –Mass media –Universities and Research centers

5 MICS Dissemination plan At local level, if you have data valid at subnational level: –Local authorities –Local civil society organizations –Local mass-media Try to stimulate a positive competition among regions, comparing one region with the national average or the neighbor better-off region

6 MICS Report Accessibility Printed Copies Light version of the Report CD ROM Ready made PowerPoint presentations Web site DevInfo Pocket card Poster

7 Plan for the MICS Dissemination Plan from the beginning Include it in the Survey Design Include it in the Survey budget Dont consider the MICS exercise finished with the publication of the MICS report…. Its dissemination and use is also strategic!

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