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This lecture was conducted during the Nephrology Unit Grand Ground by a Sub- intern under Nephrology Division, Department of Medicine in King Saud University.

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Presentation on theme: "This lecture was conducted during the Nephrology Unit Grand Ground by a Sub- intern under Nephrology Division, Department of Medicine in King Saud University."— Presentation transcript:

1 This lecture was conducted during the Nephrology Unit Grand Ground by a Sub- intern under Nephrology Division, Department of Medicine in King Saud University. Nephrology Division is NOT responsible for the content of the presentation for it is intended for learning and /or education purpose only.

2 ACUTE PANCREATITIS Done by : Saad Alsaawy

3 pancreas  It’s account for 0.1% of total body weight but has 13 times the protein-producing capacity of the liver and the reticuloendothelial system combined.  Endocrine 20%.  Exocrine 80%.  Pancreatic acinar cells zymogens pancreatic ductal cells duodenum.

4 physiology Meal ingestion -ve Feeback the vagal nerves. vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP). secretin. cholecystokinin (CCK). Digestive proenzymesTrypsinogen to trypsin Proenzymes to Active form

5 The Protection mecanism.  1. protein translation into proenzymes. 2. posttranlation modification and segregation. 3. packaging with protease inhibitors. 4. acidic PH and low calcium.  Intracellular enzyme activation and pancreatic autodigestion leading to acute pancreatitis.

6 Etiology  Most common causes due to : 1. Gallstones. 2. Alcohol abuse.  Other causes are : 3. Post ERCP. 4. viral infection. 5. Drugs. 6. hypercalcemia and hypertriglyceridemia. 7. Abdominal trauma.

7 pathogenesis  By activation of the proenzymes leads to autodigestion of the pancreas through : 1. Obstruction of the main pancreatic duct or the CBD a. Gallstones. b. alcohol. 2. Chemical injury to acinar cells. 3. Infection injry to acinar cells.

8 4. Mechanical injury. 5. Metabolic activation of proenzymes.  Trypsin also activate the proenzyme and lead to : 1. protease damage acinar cells. 2. lipase & phospholipase produce enzymtic fat necrosis. 3. Elastase damage vessels wall and produce hemorrhage.

9 Clinical findings  Fever  Nausea  Vomiting  Abdominal pain  Hypovolemic shock  Hypoxemia & (ARDS)  Tetany

10 Clinical findings  Grey- Turner sign.  Cullen’s sign.

11 Complication  Pancreatic necrosis : - systemic signs occur earlier. - peripancreatic infection.  Pancreatic pseudocyst: ( 20 %) - Abdominal mass with persistence of serum amylase up to 10 days. - treatment.

12 Complication  Pancreatic abscess : - Abdominal pain. - high fever duo to sepsis. - neutrophilic leuckocytosis. - persistent hyperamylsemia. - diagnosis. - tratment.

13 Complication  Pancreatic ascites : - duo to leaking of pseudosyct. - high amylase in peritoneal fluid. - resolve spontanously.  Hemorrhagic pancreatitis.  ARDS

14 Laboratory Findings  Serum Amylase. - sensitivity 85%, specificity 70 %. - increase in 2-12hrs. Peak over 12-30 hrs. return to normal in 2-4 days. - present in urine 1-14 days. - persistent increase > 7day.  Serum lipase. - more specific for pancreatitis. - increase in 3-6 hrs. peak over 12-30 hrs. return to normal in 7-10 days. - not excreted in urine.

15  Serum immunoreactive trypsin.  Neutrophilic leuckocytosis.  Hypocalcemia, and hyperglycemia.

16 Imaging Studies  CT scan is gold standard for pancreatic imaging.  Most accurate test for diagnosis and identifiying complication.

17  Abdominal radiograph.  Abdominal Ultrasound.  ERCP.

18 Tratment  Bowel rest (NPO).  IV fluids.  Pain control.  Nasogastric tube.  Oxygen.

19 prognosis  Ranson’s criteria. (GA LAW) (C HOBBS) Initial 48 hrs. criteriaAdmission criteria Ca < 8 mg/dlGlucose > 200 mg/dl Decrease in Hematocrit < 10%Age > 55 years Pao2 < 60 mm HgLDH > 350 IU/L BUN > 8 mg/dlAST > 250 U/L Base deficiet > 4 mg/dlWBC > 16,000 cells/mm3 Fluid Sequestration > 6L

20  Mortality rate.  Patient with > 3-4 criteria should be monitord in an ICU setting. %points 1 %< 3 criteria 15%3-4 40%5-6 100 %>7


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