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APLNG 410 Megan Stump.  Activity ◦ Intended Use ◦ Directions ◦ Modifications ◦ Critique  Personal Philosophy ◦ General and Pronunciation ◦ Questions.

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Presentation on theme: "APLNG 410 Megan Stump.  Activity ◦ Intended Use ◦ Directions ◦ Modifications ◦ Critique  Personal Philosophy ◦ General and Pronunciation ◦ Questions."— Presentation transcript:

1 APLNG 410 Megan Stump

2  Activity ◦ Intended Use ◦ Directions ◦ Modifications ◦ Critique  Personal Philosophy ◦ General and Pronunciation ◦ Questions to consider ◦ Ways to combat the issue

3  Source ◦ From Pronunciation Games by Mark Hancock  Title ◦ Pronunciation Journey  Reason ◦ My own experience with my language partners

4  Book Standards ◦ Elementary level ◦ For minimal pairs  Class Use ◦ ESL ◦ Variety of proficiency levels ◦ Middle school age  My Intended Use ◦ Tutoring experience ◦ 1-on-1 or pair work

5  Materials Needed: Worksheet  Directions ◦ Presentation  Choose minimal pair words and list them in two columns on the board  Read words aloud to the class and have students state which column they are from ◦ Conducting the game  Give each student a worksheet. Start at Point 1. Explain at each numbered point you can turn right or left to get to next point.  Teacher will read aloud four words from the board. For each word students will choose whether to turn right or left based on what side of the board they think the word is from.  Students will arrive at a final destination. Go over the route together to check for the correct route.

6 Minimal Pairs Ship Sheep Lip Leap Fit Feet Sick Seek Lick Leak Bit Beat

7 Hancock, p. 1 Strengths -Teacher is initial model (to show correctness) -Presentation part can be as repetitive as needed -Worksheet is an interactive tool -Repetitive nature builds students’ knowledge which -Leads to students being able to lead the activity (reduces dependence on teacher) -Can be utilized for various aspects of pronunciation Improvements -Basically a listen and repeat exercise -Isolated activity so there is a lack of authentic examples/ways to practice -Still has some level of neglect in regards to learners understanding what they are doing

8 “In instances where the learners show competence in perceiving the differences in test items, a teacher should employ more complex speech samples to assess and teach perception.” (Derwing, et al., 2012)  Based on class needs I would utilize the activity for specific segmental features, not just minimal pairs  I would make the presentation part more extensive. Teacher as model and initial student repetition, followed by students breaking into pairs or small groups to sound aloud the words. Try saying the words in different ways (fast, slow, with emotion)  Once sounds and words are understood I would utilize the worksheet but would use expressions and full sentences instead of single words for a more complex comprehension measure

9 General Teaching Philosophy The power of relationship building and knowing students individually – who are they as a student and as a person. Philosophy on Pronunciation Meet students where they are. It’s not about what I potentially should be doing but what the student needs.

10  Though suprasegmentals are considered more important in regards to instruction, I’m not sure how much more important they are if a learner is struggling with segmentals  Since I believe it’s about the student, even if I should be focusing on suprasegmentals I will take the time to teach segmentals if the student(s) is struggling with this level

11  Support from the reading: ◦ “ We recommend that instructors dedicate time to focusing on pronunciation features that are unlikely to improve naturally, and less time on areas that may improve to native or near- native levels through input and interaction alone” (Derwing et al., 2012, p. 264)  *Some segmental features will not improve on their own and therefore will need to be addressed in class. Meet students where they are at. However, in order to do this: ◦ “…it is vital that instructors know which aspects of pronunciation would benefit their students most in class” (Derwing et al., 2012, p. 261)  *This is about knowing your students as individuals. I would recommend starting with a self-assessment form for each student.

12  Questions to consider: ◦ Both of my language partners appeared to be at different levels but were in the same class ◦ As an instructor, do you cater to the student struggling with segmentals (and others may be bored) or do you move on to other language skills but risk that some individuals will not learn basic skills?

13  To try to combat this issue: ◦ Create various ‘learning centers’ within the classroom where students can work in small groups or individually on specific tasks or skill sets ◦ One of the centers is with the instructor ◦ Instructor can choose to work with students on a one- on-one basis or in small groups of similar areas of challenge ◦ During this time the instructor can work on specific areas that need improvement without taking class time that everyone is a part of

14 Derwing, et al. 2012. A longitudinal study of listening perception in adult learners of english: Implications for teachers. The Canadian Modern Language Review, 68(3), 247-266.

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