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Reading at Oakfield Primary Aims of Today How to help your child to be a successful reader?

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Presentation on theme: "Reading at Oakfield Primary Aims of Today How to help your child to be a successful reader?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reading at Oakfield Primary Aims of Today How to help your child to be a successful reader?

2 Four tips for a successful reading session 1.Positivity 2.Decoding strategies 3.Comprehension strategies 4.Fun!

3 Positivity Don’t forget to gush!!! Well done, you read that well, can you read it back one more time to check you read all of it correctly. It’s ok to make mistakes, that means you are learning! That was tricky but you were brilliant, you tried so hard. Don’t worry that you found that tricky, it can be tiring reading in the afternoon sometimes. Don’t worry that you found that tricky, the book was challenging. What wonderful reading. I liked the way you… Don’t be afraid to tell children how to improve but always focus on the positives first and only give them one thing to improve at a time. I am so impressed with your effort in reading that I think you could get a special reading sticker! What did you think of your reading today?

4 Read Write Inc A complete literacy programme - systematic and structured. Meets the demands of the new national curriculum, giving your children the best chance of success in the national tests. Storybooks align with the sounds learnt in class.

5 Read Write Inc


7 Decoding Strategies Sound it out and blend the phonemes The clown did tricks with a chimpanzee.

8 Decoding Strategies Look for clues in the pictures? Every morning David Beckham brings me a cup of tea.

9 Decoding Strategies Split the words up into smaller parts? The clouds were thundering loudly. Thun + der + ing = thundering We went on a trip to Manchester. Man + chest + er = Manchester

10 Read to the end of the sentence then go back to work it out. Mother was delighted when father finally got round to putting the shelves up. Developing contextual understanding: Talk about the text (warm up the text) before reading to engage the child with the subject, e.g. ‘what do you think this story is going to be about? Has that ever happened to you?’ Ask questions about the text at each stage to ensure the child UNDERSTANDS the words they are reading. Ask them to re-read a sentence if they need to. At unknown words, prompt by discussing the topic area or story plot and encourage children to think logically about the context Eg Child reads: I went to the shop and bugged an apple - “Does that make sense? What do you do at a shop?”

11 Pause, Prompt, Praise Our responses depend on the nature of the mistake the child makes! When reading successfully….When reading inaccurately…. Praise when a child reads a word/phrase/correctly. Praise when a child self corrects. Praise when a child reads the word correctly after a prompt. WAIT to give the child the chance to self correct. If the word is phonetically correct… If the word is NOT phonetically correct…. Use picture clues, ‘look at the picture to help you.’ Use the grammar of the sentence, Read the rest of the sentence to see if that word makes sense… Use the context of the story, ‘what do you think Dad might be saying? Say, ‘sound it out using your phonics.’ If they don’t recognise the grapheme, prompt them. If the word is not correct after two prompts, calmly say, ‘the word is….’ Ensure you revisit the word at the end of the session.

12 Comprehension Questions Stop at various points throughout the text to ensure your child has established meaning. What happened after...? Who was it that...? Describe what happened at...? Who spoke to...? Can you tell why...? What do you think could happen next...? Who do you think...? More sophisticated comprehension questions: What was the main idea...? Who was the key character...? What differences exist between...? Can you provide an example of what you mean...? Can you explain which part of the text tells you that…?

13 Any questions? Thank you again and have fun!

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