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“Our thoughts and values and worldviews cause us to see the world in a particular way and are the sources of our actions. Thus in the end, these same values.

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Presentation on theme: "“Our thoughts and values and worldviews cause us to see the world in a particular way and are the sources of our actions. Thus in the end, these same values."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Our thoughts and values and worldviews cause us to see the world in a particular way and are the sources of our actions. Thus in the end, these same values come to create the world for us, a world in which disease and disaster can flourish. – In a very real sense, human beings create the conditions for their own illness, out of their dreams, beliefs, values, social structures, and thoughts. It is not that people in authority are stupid or evil, simply that they cannot see a way out because of this way of thinking, seeing and believing...” Sky of Memory

2 Butterfly "Andrew, Everyone talks and writes about the butterfly effect, not realizing the profound importance to the birth of a butterfly of the pupa stage, in which the living creature 'collapses' into internal chaos to emerge into something beauteous through the motion of an inner directed creative collapse…“ (At de Lange)

3 “ Leaders know what they stand for. They have core values to which they adhere no matter what the circumstances. -It is not enough to dream you have to hold on to that dream when the world around you seems to want to wrench it away. It is in these moments that we all need support. Many enlightened companies have recognised the need for team and community. What makes a difference however is what value is placed on those teams and communities for what they provide. It can be the foundation from which the courageous individual can step out, knowing others around them are willing them to succeed.” Dear Andrew, Today I wanted to cry when I read your words and others that you send. It has become too easy for me to take for granted the work I am doing here because I thought about it for so long now, and the problems I try to solve day after day become routine. So, you see, for you to remind me how important it is (was) very good for me (Better than money or anything physical you might give.) because 'respect' is such a big thing here in the community I live in, many of my 'fathers' (the elders of the village) who give me advice are very careful to advise me in a way that I will understand how to do what I need to do, without telling me 'direct'. What I read from you was the same. The best source of support and encouragement seems to come from the ‘back door’ and not the ‘front door’…. I try and learn what I can from it. The (paper) Mill is very close to running now. My three biggest battles almost over, (water, electricity and equipment). After four months of carrying buckets of water on my head and trying to get power connected for nine months- I have just a few pieces of equipment to finish putting together and some odd things to collect. (Generator, water tank, guillotine etc.) These things will come, because everything comes with time. And I am learning patience here. I want to elaborate on the 'bike story‘ that you wrote to the Learning-organization community (Butterfly or bike?). It was because the people in the village advised me I should continue to greet my neighbors, the man who took (stole) everything I had shipped from across to the Gambia, (my sewing machine, bike etc) that people have since done many jobs for me for free. (Building works and such like.) Because to cause trouble, with the family that I live next door to, would not be wise. I asked the man with my second set of keys were doing in his room and where he had gone for two days around the time my things were taken, of course he denied everything. And I calmed myself and told myself it's not for me to punish this man, I simply asked him to return my things if he had them. I know I would have reacted very differently in the UK, but the rewards would not be there. I live now in a society where everybody helps everybody - with the belief that if you do good, good will follow you. Only this morning someone brought me breakfast, whom I have barely spoken to, and this happens most days, not only to me because I am the only white person in the village, but everyone. I'm off to finish washing and other jobs - thank you for taking the time for me. I hope I can write to you in the near future on the paper we are making here, so you can see what you helped to create. I ask just one thing, that you go to the bookshop and greet my family, Toby and Chris and the kids. Let them know I am well. If you ever need to contact me - I do have an e-mail address, which you may prefer to use rather than post…(shortest snip;-)…I hope this letter finds you in good health. Thank you once again. May May and children, Gambia, West Africa. May left England after graduating from Art School trained in calligraphy and book binding at Leeds University, and after selling everything she owned built and financed a paper making plant in Africa so that these children would be self sufficient. I sent May some encouragement and some advice from my Learning-org colleagues. Left, is her reply. May is a deep and core inspiration to me. I tell her story to as many people as I can in the hope she will inspire them to give up something of what they have to freely give to help her.

4 Respect and Understanding What is it that holds so many groups to an astonishingly constant for so many years? This seems to be the problem now – the problem of constancy, rather than change.

5 Bortoft and Scharmer- IV. Imagination Becomes An Organ Of Perception Then, this imagination becomes an organ of perception. You can develop it. I get the sense that when you do it you are moving in another space, an imaginal realm. It is a movement. And it seems more real than the outer world. I think it is more real because you are doing it. You are active. Goethe had an enormous ability in that regard. The same is true for Picasso. The way he painted. When you look at his pictures you see the metamorphoses. Bortoft and Scharmer- Dialogonleadership project As Goethe spoke of all living things. ‘They separate and seek each other again, and thus effect an endless productivity in every way and in every direction. ‘ 23 rd December 2002 Copyright andrew campbell 2002

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