MSK Section Research Meeting 7-21-06. 2005-2006 Academic Year Publications MR arthrography of the knee: how, why, when MRI findings of femoral diaphyseal.

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1 MSK Section Research Meeting 7-21-06

2 2005-2006 Academic Year Publications MR arthrography of the knee: how, why, when MRI findings of femoral diaphyseal stress injuries in athletes. Acromioclavicular joint osteoarthritis: comparison of findings derived from MR imaging and conventional radiolgraphy. Fresh Osteochondral Allografts. Posterior cruciate ligament recess and normal posterior capsular insertional anatomy: MR imaging of cadaveric knees. MR imaging of the hip abductors: normal anatomy and commonly encountered pathology at the greater trochanter. MR imaging of the finger tendons: normal anatomy and commonly encountered pathology. Paraspinal muscle vasculature contributes to posterolateral spinal fusion. Normal MR Imaging Anatomy of the Elbow. MR Imaging of the Rotator Cuff Interval. Magnetic resonance imaging of the hip.

3 2005-2006 Academic Year Publications Pellegrini-Stieda disease: a heterogeneous disorder not synonymous with ossification/ calcification of the tibial collateral ligament – anatomic and imaging investigation. Inflammation of Hoffa’s Fat Pad in the Setting of HIV: MR Imaging Findings in 5 Patients. Painful stress fractures in the fabella in patients with total knee arthroplasty. Hyperplastic callus formation in osteogenesis imperfecta type V Magnetic resonance imaging of para-acetabular insufficiency fractures in patients with malignancy MRI of anterior tibiotalar impingement Radial and ulnar bursae of the wrist Deep and superficial infrapatellar bursae of the knee Pattern of osteophytes and enthesophytes in the proximal ulna Imaging findings in asymptomatic patients with femoral diaphyseal stress injuries Hypoplasia of the glenoid neck of the scapula

4 2005-2006 Academic Year Publications 22 Peer Review Publications (20 Peer Review Publications 2004-2005) (21 Peer Review Publications 2003-2004)

5 Collaborators Graeme Bydder –Ultrashort TE Imaging Parviz Haghighi –Pathology Rob Pedowitz –Orthopedic surgery

6 Fellow Requirements One didactic lecture One research project –2 weeks to choose a project –After 2 week time period, project will be assigned Case preparation –Divide into individual cases and label folder with diagnosis –Folder should contain a word document Origin of case (telerad location/ VA/ Thornton/ Scripps/ Hillcrest) Identifying info of patient Pertinent history –All cases should be loaded into MIRC server (Amil will direct) as well as computer in telerad room

7 Projects Writing –Case reports –Pictorial essays –Chapters Doing and Writing –Retrospective review –Prospective studies –Lab projects –Imaging projects

8 IRB Approval Required for: –All review of medical records –All retrospective review –Any study involving patients/ informed consent Website: http// Types of approval: –Regular –Expedited UCSD and VA approval –Share a common IRB committee –Once UCSD IRB approval acquired, must pass an administrative approval by VA R&D committee

9 Steps to Begin Project Idea!! Verify the validity and novelty of the idea –Literature search (PUB MED) –Key articles (E-journal –Establish target journal –Discuss authorship and work responsibilities Study design –Objective –Basic materials and methods Data analysis –Good idea to touch base with statistician to be sure design is statistically valid –Paul Clopton (VA extension 3534) Write –According to target journal instructions to authors Submit

10 Authorship If you write and submit the article to the journal, you will be the first author If you do not submit the article to the journal, you WILL NOT be the first author unless arrangements have been made and approved by the lead author With authorship comes the burden of justification for your role in a project

11 Study Design: Cadaveric Projects Contact person Deb Trudell (VA extension 7058) Protocol Description Worksheet –Study description –Specimen request –MR technique (very specific) Imaging time –Wednesday 9 pm start time –Sunday 5 pm start time

12 Imaging Policy All MR images obtained for studies must be put in jpeg format the night of imaging, placed in a folder on the Neuroradiology PACS station on your VA sign in Request 2 CD’s of the data to be written by Mike Olds (leave note on his door) One CD for your records which should be placed on the Research computer in a folder with the project name One CD should be submitted to lead author Any photographs of gross anatomy/ dissections, etc for projects should be placed on the Research computer with a CD submitted to lead author

13 Meeting Presentation Funding for abstract presentation at major scientific meetings Deadlines: –ARRS October 1, 2006 Deadline (Meeting May 6-11, 2007 Orlando) –SSR October ? deadline (Meeting March 2007, Orlando) –ISMRM ?? Deadline October (Meeting May 19-25, 2007 Berlin) –RSNA April 15 (Meeting Nov-Dec. 2007, Chicago) –International Skeletal Society ?? deadline (September 2007, Budapest)

14 Amil Research Radiology projects: –Accessory muscles of the ankle –Accessory muscle of the wrist or knee –MR arthroscopic correlation Computer projects: –PowerPoint to flash conversion –Friday conference on the internet –Resident musculoskeletalradiology curriculum online –Structured reporting MIRC

15 Amil Research Educational projects: –Fractures –Arthritis –Hardware Post op complications –Incidental findings –Skeletal scintigraphy

16 Tudor Research Review article –Bone within Bone appearance –HIV Manifestations in MSK –Periosteal reaction (possible poster) –MSK findings of illicit drugs (possible poster) Rick Arigo –Radiologic MSK anthropology (possible poster) –Atlanto occipital atlas dissociation (possible poster) Toni Roth –Fat in tendon sheaths: Predictor of adjacent fractures (possible poster) Ugne Skripkus –Foreign bodies (possible poster) –Rice bodies (possible poster) –Corner fractures of the cervical spine Debra Chang

17 Tudor Research Metatarsal head shape (Hamid Torshizy) Stress fracture atlas (Luke Hiller) C1 CPPD (Luke Hiller) Border jumper injuries Ligaments that ossify (Post tib fib) / Retrospective review of ankle fractures (James Chang) Cross sectional criteria for protrusio Bone formers and THR: Does DISH improve noncemented THR outcome 3D reformats: Do these help the orthopedist

18 Don’s Research SNAC wrist Debra Chang Spring ligament anatomy Dean Bruce

19 CBC Research: Writing Chapters –Post-operative Elbow (Co-Authors: Steinbach/ Beltran/ Morrison/ Chung) Debra Chang –Post-operative Wrist and Hand (Co-Authors: Steinbach, Beltran/ Morrison/ Chung) Nick Panchal Clinical –Hoffitis in HIV patients Torshizy –MR imaging of the hip Hong Research –MR imaging and MR arthrography in cadaveric specimens with existing meniscal tears and created lesions Accepted for Publication

20 CBC Research: Anatomic Pathologic Correlation 1 st MCP anatomy Anatomy of the thenar eminence Anatomy of the hypothenar eminence Reflected Head of Rectus Femoris and Assoc Pathology Standard MR imaging versus of MR arthrography for evaluation of radial and ulnar collateral ligament injuries in the thumb (created lesions in cadavers) MR classification for finger OA –Aguiar DIP and PIP anatomy –Aguiar Muscular attachment to humerus –Inferior aspect of Intertubercular sulcus Posteromedial knee anatomy (bursa) Accepted Presentation ISS/ RSNA 2006

21 MSK Imaging Research Group Imaging of the Calcified Layers of Cartilage with UTE Application –Multiple phases of data collection/ analysis to work toward several goals UTE optimization at 3T Comparison of UTE to standard clinical sequences for evaluation of the deepest layers of cartilage Characterization of patterns of OA in the setting of deep layer lesions (association with T2 mapping and dGEMRIC type techniques) Clinical applications Biomechanical correlation

22 Translational Cartilage Research Radiology –Christine Chung (Associate Professor Radiology) –Graeme Bydder (Professor Radiology) –Donald Resnick (Professor Radiology) –Shantanu Sinha (Professor Physics) –Robert Orth (Radiology Resident) –Hamid Torshizy (Medical student) –Richard Znamirowski (MRI technologist) –Nick Pinto (MRI technologist) –Deb Trudell (Research assistant and MRI technologist) Bioengineering –Robert Sah (Professor Bioengineering) –Won Bae (Assistant Research Assistant) –John Lee (NIH funded medical student)

23 Translational Cartilage Research Orthopedics –William Bugbee (Assistant Professor Orthopedics) –Robert Pedowitz (Associate Professor Orthopedics) Pathology –Parviz Haghighi (Professor Pathology) –Darryl D’Lima (Director Orthopedic Research Center Scripps Clinic) –Jianfen Chen (Research assistant) Statistics –Tanya Wolfson (Staff Statistician)

24 MSK Imaging Research Group Lab meetings Wednesdays 3 pm VA conference room Physics meetings will begin August –To follow clinical conference 7:45 – 8:30

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