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LEONARDO DA VINCI Transfer of Innovation 11.03.2010 Dortmund Vocational Training for Sports Centres Employees with European Certificate Project no. 2009-1-BG1-LEOO5-01602.

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Presentation on theme: "LEONARDO DA VINCI Transfer of Innovation 11.03.2010 Dortmund Vocational Training for Sports Centres Employees with European Certificate Project no. 2009-1-BG1-LEOO5-01602."— Presentation transcript:

1 LEONARDO DA VINCI Transfer of Innovation 11.03.2010 Dortmund Vocational Training for Sports Centres Employees with European Certificate Project no. 2009-1-BG1-LEOO5-01602 October 2009 - February 2010 First activities to be doneFirst activities to be done

2 LEONARDO DA VINCI Transfer of Innovation 11.03.2010 Dortmund Need analysis – DONE! Aim: To identify and analyse user requirements and training needs of target sectors (P85.51 Sports and recreation education, Q86 Human health activities, R93 - Sports activities and amusement and recreation activities), domains (professional training, initial vocational education, university education) and end users. Start month: 11/2009 (planned 10/2009) End month: 01/2010 (planned 12/2009) Corresponds to the first project objective

3 LEONARDO DA VINCI Transfer of Innovation 11.03.2010 Dortmund Need analysis activities - DONE Analysis of training needs of the employees of SMEs (Sport centres) – Athletic, Bosön, Impulse Analysis of the needs of students in sport schools and universities - NSA, Bosön, Impulse Analysis of the requirements of training providers – NSA, Bosön, Impulse Analysis of the requirements of regional employment services, policy makers form the National governmental organisations in the sport and in healthcare – Ministry of Sports, Impulse, Bosön Workshop for needs analysis and certification principles definition - Impulse

4 LEONARDO DA VINCI Transfer of Innovation 11.03.2010 Dortmund Definition of competences and description of common certification principles - DONE Aim: To analyse and adopt common certification principles for the sport instructors, technical and management personnel working in sports facilities and to design qualifications in transferable units of learning outcomes with allocation of credit points. Start month: 11/2009 (planned 10/2009) End month: 02/2010 Corresponds to the second project objective

5 LEONARDO DA VINCI Transfer of Innovation 11.03.2010 Dortmund Activities to prepare common certification – DONE despite of the non- active partner Ministry of Sport Activities to prepare common certification – DONE despite of the non- active partner Ministry of Sport Analysis of how the transparency, comparability, transferability and recognition of competences and/or qualifications in the sector of sport can be insured based on the ECVET system and description, via European and Bulgarian national qualifications framework and system – Ministry of Sports, Impulse, Bosön Description of qualifications of sport instructor, sport centre manager and technical personnel in sports facilities with respect to the certification criteria developed in the two LdV projects which results will be transferred - NSA, Athletic

6 LEONARDO DA VINCI Transfer of Innovation 11.03.2010 Dortmund Activities to prepare common certification Design of qualifications in transferable units of learning outcomes with allocation of credit points, based on the ECVET system – TUS Analysis and adoption of the criteria for the Europe- wide recognized certificates of the three courses - Ministry of Sports, NSA, Bosön, Impulse.

7 LEONARDO DA VINCI Transfer of Innovation 11.03.2010 Dortmund Activities to prepare common certification Consultations with the Ministries of labour, the HRD National Agencies, Ministries/Agencies for sport and youth, Ministries of education for the development and adoption of common references and criteria for the qualifications of sport manager, instructor, technical staff and recognition of certificates - Ministry of Sports, NSA, TUS, Impulse, Bosön

8 LEONARDO DA VINCI Transfer of Innovation 11.03.2010 Dortmund Instructional design Aim: To adapt/develop syllabi, select the content of the VET courses for managers, instructors and technical staff of Sport Centres to meet the user requirements and needs. Start month: 12/2009 End month: 10/2010 Corresponds to the third project objective

9 LEONARDO DA VINCI Transfer of Innovation 11.03.2010 Dortmund Instructional design activities Selecting content, adapting and up-grading the course for sport instructors with modules on: Ageing population; Communication; Economy; Gender equality; Integration; Physical and health education; Social competence; Sport in society; Sports coaching; Sports for disabled. Responsible: NSA, Athletic, Impulse

10 LEONARDO DA VINCI Transfer of Innovation 11.03.2010 Dortmund Instructional design activities Selection of the content, adaptation and up-grade with new content of the course for sport centres management -Responsible : Athletic, NSA, Boson ; Selection of the content, adaptation and up-grade with new content of the course for technical staff of sport facilities- Responsible: Athletic, Impulse ; Design of a course in Kinesitherapy - Responsible: NSA, Athletic ; Instructional design – Responsible: TUS.

11 LEONARDO DA VINCI Transfer of Innovation 11.03.2010 Dortmund Summary (objectives attained) 1.Need analysis – done 2.Analysis of certification principles based on the ECVET system and description, via national qualifications frameworks and systems, of the VET qualifications in terms of learning outcomes – done ( ECVET is under development ). 3.Selecting and analysing innovative VET content and training methods to reach these outcomes and to meet the specific user requirements – 2 syllabi done and 2 others (the new one) under development. 4.Transferring the adapted VET materials and development of e-learning support materials and a new course in kinesitherapy and rehabilitation for sport centres instructors. - has started.

12 LEONARDO DA VINCI Transfer of Innovation 11.03.2010 Dortmund Summary 1.Evaluation, quality assurance: peer review of courses, survey in Germany for evaluation of implemented courses 2.Exploitation: in the need analysis – all target groups from the different sectors involved and domains as well. Survey performed in Germany on the effectiveness one of the courses in transfer. In NSA – the 3.Dissemination Brussels: EHFA and EOSE – certification

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