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Well-Seismic Ties Lecture 7 Depth Time Synthetic Trace SLIDE 1

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1 Well-Seismic Ties Lecture 7 Depth Time Synthetic Trace SLIDE 1
Slide to introduce topic: Well-Seismic Ties Time (ms) Courtesy of ExxonMobil L 7 – Well-Seismic 1

2 Objectives of the seismic - well tie What is a good well-seismic tie?
Outline Objectives of the seismic - well tie What is a good well-seismic tie? Comparing well with seismic data Preparing well data Preparing seismic data How to tie synthetics to seismic data. Pitfalls SLIDE 2 Here is the outline for this lecture We will discuss: Objectives of the seismic - well tie What is a good well-seismic tie? Comparing well with seismic data Preparing well data Preparing seismic data How to tie synthetics to seismic data. Pitfalls Courtesy of ExxonMobil L 7 – Well-Seismic 2

3 Objectives of Well-Seismic Ties
Well-seismic ties allow well data, measured in units of depth, to be compared to seismic data, measured in units of time This allows us to relate horizon tops identified in a well with specific reflections on the seismic section We use sonic and density well logs to generate a synthetic seismic trace The synthetic trace is compared to the real seismic data collected near the well location Synthetic Trace SLIDE 3 The objectives for performing a well-seismic tie are listed here Wells, of course, are registered in units of depth – feet or meters Seismic data is recorded and usually worked with a vertical scale of 2-way travel time To relate well data to seismic data, and vice versa, we have to handle this change in vertical scale units Thus: Well-seismic ties allow well data, measured in units of depth, to be compared to seismic data, measured in units of time This allows us to relate horizon tops identified in a well with specific reflections on the seismic section We use sonic and density well logs to generate a synthetic seismic trace The synthetic trace is compared to the real seismic data collected near the well location The well-seismic tie is the bridge we need to go from seismic “wiggles” to the rocks that produced the “wiggles” and our interpretation of the subsurface geology Courtesy of ExxonMobil L 7 – Well-Seismic 3

4 Purposes for Well-Seismic Ties & Quality
Business Stage Accuracy Required Seismic Quality Required Example Application Regional Mapping Within a few cycles Within ~½ cycle Wavelet character match Poor/fair Good Very good Mapping and tying a regional flooding surface across a basin Exploration Comparing a lead to nearby wells Exploitation Seismic attribute analysis Inversion SLIDE 4 The purpose and required accuracy of a well-seismic tie varies with the stage of our studies If we are doing regional mapping, e.g., mapping a significant erosional unconformity or a flooding surface, then our tie does not need to be very precise, within 1 or 2 seismic cycles (peaks or troughs) – and the seismic data quality does not have to be very good In the exploration stage, we would like to tie well data, e.g., the top of a stratigraphic horizon/marker within ½ a cycle This requires good seismic data quality In the exploitation stage (development & production), we need to not only know the seismic event within ½ a cycle, but the shape of the real and modeled seismic trace should be quite similar For this, we need very good seismic data quality If we obtain a good character (shape) tie between the real and synthetic traces, then: We would then be able to extract various seismic attributes (measures of the seismic wavelets) to predict rock and fluid properties We may also be able to use a process called inversion to transform the seismic data into an estimate of the rock properties in cross-section views or as a 3D volume (if we have 3D seismic data) Courtesy of ExxonMobil L 7 – Well-Seismic 4

5 Measurements In Time and In Depth
Seismic - Time Units Log - Depth Units Surface Elevation SHOT REC’R Kelly Bushing Elevation Base of Weathering SLIDE 5 This slide illustrates the differences in measurements between seismic and well data For seismic data, measurements are usually referenced to a common surface elevation (typically sea level) and are recorded in units of two-way travel time Zero time is when a shot is fired We then measure the time it takes for the acoustic energy to travel down to a reflection surface and back up to the receiver at the surface For well/log data, measurements are made relative to a device on the drill rig called the Kelly Bushing (kb) Depths are in feet or meters along the well bore If the well is not purely vertical, then we differentiated between ‘measured depth’ and ‘true vertical depth,’ which has to be computed Depth Vertical depth Two-way time Measured Courtesy of ExxonMobil L 7 – Well-Seismic 5

6 Comparison of Seismic and Well Data
Seismic Data Samples area and volume Low frequency Hz Vertical resolution m Horizontal resolution m Measures seismic amplitude, phase, continuity, horizontal & vertical velocities Time measurement Well Data Samples point along well bore High frequency, 10, ,000 Hz Vertical resolution 2 cm - 2 m Horizontal resolution 0.5 cm - 6 m Measures vertical velocity, density, resistivity, radioactivity, SP, rock and fluid properties from cores Depth measurement SLIDE 6 This slide compares different aspects of seismic and well/log data Seismic data samples areas and volumes within the earth; wells sample points along the well bore Seismic data is low frequency (5 to 60 Hz); a log that measures rock velocity uses frequencies that are much higher Vertical resolution is quite different – for seismic we can resolve layers that are 15 to 100 m thick; with logs we can resolve layers 2 cm to 2 m thick Horizontal resolution for seismic … for wells ….. Seismic data measures …… well data measures …. And, as we have already discussed, seismic is measured in two-way travel time; well data is in depth (ft or meters) 100 m 100 m Courtesy of ExxonMobil L 7 – Well-Seismic 6

7 Seismic-Well Tie Flow-Chart
Data Data Processing Real Seismic Trace Estimate Pulse SLIDE 7 Here is a simple flow chart for performing a:well-seismic tie At the top is our seismic data – the raw field data is processed to get us images of the subsurface The processed data gives us a “real” seismic trace at the location of the well we want to tie As part of the data processing, we can get an estimate of the shape of the seismic pulse Near the bottom is the well data, which may need some processing/editing The well data we need come from the sonic log (gives us velocity information) and one of several density logs We may also have check shots from the well – more on check shots on the next slide If we do not have an estimated pulse from the seismic data processing, we can use a standard (external) pulse shape of a user-defined phase and frequency Computer programs combine the sonic and density log data with the estimated or external pulse to generate a “synthetic” or “modeled” seismic trace We then compare the real and synthetic traces and note how well they match If the match is good enough for our purposes, we can then relate one data set to the other – well to seismic OR seismic to well External Pulse Well - Seismic Tie Well - Seismic Tie Well Data Data Processing Seismic Modeling Synthetic Seismic Trace Check Shots/ Time Depth Information Courtesy of ExxonMobil L 7 – Well-Seismic 7

8 Check Shot Data Check shots measure the vertical one-way time from surface to various depths (geophone positions) within the well Used to determine start time of top of well-log curves Used to calibrate the relationship between well depths and times calculated from a sonic log Seismic Shot Borehole Geophone Time Depth SLIDE 8 What is check shot data? We would like to have some calibration between well depth and seismic time, if possible We do this by conducting a check shot survey in a well bore It is rather simple in concept: We lower a geophone (listening device) into a well and record its depth We then fire a shot at the surface and record the one-way travel time to the geophone We can do this with the geophone at multiple depths This allows us to calibrate the time-depth relationship For example, we might find that when the geophone was at 2000 meters the one-way time was 0.9 seconds A check shot survey with a large number of closely-spaced geophone positions is called a VSP – a vertical seismic profile Courtesy of ExxonMobil L 7 – Well-Seismic 8

9 Pulses Types Two options for defining the pulse:
Use software that estimates the pulse based on a ‘window’ of the real seismic data at the well (recommended) Use a standard pulse shape specifying polarity, peak frequency, and phase: Minimum phase Zero phase Quadrature Known Pulse Shapes Minimum Zero Quadrature RC Phase Phase Phase SLIDE 9 We need a pulse to generate a synthetic trace There are two options It is best to use software during or after data processing to estimate the pulse for a given window of real seismic data This window would be at the well location and near the depth of our primary zone of interest (e.g., our main reservoir) The second option is to use a standard pulse shape with some user-specified parameters This is a quicker method that is fine if we do not need to match wavelet shape – development and production stages There are three basic pulse shapes: Minimum phase is where the wavelet starts at the position of the reflection coefficient (as shown in the diagram) Zero phase is where the wavelet is centered on the reflection coefficient Quadrature phase is the zero phase pulse shifted -90 degrees – looks a bit like the minimum phase but is different For a standard pulse, the user has to input two parameters: The polarity – does an increase in impedance give a peak or a trough, and A central frequency (e.g., 18 Hz) Since the seismic pulse changes in the earth with depth (e.g., due to attenuation), you may have to generate several synthetics based on different estimated or standard pulses – one for shallow targets, another for intermediate depth targets, and a third for deep targets. Positive Reflection Coefficient Courtesy of ExxonMobil L 7 – Well-Seismic 9

10 *    x = The Modeling Process
Reflection Coefficients We calculate the reflection coefficients at the step-changes in impedance Lithology * Wavelet We convolve our pulse with the RC series to get individual wavelets Synthetic We sum the individual wavelets to get the synthetic seismic trace Velocity Density Impedance Each RC generates a wavelet whose amplitude is proportional to the RC Shale Sand x = Shale Sand SLIDE 10 This summarizes the seismic modeling process At a given location, e.g., at well A, the earth consists of layers with varying lithologies Well logs give us velocity and density as a function of depth, which we ‘block’ to capture the significant changes Next we compute impedance as a function of depth From impedance we can calculate the reflection coefficients We define a pulse – extracted or estimated The reflection coefficient series is convolved with the pulse to get individual wavelets – the response of each reflection coefficient to the pulse The individual wavelets are summed to give us the synthetic seismic trace Shale We ‘block’ the velocity (sonic) and density logs and compute an impedance ‘log’ Courtesy of ExxonMobil L 7 – Well-Seismic 10

11 Thin beds have almost no impact due to destructive interference
Impact of Blocking For typical seismic data, blocking on the order of m (10 ft) is the recommended minimum Using coarser blocking helps identify the major stratigraphic contributors to the peaks and troughs Sonic Log Sonic Log RC Synthetic RC Synthetic - + - + Time (sec) SLIDE 11 Rather then inputting the sonic and density logs directly, we ‘block’ the logs to capture significant changes This helps us associate major lithologic changes with specific peaks or troughs The blocking process does not “corrupt” the synthetic trace As shown here within the magenta rectangle, closely-spaced reflection coefficients of opposite sign results in destructive interference and, as a result, the closely-spaced RCs have almost no response on the final synthetic trace Our experience is that logs can be blocked with a 3 m (10 ft) minimum layer spacing Thin beds have almost no impact due to destructive interference Coarse Blocking Fine Blocking Courtesy of ExxonMobil L 7 – Well-Seismic 11

12 Our Example Well A SLIDE 12
Here is an example where we have cut a seismic line into a left and right portion at a well and placed a synthetic trace in a gap at the well location On the color seismic, red is a peak; black is a trough Courtesy of ExxonMobil L 7 – Well-Seismic 12

13 Tying Synthetic to Seismic Data
Position of Synthetic Trace Position synthetic trace on seismic line. Project synthetic along structural or stratigraphic strike if well is off line SLIDE 13 Going through the steps, we: Break the seismic line at the well location, forming a small gap within which we can display the synthetic trace If we have 2D seismic and the well is not actually on the seismic line, we project the position in along strike Time (ms) Courtesy of ExxonMobil L 7 – Well-Seismic 13

14 Tying Synthetic to Seismic Data
Position synthetic trace on seismic line. Project synthetic along structural or stratigraphic strike if well is off line Reference datum of synthetic to seismic data (usually ground level or seismic datum) Without check shots estimate start time of first bed Synthetic Trace SLIDE 14 The seismic data and the well data may have different datums – so we may have to apply an up/down shift If check shot data is available, our shift should be small since we have some time-depth calibration If we do not have check shot data, we may need a larger up/down shift For this example, the strong peak (black) 2/3 down on the synthetic looks like it should correlate with the strong red cycle (peak) on the real sesimic data about ½ cycle lower Time (ms) Courtesy of ExxonMobil L 7 – Well-Seismic 14

15 Tying Synthetic to Seismic Data
Position synthetic trace on seismic line. Project synthetic along structural or stratigraphic strike if well is off line Reference datum of synthetic to seismic data (usually ground level or seismic datum) Without check shots estimate start time of first bed Shift synthetic in time to get the best character tie Use stratigraphic info on detailed plot to help determine the best fit. Synthetic Trace SLIDE 15 Here we have shifted the synthetic down to tie the strong peak on both data sets We would look further up & down the trace to see if the other seismic cycles seem to line up and if the wavelet characters are similar Here the tie looks good enough for regional mapping & exploration, but not good enough for development & production uses Time (ms) Courtesy of ExxonMobil L 7 – Well-Seismic 15

16 Tying Synthetic to Seismic Data
Synthetic Trace If justified, shift synthetic laterally several traces to get the best character tie Character tie is more important than time tie We can use a cross-correlation coefficient as a measure of the quality of the character tie SLIDE 16 We may be justified to move the synthetic traces a few traces to the left or right. One good reason to move the synthetic is if the well is not actually on the seismic line (2D seismic survey) For 2D or 3D seismic data, there could be some positional errors (seismic or well) or the seismic data may not be adequately migrated The older the data, the more likely the positions are not accurate (pre-GPS technology) For this example, it looks like we get a better tie by moving the synthetic about 10 traces to the right (~125 meters) Time (ms) Courtesy of ExxonMobil L 7 – Well-Seismic 16

17 Tying Synthetic to Seismic Data
Accept the tie that yields best character tie with least time shift in the zone of interest (reservoir) SLIDE 17 We accept the tie that gives the best character (wavelet) match with the least amount of vertical and lateral shifting The strong peak in this example is the contact between reservoir quality sands below and a marine shale (good seal) above Thus we can relate markers in the well (top of reservoir) with a specific cycle on the seismic line and map this boundary on the rest of our seismic data Seal The top of the reservoir should be mapped on this peak (red) Reservoir Zone Courtesy of ExxonMobil L 7 – Well-Seismic 17

18 Assumptions for Synthetic Well Ties
Seismic Data Noise free No multiples Relative amplitudes are preserved Zero-offset section Synthetic Seismograms Blocked logs representative of the earth sampled by the seismic data Normal incidence reflection coefficients Multiples ignored No transmission losses or absorption Isotropic medium (vertical and horizontal velocities are equal) SLIDE 18 There are a number of assumptions that we make in generating a synthetic trace For the real seismic, we assume that: The seismic data is noise free There are no multiples Relative amplitudes are preserved, i.e., the amplitude is proportional to the impedance change Zero-offset section For the synthetic seismic trace, we assume: Blocked logs are representative of the earth sampled by the seismic data Normal incidence (zero offset) reflection coefficients Multiples are ignored The pulse experiences no transmission losses or absorption The rocks are isotropic (vertical and horizontal velocities are equal) Courtesy of ExxonMobil L 7 – Well-Seismic 18

19 Common Pitfalls Error in well or seismic line location
Log data quality – washout zones, drilling-fluid invasion effects Seismic data quality noise, multiples, amplitude gain, migration, etc Incorrect pulse Polarity, frequency, and phase Try a different pulse; use extracted pulse Incorrect 1-D model Blocked logs, checkshots need further editing Incorrect start time or improper datuming Amplitude-Versus-Offset effects Bed tuning 3-D effects not fully captured by seismic or well data SLIDE 19 What does it mean if the synthetic trace does not match the real seismic trace? Here are some of the most common pitfalls Error in well or seismic line location Log data quality – washout zones, drilling-fluid invasion effects Seismic data quality – noise, multiples, amplitude gain, migration, etc Incorrect pulse – Polarity, frequency, and phase – Try a different pulse; use extracted pulse Incorrect 1-D model – Blocked logs, checkshots need further editing – Incorrect start time or improper datuming – Amplitude-Versus-Offset effects – Bed tuning 3-D effects not fully captured by seismic or well data Courtesy of ExxonMobil L 7 – Well-Seismic 19

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