Accountable articles 1. Registration-Objectives Registration makes the mails accountable in the transmission Delivery to the addressee under acquaintance.

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Presentation on theme: "Accountable articles 1. Registration-Objectives Registration makes the mails accountable in the transmission Delivery to the addressee under acquaintance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Accountable articles 1

2 Registration-Objectives Registration makes the mails accountable in the transmission Delivery to the addressee under acquaintance. In case of loss, department pays compensation up to a maximum of Rs. 100/- 2

3 Articles can be sent as registered Except Post card all other 9 articles be sent under Registered service I class mail 1)Letters 2)Letter cards II class mail 3) Book packets 4)Book packets containing Printed Books 5)Book packets containing Periodicals 6)Sample or Pattern packets 7)Blind Literature packets 8)Registered Newspapers 9)Parcels 3

4 Tariff of Registration Postage(as per weight) (letter or parcel) Registration fee( compulsory) - Rs.17-00 Acknowledgement card (optional) Rs. 03-00 4

5 Exercise 3.1 5

6 Examination of article for registration Examine weight : ( Letter-2kg, Book Packet-5kg, Sample packet-2kg ) Examine condition of the article-should be properly packed. Ensure Name and address of addressee and sender along with pin code on the article. 6

7 Booking of regd. Article(manual) Issue RP-51 receipt – Single copy Write amount of stamp affixed Write letter with Ack or without Ack Write Name of addressee, destination with pin code. Impress date stamp on back side of the receipt 7

8 RP-51 (Receipt to customer) 8

9 Demo of acknowledgement 9

10 Booking of regd. Article(official entries) 1.Before handing over the receipt to the customer write official entries on the article-Receipt number with prefix RL or RLAD & date of booking below the number or prefix RL followed by receipt number/A and date of booking below the number 2.Impress name stamp below the number 3.Deface the postage stamp 4.Hand over the receipt to the customer 5.Write the RL number in the remarks column of BO account and second page of the BO daily account and keep it ready for despatch 10

11 Demo of Registered letter REGISTERED LETTER WITH ACK TO, Dr. Jayant Patel EYE SPECIALIST NO. 5, M G. ROAD, NAVSARI – 396 445. FROM: Ms. Sushma KRISHNA JEWELLERS HARNI ROAD, Mysore – 570010. Postage Stamp/ Frank impression (If any) RL 5338 /A 16.02.2012 Model BO 11

12 Demo of RL with Bar code

13 RNet Rnet software is introduced on July 2011 Track & Trace facility is available for all Registered articles For making Track & Trace facility available articles have to be bar-coded with 13 digit barcode BO is supplied with bar code Barcode is to be affixed on the articles in stead of 4 digit number written on it. If bar code is not supplied to BO,AO will affix the bar code number and will intimate the BO the barcode number corresponding to each article For complaint handling bar code is to be referred 13

14 Exercise 3.2 14

15 Value Payable To cater the needs of customers who wish to pay the amount of goods on delivery to them at their premises Value payable system helps traders to recover the cost of goods supplied to their customers by means of MO system 15

16 Value payable Following articles can be booked as VP Letters Parcels Book Packets Newspaper Periodical 16

17 Value payable-Tariff Postage(as per weight) Registration fee(compulsory) --Rs.17-00 VP fee Up to Rs 20/- Rs.2-00 21/-50/- Rs. 3-00 Above 50/- Rs. 5-00 Insurance fee if insured as per rates Insurance of the article is compulsory if VP amount exceeds Rs. 500/- unless articles is having contents of no intrinsic value 17

18 Value payable-Examination of article Examine Weight : Letter-2kg, Book Packet-5kg, Sample packet-2kg, Parcel-10kg (For BOs) Examine value: Minimum 1.00 Maximum Rs. 5000/- Examine condition :Should be securely packed Ensure Name and address of addressee and sender. Ensure Superscription VP/INS VP followed by the value in words and figures. 18

19 Value payable-Examination of article Examine postage stamps affixed on the article: should be correct and sufficient according to weight and type of article(postage + Registration fee + VP fee) Enclosure: Value Payable Money Order form filled by sender/ remitter.( Particulars on articles and Value Payable Money Order forms should agree.) No acknowledgement 19

20 Booking of VP article-Manual 1. Issue MS 87(a) receipt-Duplicate, Double sided carbon a. Write the word ‘VP letter’ or ‘ VP parcel’ b. Name & address of addressee (Destination with pin code.) on the top c. Value of the article d. Name & address of the sender e. Signature of the BPM (write side bottom) 20

21 Booking of VP article-Manual 2.Before handing over the receipt to the customer write official entries on the article -Receipt number with prefix VPL & date of booking below the number 3.Impress name stamp below the number 4.Deface the postage stamp 5.Hand over the first copy of receipt to the customer 6.Write the VPL number in the remarks column of BO account and second page of the BO daily account and keep it ready for despatch 21

22 Demo of a VP letter V P LETTER FOR Rs.100/- (RUPEES ONE HUNDRED ONLY) TO, Dr. Jayant Patel EYE SPECIALIST NO. 5, M G. ROAD, NAVSARI – 396 445. FROM: Ms. Sushma KRISHNA JEWELLERS Bangalore Road Mysore – 570010. Postage Stamp/ Frank impression (If any) VP No. (MS-87(a) & Date O/o Booking 22

23 Exercise 3.3 23

24 Insurance-Objective Insurance covers all risks in course of transmission. Unlike registration, in case of loss department pays compensation up to the extent of value of the article/contents or the amount for which article was insured which ever is less Following articles can be booked as Insured Letters Parcels B.O. can book Insured articles up to the value of Rs 600/ 24

25 When Insurance is compulsory If articles contains: Bullion (Gold/Silver/Platinum etc. Precious stones Currency notes & Coins VP exceeding RS. 500/- except articles with contents of no intrinsic value 25

26 Tariff of Insured articles Postage(as per weight) (letter or parcel) Registration fee(compulsory) --Rs.17-00 Insurance fee(compulsory) Up to Rs 200/- fee Rs.10-00 for every additional 100 or part Rs 06-00 Acknowledgement (compulsory & free) 26

27 Examination of Insured article Examine weight: Letter-2kg, Book Packet-5kg, Sample packet- 2kg, Parcel-10kg (for BOs) Observe Limit :Value up to 600/ only Check Name and address of addressee and sender Ensure Superscription: VP/INSVP followed by the value in words and figures. Examine postage stamps affixed on the article: should be correct and sufficient according to weight and type of article(postage + Registration fee + Insurance fee +VP fee if insured VP) Size as per condition of concerned ordinary mails. See that is enclosed in a strong cover which has been securely pasted and sealed with fine wax bearing a private mark 27

28 Booking of Insured articles a. Issue MS 87(a) receipts -Duplicate b. Write ‘ An insured letter’ or ‘An insured parcel’ opposite to the printed entry received…. c. Write name and address of sender and addressee in the space provided d. Impress date stamp and sign(BPM) on both the copies 28

29 Receipt for Insured article 29

30 Demo of Insured articles INSURED LETTER FOR Rs. 500/ - (RUPEES FIVE HUNDRED ONLY) TO, Dr. Jayant Patel EYE SPECIALIST NO. 5, M G. ROAD, New delhi – 110001 FROM: Ms. Sushma KRISHNA JEWELLERS Main Road Mysore – 570010. Postage Stamp/ Frank impression (If any) INS No11/02.02.2012 Model BO (weight fifty grams 50 grams) 30

31 Demo Of Reverse Side Of Insured Letter  31

32 Exercise 3.4 32

33 Speed post A service for providing time-bound and guaranteed delivery of letters, documents and parcels across the nation and around the world A world known premium mail product of India post Started in August 1986 Branch offices in some circles are authorised to book speed post articles 33

34 FEATURES Tariff will be calculated based on weight and distance Delivery on holidays Special discount for Bulk Mailers Separate tariff for local articles One India one rate for articles up to 50 gms Proof of delivery on additional payment of Rs.10/- Speed Post offers money-back guarantee, under which Speed Post fee will be refunded if the consignment is not delivered within the published delivery norms 34

35 Speed Post- tariff Local Speed Post @ INR 12 ‘One India One Rate’ Speed Post @ INR 25 Given below are the revised Speed Post rates effective 11 th June 2 WeightLocal Upto 200 km 201 to 1000 km 1001 to 2000 km Above 2000 km Upto 50 grams INR 12 * INR 25* 51 to 200 grams INR 20INR 25INR 30INR 50INR 60 201 to 500 grams INR 20INR 40INR 45INR 70INR 80 Additional 500 grams or part thereof INR 5INR 7.50INR 15INR 30INR 40 * includes services tax and education cess 35

36 Booking of speed post article The procedure for booking, despatch and delivery is almost similar to registered letters, excepting that Receipt is in duplicate, with address of Addressee &sender( I- copy- sender, II – copy – Office copy) Telephone number of sender and addressee may be added Separate list is prepared for despatch and sent to AO Proof of delivery is also dealt like a registered Post article. 36

37 37

38 Exercise 3.5 38

39 Parcel For transmission of goods, Parcel system is very useful. -To be presented at counter for posting -In addition to the goods, one communication can also be sent inside a Parcel. -Home delivery charges for Parcels weighing above 5 KGs is Rs 5/- and is to be prepaid at the booking point -Size as per condition of concerned ordinary mails and properly packed. -Name and address of addressee and sender along with pin code. -Size as per condition of concerned ordinary mails and properly packed. -Name and address of addressee and sender along with pin code. 39

40 Weight & Rates Maximum Weight For or from BO- 10 KG For or from SO or HO- 20 KG Tariff For a weight not exceeding 500 grams Rs 19.00 For every 500 grams or fraction thereof, exceeding 500 grams Rs 16.00 AcknowledgementRs.3/- 40

41 Examination of parcel Examine weight :Maximum weight 10 kg Examine condition of the article-should be properly packed. Ensure Name and address of addressee and sender along with pin code on the article. 41

42 Booking of parcel a. Issue RP-51 receipt b.Write Registered letter or packet c.Write name and address of the addressee d.Write name and address of the sender e.Impress date stamp d.BPM to sign 42

43 Exercise.3.6 43

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