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2015 Academic Staff Promotion Round Briefing Session.

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1 2015 Academic Staff Promotion Round Briefing Session

2 Purpose of the presentation  To assist you in developing a strong application and to provide useful hints and tips  To outline the processes involved e.g. committee roles and structures  To highlight any changes to policies and procedures  To provide an opportunity for you to ask questions regarding the process

3 Summary of Timing May 2015Call for applications 30 July 2015 Closing date for applications (must be submitted online via your Academic Group link on the promotions website)promotions website 7 Sept 2015Deadline for materials pending at the application closing date Sept – Nov 2015Promotions Committee deliberations Dec 2015Applicants advised of outcome 1 Jan 2016Effective date for promotion

4 The process is: Collegial  A peer review process - determined upon merit, in terms of achievement Merit-based  Not constrained by a quota system Transparent  Candidates have the opportunity to view and respond to Supervisor and Dean reports

5 Eligibility Read the policy and procedures first, to check requirements and eligibility:policy and procedures All continuing, continuing on probation and fixed term staff are eligible Exceptions  On leave without salary for >12 months  Served in current appointment for < 2 years*  Unsuccessful in previous round excluded from applying for 2 years *  Resigned or submitted notice of resignation  Performance found unsatisfactory by Staff Committee * Can apply to have waived in exceptional circumstances

6 Preparation  Start early – have a plan  Use the Promotions WebsitePromotions Website  Read the policy and procedures,policy and procedures  Check the deadlines and build in meeting timesdeadlines  Decide whether you’re going for meritorious or outstanding  Seek early advice – academic supervisor, HoS/HoD, Dean, mentor  Start setting up referees – remember to consider quality and standing

7 Criteria for Promotion  The key focus is on the quality and impact of your work, that is, demonstrated outcomes  Emphasis is on performance since appointment or last promotion, whichever is the most recent  Although performance is assessed on assumption the applicant has reached top of their current scale, if you are not there, you are not precluded  The University wants to reward excellence – there are no quotas

8 Criteria for Promotion  Applicants may make their case in relation to the promotion criteria on: »Meritorious performance across all three areas of academic work i.e. teaching, research and service & engagement or teaching, scholarship and service & engagement OR »Outstanding performance in a specific area of academic work * as well as demonstration of sustained/substantial ** contribution to the mission of the University in their other work areas. * Applicants with a work allocation of 50% or more in a particular area will be expected to base their case on outstanding performance in that area. **sustained (to C)/substantial (to D/E)

9 Putting the Equity Case  Ensure that any personal considerations that have impacted on your achievements are clearly stated on the Application and Case for Promotion Form.Application and Case for Promotion Form  Committees are not familiar with your particular circumstances – spell them out i.e. non traditional career pathway, non English speaking background, carer’s responsibilities….

10 Referees  Be mindful of the quality, standing & reputation of your potential referees…if in doubt, seek advice from your Head of School/Department or Dean Academic.  Put forward the names of your strongest referees and ensure they are willing to act and will be available in the time period.  Give a copy of your application to your referees.  For applications based across 3 areas of academic work - one referee for teaching; one for service & engagement; one for research or one for teaching, one for service & engagement one for scholarship (external for Levels D/E/PRF).  For applications based on outstanding achievement - 2 referees in the area of emphasis (external for Levels D/E/PRF). For research only applications all will relate to your research work.  Do not include referee reports with your application – just the names.  The Dean (for Group promotions) and the PVC (for Senior Promotions) will select referees (applicant and/or committee nominated) and reports will be requested by HRM.

11 The Case for Promotion Case Equity consideration * Impacts on achievement Referees * Reputation and standing Outcomes & impact Evidence Consult with Head/Dean

12 Evidence of Effectiveness as a Teacher  All applicants, with the exception of research-only applicants, must be able to demonstrate that they are effective teachers, regardless of their work allocation or their case for promotion.  You need to make a case that teaching and course performance is meritorious or outstanding  Evidence of student satisfaction (at a minimum: SET (Student Experience of Teaching) SEC (Student Experience of Course). Other forms of evidence may also be included e.g. peer assessment of teaching.  Describe how your teaching matches the Griffith Principles to Promote Excellence in Learning and Teaching  Focus your case clearly on; Outcomes, Evidence & Impact.

13 Building your case in Learning and Teaching  Additional suggestions »Describe your philosophy of teaching »Give examples of innovative practice »Demonstrate how you respond to student feedback to enhance your teaching and courses »Demonstrate how you use Course Improvement Plans to enhance your teaching and courses »At higher levels – demonstrate leadership in learning and teaching  e.g. Major program convening, development of new programs, coordination and establishment of new L & T initiatives in the School or Group (note – this may overlap with service) »Contribution to university strategic initiatives e.g. Work integrated learning, service learning, online learning, career embedded learning

14 Building a Case for Scholarship »Evidence of impact within the School or Group or University in terms of innovation or improvements within systems or practices »Evidence of national and/or international reputation in the area e.g. invitations to present re good practice in teaching, learning or student experience »Publishing papers related to professional practice in peer-reviewed and/or non- refereed journals; »Grants in learning, teaching and student experience »Attending and presenting at relevant workshops, seminars and/or conferences; »Conducting scholarly projects relating to the development, implementation and evaluation of teaching initiatives; »Contributions as a member of University and relevant external teaching practice groups/committees. »Leadership in teaching initiatives

15 Building your case in Research  Review the University’s Research Active Definition and StandardsResearch Active Definition and Standards  Update your Academic Portfolio, your Case for Promotion  Use this as the basis of an early discussion with your supervisors  Make a decision as to the basis for application – meritorious across a balanced profile vs outstanding in research  Provide evidence of output in terms of: »Publications »Creative works »Patents »Research grants  Provide evidence of esteem or impact in terms of: »invitations to speak; »keynote or plenary addresses »citation outcomes  Membership of professional or learned societies »outcomes – what has been the measurable effect of your research? »commercialisation activity »influence on policy or practice  Provide evidence of service and leadership to discipline in terms of (for e.g.): »review activity, conference or symposium organisation, professional society activity (overlaps with service and engagement)

16 Building your case in Service and Engagement  Service and engagement to the university, school, group »Examples of leadership in service and engagement »Taking on major roles, new initiatives »What are the outcomes of these i.e. What difference have you made? »Good departmental citizenship and beyond – evidence of the impact of your leadership in this area. »The student experience – contribution to and impact of retention, graduate employment outcomes, student success  Service and engagement externally – to the profession, discipline, community i.e. direct engagement with community, industry, government, clinical, professional, international partners, that supports and enhances teaching and learning and research.

17 Outcomes, Evidence, Impact  Present evidence that compares your performance with reputable others in your field at the level you are applying for  Explain what your role was in particular activities e.g. designing and managing grants, lead author of publications, committees, working parties, program redesign, etc. show your leadership  Evidence of impact of your work e.g. citations, uptake of research into practice, career outcomes of your students  Evidence of reputation (national or international) as appropriate  Evidence of favourable independent reviews e.g. books  Note any peculiarities of your discipline

18 Preparing your Application  Your case for promotion must be presented on the Application and Case for Promotion Form, which is accessed through the promotions website or policy library.Application and Case for Promotion Formpromotions websitepolicy library  Your case is also supported by completing the Academic Portfolio.Academic Portfolio  Your case should be written succinctly and clearly address the criteria as described in the promotion procedures.promotion procedures  Supporting evidence should be referred to in the application, and be made available if requested by the Committee.  Every statement or assertion requires an evidence base – think about what form that evidence might need to take.  All applications except research only must include a summary of the evidence that the applicant is an effective teacher.  Remember to focus on: Outcomes, Evidence & Impact

19 Preparing your Application cont’d  The Application and Case for Promotion Form states the page limit for each category of the Case for Promotion.Application and Case for Promotion Form  Page limits must be observed – no exceptions. Pages over limit and attachments not specified in the policy won’t be considered.  Complete only three of the four categories in the Application and Case for Promotion Form, as matches your work profile.Application and Case for Promotion Form  A further significant component of the application is an up to date and complete Academic Portfolio. Be mindful also of the character/word/paragraph limits throughout. Academic Portfolio  Ensure plenty of time to discuss your application with your Supervisor, Head of School (and Dean, if applying to Level D or E or PRF) and include their reports with your submission.

20 Preparing your Application cont’d  Outcomes, Evidence & Impact.  Keep to the page limits – any info beyond these will not be considered.  Complete only three of the four categories in the Application and Case for Promotion Form, as applicable to your work profile.Application and Case for Promotion Form  Be mindful of the character/word/paragraph limits throughout the Academic Portfolio.Academic Portfolio  If in doubt, consult with your Supervisor, Head of School (and Dean, if applying to Level D, E or PRF). Remember

21 Content of application 1.Application and Case for Promotion FormApplication and Case for Promotion Form 2.Academic PortfolioAcademic Portfolio 3.Supervisor and HoS (all applicants) and Dean’s report (for Associate Professor/Professor applicants)Supervisor and HoS (all applicants) and Dean’s report (for Associate Professor/Professor applicants) 4.Response to Supervisor, HoS, Dean’s reports (only if adverse - max 1 page). 5.Changes since last application (only if unsuccessful previously – max 1 page). 6.Teaching experience summary pages (not required for research only applications). 7.Associate Professor/Principal Research Fellow/Professor applicants must submit copies of their best research papers (2 for Associate Professor/Principal Research Fellow, 3 for Professor) and/or creative work as applicable. 8.Follow the online submission user guide and submit via the link to your Academic Group provided on the promotions website no later than the closing date, 30 July 2015 – no submission user guidepromotions website

22 Promotion Committees Senior Promotions Committee:  Considers; Associate Professor, Professor & Principal Research Fellow Members:  Vice Chancellor (Professor applications only)  Deputy Vice Chancellors/Academic Provost  Academic Group PVCs  A Professor elected by the Professoriate Group Promotions Committee  Considers; all other Academic Staff up to and including Senior Lecturer, Senior Research Fellow Members:  Dean, Academic (Chair)  Two Senior academic staff from the Group (Portfolio Dean or Head)  Elected staff member Level C or above  Staff member Level C or above (NTEU nominated)  Member appointed by the Group PVC (optional)  Group Pro Vice Chancellor has right of participation

23 Information & Resources  Griffith Portal > Employment > Academic work at Griffith > Promotion Griffith PortalEmploymentAcademic work at Griffith  Promotion of Academic and Research only Academic Staff Policy Promotion of Academic and Research only Academic Staff Policy  Promotion of Academic Staff Procedures Promotion of Academic Staff Procedures  Promotion of Research only Academic Staff Procedures Promotion of Research only Academic Staff Procedures  Principles to Promote Excellence in Learning and Teaching Principles to Promote Excellence in Learning and Teaching  Research Active Definition and Standards Research Active Definition and Standards  The ASRP Website The ASRP Website  User Guide to Submitting Your Promotion Application Online User Guide to Submitting Your Promotion Application Online

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