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Dr. Sungkee Lee Dr. Il-kon Kim Todd Cooper IHE – Korea Daegu Connectathon IHE – Korea Daegu Connectathon 2011.07.11 – 15 Proposal to IHE International.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Sungkee Lee Dr. Il-kon Kim Todd Cooper IHE – Korea Daegu Connectathon IHE – Korea Daegu Connectathon 2011.07.11 – 15 Proposal to IHE International."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Sungkee Lee Dr. Il-kon Kim Todd Cooper IHE – Korea Daegu Connectathon IHE – Korea Daegu Connectathon 2011.07.11 – 15 Proposal to IHE International

2 IHE – Korea Daegu Connectathon IHE – Korea Daegu Connectathon 2010 Review

3 3 IHE-Korea Connectathon 2010 Review

4 Dates  2010. 8. 23 - 26  Connectathon Conference  2010. 8. 24. Location  Kyungpook National University, Daegu Registration fee  ₩ 1M KRW 4 IHE-Korea Connectathon 2010 Review

5 Connectathon Project Managers:  Manny Furst  Sungkee Lee / Todd Cooper Administrative Lead Contacts:  Sungkee Lee  Il Kon Kim Additional support team members:  Yun Sik Kwak 5 IHE-Korea Connectathon 2010 Review

6 Devices ManagerServer (Blood Pressure) (Glucose Meter) (Weighing Scale) GBTec (Urinalysis) Insung Info. Infinitt H3 System U-Care Soft Insung Info. Infinitt IEEE 11073 HL7 IEEE 11073 HL7 U-Care Soft Biospace (BCA) 6 IHE-Korea Connectathon 2010 Participants

7 PCD (Patient Care Devices) Domain  DEC : PCD-01  RTM ITI (IT Infrastructure) Domain  CT  ITI TF-2x Appendix V: Web Services 7 IHE-Korea Connectathon 2010 Profiles Tested

8 Many “firsts” …  1 st Non-North American PCD Connectathon  1 st Test of IHE PCD / Continua WAN I/F  1 st WAN Communication of PHD Information Global influence …  Improvements to PCD Tech Framework  Improvements to NIST Test Tooling  Will influence IHE NA & Continua Test Events! Significant step in support for U-Health IHE-Korea Connectathon 2010 Review

9 Dates  Oc t. 26-28, 2010 Location  EXCO, Daegu 9 HIMSS Asia10 Showcase Review

10 EndEnd 1-3 Home Med Devices [Continua; IHE PCD] 1-3 Home Med Devices [Continua; IHE PCD] Casts a.Insung b.H3 systems c.UCaresoft d.Continua/LNI Casts a.Insung b.H3 systems c.UCaresoft d.Continua/LNI 1-4 PCP Office Remote Monitoring Mgmt System (RMMS) [IHE PCD, RAD] 1-4 PCP Office Remote Monitoring Mgmt System (RMMS) [IHE PCD, RAD] Casts a.Ucaresoft b.Ucaresoft c.Continua/IBM d.Continua/IBM Casts a.Ucaresoft b.Ucaresoft c.Continua/IBM d.Continua/IBM 1-1 Patient Registration 1-1 Patient Registration Casts a.Geneva b.Geneva c.Geneva d.Geneve Casts a.Geneva b.Geneva c.Geneva d.Geneve 1-2 Imaging Dept PACS [IHE RAD XDS-I] 1-2 Imaging Dept PACS [IHE RAD XDS-I] Casts a.Infinitt b.Infinitt c.Infinitt d.Infinitt Casts a.Infinitt b.Infinitt c.Infinitt d.Infinitt HIMSS Asia10 Showcase Use Cases

11 First ever Showcase in Korea Significant influence on Korea National Health Plan Significant step in support for u-Health Services 11 HIMSS Asia10 Showcase Review

12 IHE – Korea Daegu Connectathon IHE – Korea Daegu Connectathon 2011 Plan & Proposal

13 IHE-Korea Connectathon Daegu/2011.07.11 - 15 Dates:  2011.07.11-15 (exact daily schedule TBD)  Includes 1 day Connectathon Conference  Includes 1 day “Showcase Testing”  Call for Participation planned for early March / April Location: Kyungpook National University, Daegu Registration …  ₩ 2M KRW  Key sponsoring organizations engaged, including KNU, DIP, DTP, HL7 Korea, KOSMI, KSIIM, …

14 IHE-Korea Connectathon Daegu/2011.07.11 - 15 Additional Meetings Technical eWorkshops (2 or 3)  Topics: Overview, XDS, CDA, …  In April / May (soon after call for participation closes) Weekly Management Meetings  Management Team (see below) weekly web conferences – after registration closes  Participants meetings weekly or as needed IHE-Korea 2011 Connectathon Conference  Tuesday during Connectathon  Focus on what is new this year + integration with national u-Health program

15 IHE-Korea Connectathon Daegu/2011.07.11 - 15 Target Use Case Scenarios Note: Meets needs of end users + participants  National u-Health Project  Personal Health Focus u-Health Services:  Diabetes (primary target for 2011)  PHM glucose monitor reading to u-Health Server  Report sent to primary care physician  Physician creates and publishes health summary (a.k.a. CCD)  COPD (anticipated 2012 or later)  Cancer (anticipated 2012 or later)

16 IHE-Korea Connectathon Daegu/2011.07.11 - 15 Target Profiles Consistent Time IHE PCD DEC (WAN) w/ Rosetta Terminology  PHD Manager to u-Health Server XDS. b (w/ ITI-08) XDS-MS Security (e.g., ATNA)  See CDA Documents to be supported:  Personal Health Monitoring Report (PHMR)

17 IHE-Korea Connectathon Daegu/2011.07.11 - 15 New from 2010 to 2011 XDS.b (basic) to support Korean National u-Health Program Patient Identity Management (i.e., ITI-08) Increased security support (e.g., ATNA)

18 2011: Only “required” transactions


20 IHE Korea Connectathon PHD Device PHD Manager u-Health Server EMR/HIS ISO/IEEE 11073 PHD PCD-01 PHMR Home/ Mobile WAN (DEC) WAN (XDS.b) CCD/ XDS-MS Note: Out-of-Scope for Testing

21 IHE Korea Connectathon u-Health Server EMR/HIS PIS/Consumer/ Source/Repository u-Health Server PIS/Consumer/ Source/Repository EMR/HIS Registry CCD/ XDS-MS CCD/ XDS-MS PHMR PIF [ITI-8] PIF [ITI-8] PIF [ITI-8] PIF [ITI-8] CCD/ XDS-MS CCD/ XDS-MS PHMR PIS/Consumer/ Source/Repository PIS/Consumer/ Source/Repository

22 IHE-Korea Connectathon Daegu/2011.07.11 - 15 Connectathon Project Manager:  Dr. Sungkee Lee (Co-Chair, IHE Korea) Project Management Support:  Todd Cooper (on-site)  Manny Furst (PCD testing)  NIST (XDS & PCD testing) Administrative Lead Contacts:  Dr. Il-Kon Kim (Head of Korean Delegation, ISO TC215)  Dr. Sungkee Lee Additional support team members:  Dr. Byoung-Kee Yi (Chair, HL7 Korea)

23 IHE-Korea Connectathon Daegu/2011.07.11 - 15 Test Tooling: Maximally use tooling / scripts / procedures for same profiles from 2011 NA Connectathon! NIST PCD Message Validator  Primary Tool for 2010 IHE-K Connectathon  NIST CDA Validation Tools  Used @ 2011.01 Chicago Connectathon   Oxygen XML Editor ( XDS Toolkit  Others, especially Korean-based tooling  TBD

24 IHE-Korea Connectathon Daegu/2011.07.11 - 15 Showcase KOSMI (Korean Society of Medical Informatics) Fall Conference  Oct. 2011 Korea Health Congress 2011  KHA (Korean Hospital Association)  Nov. 2011 KITHA (Korean Information Technology of Hospital Association) Fall Conference  Nov. 2011

25 IHE-Korea Connectathon Daegu/2011.07.11 - 15 Beyond 2011 XDS.b w/ additional Options as needed to support Korean National u-Health Information Exchange Additional XDS profiles, such as XDM / XDS-SD PCD ACM across WAN interface Expanded patient identity management (e.g., XCPD) Expanded document (CDA) support On-Demand Documents …

26 Let’s get started! Find out more at

27 Additional information …

28 CDA Repository Registry District Hospital Repository Metadata Client District Hospital Client SNU Bundang Hospital CDA Clinical Document Registration Health Information Exchange SNU Bundang Hospital

29 CDA Repository Registry District Hospital Repository Metadata Client District Hospital Client SNU Bundang Hospital CDA Document Retrieve Message Clinical Document Retrieval Health Information Exchange SNU Bundang Hospital Metadata Query Message

30 Message Transport Web Services WS-I BP IHE IT Infrastructure TF Vol 2 Appendix V Rev 6.0 WS-I BP over SOAP 1.2 Plus WSI-BSP, TLS and IHE ATNA HL7 MLLP IHE HL7 V2 Msg Transport HL7 Minimum Lower Layer Protocol (MLLP) over TCP/IP Messaging HL7 V2.6 constrained by IHE DEC PCD-01 and RTM. Semantics IEEE 11073-20601 and 104xx terms IEEE 11073-10101 terms and –10201 info model (beyond the firewall)(behind the firewall) Continua “WAN” & IHE DEC Note: This is new to the IHE PCD … not IHE ITI … test tooling, test scripts, etc. Anticipated that this will be part of the 2011 NA PCD Connectathon as well. (Slide from Paul Schluter (GE), Workshop presentation @ HIMSS ’10 conference in Atlanta GA)

31 RequirementGuidelinesWANHITSPIHE Data ConfidentialityWS-I BSP v1.0 TLS protocol v1.0 (RFC 2246) AES cipher (RFC 3268) M   O O Data IntegrityWS-I BSP v1.0 TLS protocol v1.0 (RFC 2246) SHA1 hash (RFC 3174) M   O O Authorization Information Exchange WS-I BSP v1.0 WS-Security Header Only SAML v2.0 token M   Consistent with IHE XUA AuditingIHE ATNA Auditing Section 3.20, ITI-TF6-Vol2a mV2 1  M Mandatory ‘shall’ R Recommended O Optional  Guideline is aligned with IHE and HITSP mV2 1 IHE ATNA Auditing may become mandatory in a later version, e.g. V2 “wan” Security Guidelines (Slide from Paul Schluter (GE), Workshop presentation @ HIMSS ’10 conference in Atlanta GA)

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