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Consciousness: Bodily Rhythms and Mental States

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Presentation on theme: "Consciousness: Bodily Rhythms and Mental States"— Presentation transcript:

1 Consciousness: Bodily Rhythms and Mental States
chapter 1 Consciousness: Bodily Rhythms and Mental States

2 Biological Rhythms: The Tides of Expericence
chapter 1 Biological Rhythms: The Tides of Expericence

3 Biological Rhythms Biological Rhythms- Define Endogenous-Define
Circadian Rhythms- Define Examples What do rhythms influence?

4 Circadian Rhythms Where do they exist? How do we test them?
What did they find

5 The Body’s Clock Surprachiasmatic Nucleus- Define Where is it located?
Example of what it controls Melatonin- Define What is it associated with?

6 When the Clock is out of Sync
Internal Desynchronization- Define Best example? Describe how one should do shift work and why

7 Mood and Long Term Rhythm
Does the Season Affect Mood? Seasonal Affective Disorder- Define Treatments %’s given

8 Does the Menstrual Cycle Affect Mood?
Physical Symptoms? Emotional Symptoms? How do we study this? What are the findings? Name and Explain 1. 2. 3.

9 Does Testosterone Affect Mood?
Fluctuations? High levels are linked with what? Examples of when it rises

10 The Rhythms of Sleep

11 How does sleep put people at risk?

12 Why We Sleep What does sleep appear to provide?
What happens when we do not get enough?  What happens to humans after 4 days without sleep? Animals?  51 year old man story? Explain Why is sleep necessary for mental functions?

13 Insomnia- Define Sleep Apnea- Define Narcolepsy- Define What is the “recommended amount of sleep?” # of Americans that get fewer than the recommended hours? What do American students average?

14 The Realms of Sleep REM Sleep- Define
How does the sleep cycle work? How long does it take? What brain waves are present when you first go to bed? Describe them

15 Describe the following steps:
Stage 1- Stage 2- Sleep Spindles- Define Stage 3- Delta Waves- Define Stage4-

16 How does he sleep cycle go: 1, 2, 3, 4, ___, ___, ___
What happens next? Why is REM sleep “paradoxical” sleep? Are the cycles regular? Why or why not?

17 Exploring the Dream World

18 Exploring the Dream World
Lucid Dreams- Define Who experiences REM? Are our eye movements related to dreams?

19 Dreams as Unconscious Wishes
Who thought of it? What did Freud call dreams? What can we express in dreams? What dreams are meaningful? Manifest Content- Define Latent Content- Define How should you analyze the content?

20 Dreams as Reflection of Current Concerns
Who came up with it? Dreams reflect what? AKA What did Gale Delaney tell? Explain Dream Meaning of dream? College student’s dreams? Instructors?

21 Dreams as Reflection of Current Concerns
Men v. Women-Traditionally? Recently? Rosalind Cartwright belief? Her quote?

22 Dreams as a By-Product of Mental Housekeeping
Who came up with it? Explained dreams in _________________________ and _________________________ Dreams are a: Why does the brain shut out sensory input? What are we recalling in dreams?

23 Dreams as a By-Product of Mental Housekeeping
What did Crick and Mitchison believe? Reverse Learning- Explain Should we analyze dreams? Why or why not? What have other researchers said? Consolidation- Define What are dreams doing in this theory?

24 Dreams as Interpreted Brain Activity
Who came up with it? Another name for theory? What are dreams the result of? What is “activated?” What does the “synthesizing?” Give an example dream?

25 Evaluating Dream Theories
Freud’s Theory- Accept? Reject? Solving Problems- Accept? Mental Housekeeping- Accept? Activation-Synthesis- Accept?

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