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TU Dresden Particles of the Standard Model Sophie Koßagk.

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Presentation on theme: "TU Dresden Particles of the Standard Model Sophie Koßagk."— Presentation transcript:

1 TU Dresden Particles of the Standard Model Sophie Koßagk

2 Structure Historical introduction Definition Particle classification Fermions Quarks Leptons Gauge bosons, Higgs Summary Sources TU Dresden Particles of the Standard Model Sophie Koßagk

3 Historical introduction What is the World Made of? TU Dresden Particles of the Standard Model Sophie Koßagk Fig.: [1] Fig. : [2]

4 Historical introduction 1930 Neutrino 1931 Positron, Neutron 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 Muon 1938 1939 1940 TU Dresden Particles of the Standard Model Sophie Koßagk 1945 1946 1947 Pion 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 quantum electrodynamics (QED) W +, W - Boson

5 Historical introduction 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 idea of Quarks 1965 1966 1967 prediction of Higgs 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 quantum chromodynamics (QCD) 1974 TU Dresden Particles of the Standard Model Sophie Koßagk Fig. : [3]

6 Definition The Standard Model of particle physics is a theory concerning the electromagnetic, weak, and strong nuclear interactions, which mediate the dynamics of the known subatomic particles. TU Dresden Particles of the Standard Model Sophie Koßagk

7 Particle classification TU Dresden Particles of the Standard Model Sophie Koßagk half-integer spin (1/2, 3/2, …) integer spin (1, 2, 3, …) Fig. : [4]

8 Fermions TU Dresden Particles of the Standard Model Sophie Koßagk

9 Quarks fractional electric charge Colour charge Colour confinement Baryons (three quarks) and Mesons (two quarks) have an integer electric charge and they are colour neutral TU Dresden Particles of the Standard Model Sophie Koßagk Fig.: [5] Fig. : [6]

10 Leptons do not carry colour charge Are not influence by strong force Electron, muon, tau are single negative charged Neutrinos has no charge TU Dresden Particles of the Standard Model Sophie Koßagk

11 Fundamental interaction Gauge bosons TU Dresden Particles of the Standard Model Sophie Koßagk Fig. : [7]

12 Gauge bosons, Higgs TU Dresden Particles of the Standard Model Sophie Koßagk GravitationWeakElectro- magnetic Strong Carried by (Graviton)W +, W -, Z 0 bosons PhotonGluons Acts onAllQuarks and Leptons Quarks and charged Leptons and W +, W - Quarks and Gluons intensity6∙10 -39 10 -6 1/1371 Range [m] Infinite10 -18 Infinite10 -15 Fig. : [8] Higgs

13 Summary TypeGenerationAntiparticleColoursTotal Quarks23Pair336 Leptons23Pair-12 Gluons11Own88 W11Pair-2 Z11Own-1 Photon11Own-1 Higgs11Own-1 Total61 TU Dresden Particles of the Standard Model Sophie Koßagk

14 Sources [1]–[5], [7] [6] [8] hframe.html TU Dresden Particles of the Standard Model Sophie Koßagk

15 Thank you for listening TU Dresden Particles of the Standard Model Sophie Koßagk

16 Sources [1]–[5], [7] [6] [8] hframe.html TU Dresden Particles of the Standard Model Sophie Koßagk

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