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Feynman Diagrams.

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1 Feynman Diagrams

2 Feynman Vertices Each of the three basic interactions can be described using a symbol called a Feynman vertex. We can use the vertices in a non-mathematical way to illustrate how quarks and leptons interact with each other. There is an electromagnetic interaction vertex, a weak interaction vertex and a strong interaction vertex. IB Physics – Particle Physics

3 Forces in particle physics
Forces are explained by Emission/absorption of particles A particle is emitted “ spontaneously” Where does the energy to create this particle come from? (Uncertainty video) New law called the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle The particle is known as a virtual particle. QED Video IB Physics – Particle Physics

4 Uncertainty Principle
Data booklet In quantum mechanics it is possible to “borrow” an amount of energy (from nowhere), DE for a limited amount of time Dt A virtual W boson (mass 80 GeVc-2) is emitted in an interaction. How long does it exist for? IB Physics – Particle Physics

5 Range Find the range of a virtual W boson
The Range is the maximum distance travelled by a virtual particle. The formula is given in the data booklet Find the range of a virtual W boson Explain why a photon (em force) has infinite range (symbol = ) IB Physics – Particle Physics

6 Drawing Feynman Diagrams
Each vertex has an arrow going in and one going out. These represent a lepton – lepton or quark-quark transition. Quarks or leptons are solid straight lines Exchange particles are either wavy (Photons, W, Z) or curly (gluons). Time flows from left to right Arrows from left to right represent particles moving forward in time. Arrows from right to left represent antiparticles moving forward in time. (think of them as moving left to right). Vertices are linked by a line representing an exchange particle Charge and colour are conserved at each vertex. IB Physics – Particle Physics

7 Rotate the vertex slightly to show a real interaction
Space time IB Physics – Particle Physics

8 Use of Feynman diagrams
Feynman diagrams may be used to calculate probabilities for fundamental processes. The picture represents a mathematical process called the amplitude. For the em interaction The amplitude of the diagram is the product of the interaction strength for each vertex i.e. Probability of taking place process = (amplitude)2 IB Physics – Particle Physics

9 EM vertex IB Physics – Particle Physics

10 Basic em interactions By rotating the arms of the vertices, the following interaction possibilities are generated. Note that the time still flows from left to right and a backwards facing arrow represents an antiparticle travelling forwards in time. IB Physics – Particle Physics

11 Weak Vertices Ws, Z and gluons video IB Physics – Particle Physics

12 IB Physics – Particle Physics

13 Strong vertices The left hand side represents BEFORE and the right hand side represents AFTER The gluon can be regarded as a pathway through which colour charge is exchanged between quarks and antiquarks. The quark gluon vertices could also show colour flow as quarks interact. IB Physics – Particle Physics

14 Strong interactions Annotate to show colour and flavour
IB Physics – Particle Physics

15 Feynman Diagram Examples
You should be able to draw Feynman diagrams for the following interactions; Electron scattering Beta decay Pion decay Electron – positron annhilation Pair production Muon decay Quark interactions Photon – photon scattering IB Physics – Particle Physics

16 Learn these ones Draw the Feynman diagram for beta (-) decay
IB Physics – Particle Physics

17 Strong force and gluon exchange
Color force and strong force are essentially the same thing Colour force binds quarks together in hadrons by exchange of gluons Strong force binds colour-neutral particles together e.g. protons and neutrons in the nucleus. IB Physics – Particle Physics

18 Gluons Bosons with spin = 1 and zero mass
Gluons are themselves coloured Gluons bind quarks together Force between quarks increases as quarks are separated. Therefore isolated quarks and quarks cannot be observed. This is quark confinement IB Physics – Particle Physics

19 Gluon colour Quarks change colour through gluon exchange.
There are 6 coloured quarks and 2 colour neutral gluons Note: time should be horizontal Click diagram for animation IB Physics – Particle Physics

20 Example A green s quark emits a gluon and becomes a blue quark. State the flavour of the new quark and the colours of the emitted gluon. A blue u quark absorbs this gluon. What is its final colour and flavour? Draw a labeled Feynman diagram for this process. IB Physics – Particle Physics

21 Feynman diagram practice
Using the basic weak interaction vertex involving a W boson and two fermions (below) draw Feynman diagrams to represent the following processes Fermion out Fermion in W boson Using quarks, draw a Feynman diagram for: IB Physics – Particle Physics

22 Websites
IB Physics – Particle Physics

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