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What is an Essay? A formal, structured type of writing used to prove a statement that you are making.

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Presentation on theme: "What is an Essay? A formal, structured type of writing used to prove a statement that you are making."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is an Essay? A formal, structured type of writing used to prove a statement that you are making.

2 THE STRUCTURE OF AN ESSAY GENERAL Introduction Paragraph SPECIFIC Body Paragraphs Conclusion SPECIFIC Paragraph GENERAL THESIS (in new words)

3 THE THESIS Your thesis is the statement of what you will be showing or proving in your essay. A thesis is: Arguable (as in, it is possible to disagree with) Clear and Precise Tells the reader exactly what you will be writing about.

4 Winnie the Pooh and Rupert are both admirable young characters shown in their kind and generous natures, their loyalty to their friends and their leadership skills. Example of a Thesis GENERAL Introduction Paragraph SPECIFIC THESIS

5 The Writing Process Your Guide to Writing a Great Essay!!

6 STEP 1: PLANNING Essential! 1. Begin by understanding the structure of an essay 2. Write your thesis 3. Plan your argument, including what reasons you will use to support your claims

7 A NOTE ON PLANNING If you don’t have enough ideas to finish your plan, then you will not have enough to say in your essay. If you find that you cannot complete the entire plan, then you should change your thesis.

8 STEP 2: THE INTRODUCTION The goal of the introduction is to inform your reader of what the essay is about. 1. Begin with a general statement that speaks to the BIG IDEA of your essay and GRAB THE ATTENTION of your reader. 2. Write 2-3 more sentences narrowing your focus and explaining your topic. 3. The last sentence of your introduction is your thesis statement.

9 Ways to Grab Your Reader’s Attention in the First Sentence A famous quote A provocative statement (a surprising fact, for example) A question Pointing out the significance of your theme or subject matter A generalization about your subject Challenge a widely held opinion A definition Describing an interesting incident or anecdote related to your subject

10 STEP 3: THE BODY PARAGRAPHS Each body paragraph should have one main idea. This idea should work to prove your thesis statement. You must use clear examples/reasons to develop and explain this main idea. You will follow the hamburger paragraph model to structure all the paragraphs in your essay.

11 STEP 4: CONCLUSION The goal of the conclusion is to wrap up your essay and to remind your reader of your argument. 1. Begin with restating your thesis in new words. 2. Briefly summarize your three main ideas (your body paragraphs). Use one sentence for the summary of each paragraph. 3. The last sentence of your conclusion is a general statement that leaves your reader with a lasting impression. NO NEW IDEAS GO IN THE CONCLUSION!

12 Thesis: In order to do well on their exams a student must study effectively, get plenty of rest, and arrive ready to write. Body 1: Knowing how to study effectively is essential to being well prepared and doing well. Know what to study Over a number of days Ask for help Rewrite or engage with notes (don’t just read them) Body 2: No matter how well prepared a student is, if they are not well rested then they will not be able to do their best work. Being tired increases stress, makes it harder to concentrate, makes it harder to remember things When you are well rested your brain has had a chance to go over the material, you will be better prepared to concentrate and better able to remember things. Body 3: In order to do well a student must arrive physically and mentally ready to write their exam. Bring all supplies (water, pen/pencil, etc…) Leave distractions or items not allowed at home Go to the bathroom Know that they have done everything they could to prepare and actively seek to reduce stress (breathing exercises, thinking of calm things, not cramming)

13 STEP 5: REVISION Revision means you are reading your essay critically and looking for places where you may need to: Clarify an idea Add support Remove unnecessary words/phrases Fix up your essay structure (topic sentences/ end sentences etc…)

14 STEP 6: EDITING Editing means that you are checking your essay for matters of correctness. This includes: Spelling Grammar Sentence Structure Punctuation Capitalization The best way to edit your work is to read it out loud!

15 STEP 7: MLA FORMATTING Typed, Double-Spaced, 12 pt. Font (nothing fancy – no bold, no underline)

16 STEP 8: FINAL COPY Be sure that you have carefully looked over your final copy. Be sure you are handing in a sample of your best work. Be Proud of Yourself!

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