Including Employability Skills in Curriculum Dr. Amber McConnell OU Zarrow Center for Learning Enrichment Dr. Amber McConnell OU Zarrow Center for Learning.

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Presentation on theme: "Including Employability Skills in Curriculum Dr. Amber McConnell OU Zarrow Center for Learning Enrichment Dr. Amber McConnell OU Zarrow Center for Learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Including Employability Skills in Curriculum Dr. Amber McConnell OU Zarrow Center for Learning Enrichment Dr. Amber McConnell OU Zarrow Center for Learning Enrichment

2 Millennials in the Workplace =Sz0o9clVQu8 =Sz0o9clVQu8

3 What skills do employers say Millennials lack? Employers report why millennials are not being hired

4 Basic Skills Writing skills No professionalism Using slang during interviews Texting during an interview Inappropriate email address Appearing arrogant

5 What are the top 10 reasons people are fired? 1.High Absenteeism/ being late 2.Completing tasks slowly with errors 3.Unable to complete tasks 4.Unreliable work performance 5.Refusing to follow directions (attitude)

6 Top Ten Reasons People are Fired Cont. 6. Drug and Alcohol abuse 7. Being dishonest/ Theft 8. Personal business at work 9. Lying on your resume 10. Unable to get along with others

7 What Do Employers Want?

8 What skills do employers want from entry-level employees? 5 major areas were reported by employers –Basic Skills –Higher Order Thinking Skills –Basic Work Skills –Social Skills –Personal Skills (Ju, Zhang, & Pacha, 2012)

9 Basic Skills Ability to –Read with understanding –Listen actively –Speak so others can understand –Convey ideas in writing

10 Higher Order Thinking Skills Ability to –Recognized and correct own mistakes –Use critical thinking –Apply basic math –Solve problems –Negotiate and resolve conflict

11 Higher Order Thinking Skills Cont. Ability to –Apply basic computer/technology skills –Make plans and work toward goals –Advocate for self –Use creative Thinking

12 Basic Work Skills Ability to –Be on time –Seek help when needed –Follow schedules –Cooperate with other (team player) –Stay with a task until finished

13 Basic Work Skills cont. Ability to –Work with people from diverse backgrounds –Monitor quality of work

14 Social Skills Ability to –Show respect for others –Use appropriate language –Accept authority –Maintain appropriate appearance –Accept criticism –Control self without supervision

15 Personal Traits Demonstrate –Integrity/honest in work –Responsibility in Work –Ability to adapt to change –Motivation toward work

16 How Do I Get a Job?


18 Why Wasn’t I Hired? Poor personal appearance Inability to communicate clearly –Poor voice, and grammar Lack of goals Lack of enthusiasm Condemning past employers

19 Why Wasn’t I Hired? Late to interview Does not thank the interviewer for his/her time Asks no questions Lack of knowledge about the business or the position.

20 5 Commonly Asked Interview Questions

21 1. Tell me about yourself. –Answer: Identify some of your main attributes and memorize them. Describe your qualifications, career history and range of skills, emphasizing those skills relevant to the job on offer.

22 5 Commonly Asked Interview Questions 2. What are your strengths? –Concentrate on your main strengths. e.g. your ability to learn quickly, determination to succeed, positive attitude, your ability to relate to people and achieve a common goal. You may be asked to give examples of the above so be prepared.

23 5 Commonly Asked Interview Questions 3. What is your greatest weakness? –Do not say you have none - this will lead to further problems. You have two options - use a professed weakness such as a lack of experience (not ability). –The second option is to describe a weakness that could be considered to be a strength, and the steps you have taken to combat it. An example would be, ‘I tend to want those around me to work as hard as I do. Sometimes, I have to remind myself that I am only responsible for how hard I work'.

24 5 Commonly Asked Interview Questions 4. What is the most difficult situation you have had to face, and how did you tackle it? –The purpose of this question is to find out what your definition of difficult is and whether you can show a logical approach to problem solving. Explain how you defined the problem, what the options were, why you selected the one you did and what the outcome was. Always end on a positive note.

25 5 Commonly Asked Interview Questions 5. Why have you applied for this particular job? –The employer is looking for evidence the job suits you, fits in with your general aptitudes, coincides with your long-term goals and involves doing things you enjoy. Make sure you have a good understanding of the role and the organization, and describe the attributes of the organization that interest you most.

26 Employability Skills in the Classroom Handout

27 Personal management skills Interacting with Others Dressing appropriately Language Use of technology

28 Respecting Diversity Treat everyone with respect regardless of age, gender, status or position You do not have to like someone to work with him or her

29 Employability Skills Inform instructor of absence Take responsibility for catching up on work from absence Get to class on time Turn off phone in class Do not interrupt the instructor

30 Employability Skills Cont. Pay attention Respect instructors food policy Group work means compromise Rudeness has no place in the workplace or classroom

31 Interacting with Others Address instructors in a respectful manner Learn from instructors regardless of age, gender, or background Ask preferred mode of communication Submit best work



34 Cover Letter Activity (Handout) Select an advertisement Read it What is the employer asking for? -essential and desirable criteria Look for the experience, skills, qualifications



37 Questions?

38 Dr. Amber McConnell University of Oklahoma Zarrow Center for Learning Enrichment (405) 325-8951

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