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Lesson 6 – Water Cycle and Cloud Review

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1 Lesson 6 – Water Cycle and Cloud Review
Weather Unit Lesson 6 – Water Cycle and Cloud Review

2 Standard 2 - Objective 3 Compare and contrast the seasonal weather patterns during the school year. Objective 1 Generating Evidence: Using the processes of scientific investigation (i.e. framing questions, designing investigations, conducting investigations, collecting data, drawing conclusions) Button to show lessons. Framing questions: Observe using senses, create a hypothesis, and focus a question that can lead to an investigation. Designing investigations: Consider reasons that support ideas, identify ways to gather information that could test ideas, design fair tests, share designs with peers for input and refinement. Conducting investigations: Observe, manipulate, measure, describe. Collecting data: Deciding what data to collect and how to organize, record, and manipulate the data. Drawing conclusions: Analyzing data, making conclusions connected to the data or the evidence gathered, identifying limitations or conclusions, identifying future questions to investigate.

3 Vocabulary Words cycle -A cycle is something that happens over and over again in the same order. water vapor – small water droplets; steam

4 Water Cycles Review What do you remember about the water cycle?
What are the 4 pars of the water cycle? collection evaporation condensation precipitation

5 Water Cycle Let’s review the parts some more. Collection Evaporation
Condensation Precipitation Tell a partner what you remember.

6 Sun – What role does the sun play in the water cycle?
Heat from the sun changes water into water vapor

7 When the sun changes water into water vapor, this is called EVAPORATION

8 Condensation What is condensation? Water vapor starts to bunch together and they form the clouds you see.

9 When water vapor forms clouds this is called CONDENSATION

10 Then rain or snow falls from clouds

11 We call this PRECIPITATION

12 Finally rain or snow collect in ocean, lakes, rivers, and other bodies of water.
Then what happens? That’s right! it start all over again.

13 Click here for water cycle song
Click and watch the video. Guess the parts of the water cycle

14 Water Cycle Song(to the tune of “She’ll Be Coming Around the Mountain”)
Water travels in a cycle, yes it does. Use pointer finger to draw large circle in air. Repeat above motion. It goes up as evaporation, Raise arms at side with palms up. Forms clouds as condensation, Brings hands together above head, forming large cloud shape with arms. Then falls down as precipitation, yes it does. Slowly lower arms at side with palms down, fingers moving.

15 Cloud Review What do you remember about clouds?


17 3 Types of Clouds What are the 3 types of clouds?

18 Cumulus Clouds

19 Stratus Clouds These clouds spread out and often cover the whole sky. They usually hang low in the sky. Stratus clouds are sometimes white, but when they hold a lot of water they turn gray.

20 Cirrus Clouds These clouds are called cirrus clouds. These clouds look a little like feathers or wispy fingers pointing in one main direction. They are usually very high up in the sky. They are made of water, too, but, the water has turned into ice! Cirrus clouds often appear before a change in weather. They may mean that cold weather is on the way.

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