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Nhambita Community Carbon Project Nhambita Community Carbon Project Mozambique Mfuma ya Nhambita.

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Presentation on theme: "Nhambita Community Carbon Project Nhambita Community Carbon Project Mozambique Mfuma ya Nhambita."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nhambita Community Carbon Project Nhambita Community Carbon Project Mozambique Mfuma ya Nhambita

2 Mozambique Mozambique is one of the world's poorest countries 80% of 18,000,000 are rural (depending on NR) Extreme weather patterns with droughts and floods Poor infrastructures (roads, schools, clinics) Landmines and unexploded ordinance from several years of war Aids pandemic

3 Nhambita

4 Nhambita Community => About 5,000 people (1,000 families) => Livelihood activities - Agriculture (slash and burning), hunting, traditional beekeeping, charcoal and Fishing => Land use right and Community Association (2001) => Bank account (2005)

5 Gorongosa National Park Established in 1921 region of highest biodiversity in Mozambique 74 different vegetation systems, 15 geological formations and some 40 soil types. rich flora with thousands of different species; a high species diversity of reptiles, frogs and fish, an avifauna of 500 or more species; 25 wild ungulate species including seven miniature antelope

6 Some threats to Gorongosa’s rich biodiversity

7 Poverty and Disease Average income less than USD1 a day Malaria HIV/AIDs

8 Deforestation, fire and poaching Slash and burn agriculture Charcoal Production Illegal logging Bushfires Poaching

9 How do we addressed these threats

10 The Nhambita community carbon project Started in 2003  Aims to help rebuild the local economy by establishing environmentally responsible farming and food security

11 Plan vivo Plan vivo is a system for planning, managing and monitoring the supply of carbon offsets from small farms in ways that enhance rural livelihood => Land-use change and habitat restoration model that addresses poverty alleviation, sustainable development and biodiversity conservation while also tacking carbon emissions

12 How does it work?  Farmers join voluntarily 1. Machambas are mapped and system(s) chosen 2. Contract signed 3. Trees are provided 4. Monitoring (2-3 per year) 5. Payments (during 7 years)

13 Carbon Payments

14 Project activities Reforestation/agroforestry Forest management - Started working on 8,000 ha - Fire management

15 Project activities Research * 15 permanent sample plots (1 ha each):

16 Project activities We are also promoting interest group: Vegetable garden Beekeeping Hand crafting Bio Diesel Saw milling Carpentry Nursery

17 Outcomes Contracts YearNo. Farmers Area planted Trees planted 04/0562584,000 05/0630735626,000 06/0712013590,000 Total485549120,000

18 Outcomes Income YearFarmersCommunity fund 20053,787.622,456.78 200626,820.8411,241.68 Total30,608.4513.698.46

19 Outcomes Income (cont.) Salary : 200,000 USD Other income: 16,000USD

20 3. Fire management About 120 Km of firebreak Training of trainers (GTZ collaboration) Two groups of 12 people each trained Equipment for prevent and fight fire bought => This made big difference in 2006/2007

21 4. Infrastructures School y (partnership between German Embassy and Community) Improved wells (clean water) Clinic under constrution

22 5. Job creation About 140 permanent and temporally Several indirect jobs such as small shopping and carpentries Farmers subcontract

23 6. Most important - Change in attitude in relation to their natural resources and environment - The project brings new hope

24 Obrigado By: Antonio Serra

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