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Elizabeth Matchett, NBCT Spanish teacher, Gunn HS Team Member, Stanford World Language Project.

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Presentation on theme: "Elizabeth Matchett, NBCT Spanish teacher, Gunn HS Team Member, Stanford World Language Project."— Presentation transcript:

1 Elizabeth Matchett, NBCT Spanish teacher, Gunn HS Team Member, Stanford World Language Project

2  Divide a piece of paper into 3 sections.  Think deeply about who you are and WHY you are who you are.  Choose 3 influences—these are the 3 things that you think have had the most impact on who and what you are today, and what you are becoming as you develop.  Write each influence in one section of your paper.

3 a: The integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior that depends upon the capacity for learning and transmitting knowledge to succeeding generations b : the customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group; also : the characteristic features of everyday existence shared by people in a place or time c : the set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterizes an institution or organization d : the set of values, conventions, or social practices associated with a particular field, activity, or societal characteristic

4 Mother/Wife/FamilyMusic/TheatreLatin Culture

5  For each “culture” you have chosen, choose 2 examples or “proofs” of these cultures in your life.  Example: ◦ Culture: Theatre/Music  Example 1: attending plays and concerts  Example 2: costumes

6  Products  Practices  Perspectives

7  Products ◦ Food, Clothing  Practices  Perspectives

8  Products ◦ Food, Clothing  Practices ◦ Holidays, social behavior  Perspectives

9  Products ◦ Food, Clothing  Practices ◦ Holidays, social behavior  Perspectives ◦ Beliefs about religion, marriage

10  Which of your “proofs” are products, which are practices, which are perspectives? ◦ Note: it IS possible for them to fall under more than one category.  Example: Theatre/Music ◦ Attending play and concerts: Practice ◦ Costumes: Product

11  Presentational mode : Creating the project and sharing it with the world.  Interpretive mode: Reading and responding to other people’s projects.

12  Realidades 3—Chapter 8  Chapter goals: ◦ Describe how different cultures interact ◦ Understand cultural perspectives of different ethnic groups in the United States

13  Go to my Wiki for this presentation: 

14  Get a partner who speaks Spanish and 1 computer  Go to  Go to the Worksheets page, and choose “Project worksheets”  Open “Participant Worksheets”—Download the document  Now, choose the “Project examples” on the Wikipage

15  At the signal, Open a “Glog” on on your screen. Have your partner help you if you don’t speak Spanish.  Take notes about the “Glog” on a sheet of paper.  Make sure your notes are comprehensive; you won’t get a chance to re-visit the “Glog” and you will need the notes to complete the next part of the activity. You have 3 minutes!  At the signal, repeat the process with another “Glog”.

16  Go back to the Project worksheets page on the Wiki  Download the Quiz document.  At the signal, take the quiz—this is done by yourself, using the notes you took.

17  The preparation of the project allows the students to explore their own cultures. interests, and backgrounds.  The creation of the Glog allows them to be creative with technology  The Gallery of Glogs allows them to read and write about each other and create a sense of community  The quiz allows the students to incorporate the components of language we are studying into the contect of their cultures.

18 How can I clarify the project for you?

19 CCSS= Common Core State Standards

20  Since 2010, 45 states have adopted the same standards for English and math. These standards are called the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Having the same standards helps all students get a good education, even if they change schools or move to a different state. Teachers, parents, and education experts designed the standards to prepare students for success in college and the workplace.

21  Go to the Wiki urces urces  Choose the Resource page  Download the Common Core Standards for ELA  Look at p. 6 Tell your partner: How does this project meet the criteria laid out on page 6?

22  Alone: Think about how you can adapt this project to YOUR needs for YOUR students.  Think about how the components of the adapted project would support the CCSSs.  Talk with a partner to share your thinking. Ask for help in brainstorming ways to adapt the project to better meet the CCSSs.  Be ready to share out.

23  I love to hear about your projects.  Please TELL me when you do a fantastic project with your students, whether you adapted it from this, or whether you it’s just something you loved!  Shoot me an email! Thank you!!

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