Womens Political Empowerment. Categorization of Projects under Thematic Area Capacity Building of Public Representatives Voters Education Capacity Building.

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Presentation on theme: "Womens Political Empowerment. Categorization of Projects under Thematic Area Capacity Building of Public Representatives Voters Education Capacity Building."— Presentation transcript:

1 Womens Political Empowerment

2 Categorization of Projects under Thematic Area Capacity Building of Public Representatives Voters Education Capacity Building of NGOs Research and Advocacy

3 Details of Projects S NoName of OrganizationProjectGoal/ObjectiveDuration Funding 1Citizens Commission for Human Development (CCHD), Lahore Advocacy Campaign for Womens Political Empowerment to instil a democratic culture within Pakistani society by educating voters on womens participation in nation building and politics 9 Months 1,743,000 2Aurat Foundation (AF)Strengthening Capacity of Citizens Groups for Awareness & Advocacy increased capacity development of partners 2 years 10,579,580 3Strengthening Participatory Organisation (SPO), Islamabad Getting the right balance Empowerment of women through capacity development and linkage building of elected women representatives. 9 months 3,601,840 4Agha Khan Rural support Programme Promoting womens political participation in Northern Areas To contribute to the political and social empowerment of women living in Northern Areas 18 months 4,307,260 5Innovative Development Organization Formation and strengthening of Female CCBs Community empowerment for local level development and sustainable reduction of gender gap 10 months 2,012,000

4 Details of Projects Name of OrganizationProjectGoal/ObjectiveDuration Funding 6Omar Asghar Khan Development Foundation Increasing Womens Political Empowerment Increased well-being of women and community through greater political participation of women 18 Months 8,681,900 7Consumer rights Commission of Pakistan Improving the well-being of women through gender sensitive Consumer Protection strategy to improve the well- being of women through their economic, legal and political empowerment in relation to market and governance processes. 18 months 5,468,660 8DAMAANIndigenous Minorities of Indus Research Documentation and Registration of their Civic Rights Women of indigenous minorities of Middle Indus, along with their men, join the mainstream communities in the process of political change to protect their right to livelihood, identity and culture. 12 months 1,551,000 9Dir Area Development Organization Women Political Education for Participation in Political Process To create conducive environment for women in Political Participation in District Dir Upper. 14 months 4,091,200

5 Details of Projects Name of OrganizationProjectGoal/ObjectiveDuration Funding 10Sungi Development FoundationPromotion of Womens participation in the Local Government System/Electio n in District Battagram Enabling environment for women to participate in democratic process and better governance created at local level 14 Months 5,328,450 11Aurat FoundationStrengthening Social Capital for Activism for Womens Rights Enhance the capacity of the Documentation and Resource Centres at AFs Head Office and five Regional Offices to 14 months 9,869,450 12SACHETTowards Progress: Beijing +10 Conference at UN, New York, USA Review of the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action and the outcome documents of the twenty- third special session of the General Assembly 12 months 13The ResearchersThird International Conference – Women and Politics in Asia 2005 Provide a platform of dialogue and exchange of best practices and lessons learnt of the region on the subject 3 months 500,000

6 Main Issues/Challenges Structural Issues/Challenges Institutional Issues/Challenges Functional Issues/Challenges

7 Structural Issues/Challenges Social and cultural barriers, including issues like restrictions on womens mobility that affect their access to information and resources Entrenched patriarchal mindset that defines womens rightful place only in the home. Politics is considered as male domain in the public view. There is a lack of a societal acceptance of womens political role; Women are hindered to participate as voters and as candidates by the local power brokers Women are disenfranchised

8 Strategies Adopted Networking and Advocacy Using Radio and Talk shows Sensitization of local political leadership Mobilization and support to women Development and dissemination of print material Capacity building of local CBOs

9 Institutional Issues/Challenges Male domination in power politics; Lack of interest of political parties to orientate themselves toward the political participation of women; Lack of government will to create enabling environment for womens political participation and representation Lack of representation of women in the decision making bodies of political parties; Masculine model of politics and decision making; Prohibiting women from casting their votes Male resistance to women politicians in the political structures Lack of democracy and democratization of political structures Independent Election Commission

10 Strategies Adopted Develop the capacity of local groups for advocating women rights Regular coordination with political parties and government agencies Linkages developed among line department and communities Capacity building of local organizations to tap public resources as CCBs Gender sensitization trainings Capacity building of line agencies and political parties

11 Functional Issues/Challenges Inadequate political training of women; Lack of capacities and know-how of the political system Lack of education and awareness of women of their political rights; High level of illiteracy among women Lack of confidence and trust among women; Lack of political skills Lack of financial resources and social capital Lack of experience in playing a decision-making roles Lack of voters education Non-registration of voters Voters do not have National Identity Cards

12 Strategies Adopted Training of women on importance of political education Getting support of the local leadership for enhancing womens political participation Voter registration and support in getting ID cards Material development and use of media

13 Areas of Focus for Future Citizenship Rights and Womens Exclusion Culture and Political Rights of Women Gender and Democratization Capacities and Capabilities in Politics


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