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ANTHELMINTICS Presented by:- Bhavana Zalavadiya Chirag Prajapati

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1 ANTHELMINTICS Presented by:- Bhavana Zalavadiya Chirag Prajapati
Dr.Poonam Patil Kavita Vankore M.Sc. CRM ( ) (PRIST UNIVERSITY)

2 Contents What are the Helminths? Classification Disease caused by them
Anthelmintic drugs Anthelmintic herbs Recent trials School deworming programs Surgeries

3 Helminths Helminths (from the Greek Helmins, meaning worm).
Parasitic worms or helminths are a division of eukaryotic parasites that, unlike external parasites such as lice and fleas, live inside their host.They are worm-like organisms that live and feed off living hosts, receiving nourishment and protection while disrupting their hosts' nutrient absorption, causing weakness and disease.

4 It has been estimated that about Half of country’s population suffers from helminthiasis, and number is on increase. It is not only limited to tropical & subtropical countries, but is also endemic in many regions because of poor sanitation, poor family hygiene, malnutrition, and crowded living condition.

5 Classification There are 3 classes of Helminths: Nematodes
(roundworms) Trematodes (flukes) Cestodes (tapeworms)

6 Causes Low priority linked to poverty: unsafe water, poor sanitation, substandard housing, poor education. Common in low income countries. Infections Deaths STDs excluding HIV STDs excluding HIV Diarrhoeal diseases Diarrhoeal diseases HIV/Aids HIV/Aids Childhood & vaccine preventable diseases Childhood & vaccine preventable diseases TB TB Other infectious and parasitic diseases Malaria Other infectious and parasitic diseases Malaria African trypanosomiasis, Chagas disease, schistosomiasis, leishmaniasis, lymphatic filariasis, onchocerciasis, leprosy, dengue, japanese encephalitis, trachoma, STH

Causative agent Signs & symptoms Worms ONCHOCERClASIS (RIVER BLINDNESS) Onchocerca volvulus subcutaneous nodules, a pruritic skin rash and ocular lesions TRICHURIASIS (WHIPWORM DISEASE) Trichuris trichiura abdominal pain,diarrhea, and flatulence can occur ENTEROBIASIS (PINWORM DISEASE) Enterobius vermicularis Causing intense itching around the anus HOOKWORM DISEASE Ancylostoma duodenale , Necator americanus anorexia, ulcer like symptoms and chronic intestinal blood loss that leads to anemia. CYSTICERCOSIS Taenia solium Skin: generally no symptoms Brain:cause features of encephalitis, Epilepsy, personality changes

8 Diseases Causative agent Signs & symptoms Worms ASCARIASIS (ROUNDWORM DISEASE) Ascaris lumbricoides intestinal obstruction; roundworms may pass to blood and infect the lungs STRONGYLOIDIASIS (THREADWORM DISEASE) Strongyloides stercoralis relatively benign disease in normal individuals; can progress to fatal outcome In Immunocompromised patients FILARIASIS Wucheraria bancrofti, Brugia malayi Local inflammation and fibrosis of lymphatics , the arms, legs, and scrotum fill with fluid causing elephantiasis TRICHINOSIS Trichinelia spiralis muscle pain SCHISTOSOMIASIS S.Haematobium S.Mansoni S.japonicum Itch,urticaria, fever, muscle aches, abdominal pain, headaches, cough and sweating.

9 ANTHELMINTIC DRUGS Public health fights to reduce helminth infections in the US may be traced as far back as 1910, when the Rockefeller Foundation began the fight against hookworm – the so-called “germ of laziness” – in the American South Are drugs used to eradicate parasitic worms from the human body. Most anthelmintics in use today are active against specific parasites, and some are toxic. Hence,the worms must be identified before treatment is started,usualy by finding the ova, parasite or larvae in the faeces, urine, blood, sputum or tissue of the host.

10 ANTHELMINTHIC DRUGS May act by causing : 1- paralysis of the worm.
2- damaging the worm leading to partial digestion or rejection by immune mechanisms. 3- interfere with the metabolism of the worm.

Inhibits mitochondrial reductase causing reduced glucose transport Blocks the uptake of glucose Clinical uses Hydatid disease & cysticercosis Also in ascariasis ,trichuriasis ,hookworm, pin worm infections Pinworm , trichuriasis, hookworm & ascaris infections Adverse effects Mild epigastric pain,diarrhea, nausea, headache & insomnia Mild GI disturbance, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea precautions Should not be used in pregnancy Used with caution under 2ys of age may cause convulsion & contraindicated in pregnancy

12 Contd … Drugs PYRANTEL PAMOATE PIPERAZINE MOA Paralyze the helminth.
Flaccid paralysis Clinical uses Round worm & pin worm infection Ascariasis Adverse effects Anorexia, nausea, headache, drowsiness, rashes Nausea, vomiting, diarroea and allergic reaction precautions Should be used with caution in liver dysfunction. Pregnancy, children under 2 years of age Epilepsy or a history of epilepsy Impaired liver or kidney functions pregnancy Chronic neurologic disease

inhibition of oxidative phosphorylation Acts on the parasites glutamate-gated Cl- channel receptors Clinical uses tapeworms infection. cutaneous larva migrans & strongyloidiasis Adverse effects Mild abdominal pain, nausea Fatigue ,dizziness, GI disturbance precautions Not indicated in children under 2 years of age or in pregnancy Concomitant use with other drugs that enhance GABA e.g Barbiturates, bnzodiazepines, valproic acid. Meningitis

14 Anti-Helminthic Ayurvedic Herbs:
These medicinal plants damage the worms in the intestine. They either cause the death of worms or make them unconscious. So some purgatives are used along with these herbs. These are of two types. Specific Antihelminthic Herbs: Some herbs act specifically on particular type of worm. e.g. Chauhar, Palashbeeja, Vidanga for pin worm; Pomegranate bark, Puga for thread worm. General Antihelminthic Herbs: These herbs affect all the worms. These usually possess bitter, pungent and astringent taste and are with hot active principle

15 Contd … Gmelina arborea Roxb
Latex of Calotropis procera: Latex possesses wormicidal activity and thus, may be useful as an anthelmintic. Baliospermum montanum :Roots of B. montanum were evaluated for their anthelmintic activity against Pheretima posthuma and Ascardia galli as test worms. Streblus asper Lour :Antifilarial Cleome viscosa (wild mustard) Garlic: It is also used as anthelminthic.

16 Preventive measures The infective larvae develop and survive in an environment of damp dirt, particularly sandy and loamy soil. The main lines of precaution are those dictated by sanitary science: Do not defecate in places other than latrines, toilets etc. Deworm pet dogs — canine and feline hookworms rarely develop to adulthood in humans but their invasive larvae can cause an itchy rash called cutaneous larva migrans Handwashing before food handling . Avoiding ingestion of soil by thorough washing of food that may have been contaminated with egg-containing soil are other preventive measures. Improvement of Sewage and Sanitation systems, as well as improved facilities for feces disposal

17 Recent trials Efficacy of Vaccine Sh28GST in Association With Praziquantel (PZQ) for Prevention of Clinical Recurrences of Schistosoma Haematobium Pathology (Bilhvax) Sponsor: Institut National de la Santé Et de la Recherche Médicale, France Phase 1 Trial of Na-ASP-2 Hookworm Vaccine in Previously Infected Brazilian Adults Sponsor: Albert B. Sabin Vaccine Institute Antihelminthic Therapy Combined With Antimony in the Treatment of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Sponsor: Hospital Universitário Professor Edgard Santos

18 School deworming programs
These programs have a number of advantages. On the one hand, they allow health policymakers to take advantage of existing infrastructure and institutions for the dispensation of medical treatment; students already plan to attend school on a somewhat regular basis, and teachers can easily distribute the medication to their students without receiving any medical training.

19 Surgeries There are various surgeries to remove worms from the body like colonoscopy , heart surgery, brain surgery, etc. See videos.



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