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SHOBNALL PRIMARY SCHOOL Dear Parents We have pleasure in presenting the Summer Newsletter which brings you the latest information and the range of activities.

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Presentation on theme: "SHOBNALL PRIMARY SCHOOL Dear Parents We have pleasure in presenting the Summer Newsletter which brings you the latest information and the range of activities."— Presentation transcript:

1 SHOBNALL PRIMARY SCHOOL Dear Parents We have pleasure in presenting the Summer Newsletter which brings you the latest information and the range of activities during the first half of the Summer Term 2013/14 NURSERY RECEPTION NURSERY RHYMES The Nursery children have been learning about pets and jungle animals. They have been using their observational skills to find two silhouettes of the same animal. We have talked about how to look after animals, what they need to keep them healthy and where they live. The children have used their listening skills to listen to the ‘Great Pet Sale’ story and then used mark making to write about it. They have talked to each other about their favourite jungle animal during ‘Talking Partners’. We have looked at books about different animals and the children have matched numbers to objects. During the second half of the Summer Term, the children will be busy learning about ‘Growing in a Garden’. They will be busy planting beans, and using their fine motor skills to pick up seeds with tweezers – a very tricky job! RECEPTION CLASS NEWS The topic for Reception this term has been ‘Minibeasts’. Children have thoroughly enjoyed finding out about the tiny creatures that can be found in the garden environment and have used information books and the internet to find out some fascinating facts about them. Over the past few weeks we have been studying five tiny caterpillars in the classroom – they have grown before our eyes into giant caterpillars! We will talk about how to look after plants. The children will use mark making to write about their gardens at home. They will talk to each other about their gardens during ‘Talking Partners’. We will also be looking very closely at Van Gogh’s painting of ‘Sunflowers’ and the children will use paint and glue spreaders to recreate this famous painting. As part of ICT, the children will use their skills to draw flowers on the computer. We will be continuing with our daily Letters and Sounds activities. I would like to thank parents for sharing books at home and for completing the home activities with your child. Please could I remind you to name ALL items of clothing. Thank you for your co-operation in this. It was with great excitement when they turned into a chrysalis! We now wait with baited breath for the arrival of our butterflies Throughout our topic we have covered all areas of learning. We have extended our knowledge on addition and have learned about doubles by using the spots on ladybirds backs. Mrs Taylor, our Chair of Governors, has been working with the children each week creating snails using clay. Thank you Mrs Taylor, the children are really enjoying this new learning experience. Children have listened carefully to the many stories about minibeasts. The story ‘The Bad Tempered Ladybird’ was discussed to help the children to gain awareness of being kind, sharing with others and friendship. We created a special friendship recipe, to make the ‘Perfect Friend’! The topic encouraged children to become ‘minibeast detectives’ providing lots of opportunities for language enhancement, social conversation and curiosity of the outside world.

2 YEAR 2 The children in Nursery and Reception had a wonderful time on their trip to Ash End Farm on Wednesday 21 st May. They had wonderful first hand experience of learning about animals and their young and looking at similarities and differences between groups of animals. During Literacy, we have been looking at fantasy stories focussing on the film Monsters Inc. The children produced some excellent character profiles to be very proud of! Our Science lessons in Year 1 have been learning about growing plants and keeping them healthy. All the children have planted a runner bean and we have been keeping a ‘runner bean diary’. The class carried out an investigation to see how cress grows best. They are delighted in having a little peak inside the cupboard to see how the cress is growing! In Numeracy, we have continued to follow the National Strategy, We have been learning about how to tell the time, reading and drawing pictograms and understanding the value of each digit in two-digit numbers. It would be helpful to get them to practice telling the time. The children in Year 1 will continue to be set interactive maths acttivities on Education City. CURRICULUM NEWS The children have taken their SATs tests and are doing extremely well. We are very proud of them all! In numeracy, the children have learnt how to perform addition and subtraction calculations using a number line. They have also been finding out different ways to solve word problems and have worked hard to identify the various number operations needed. YEAR 3 This term in Literacy, we have been learning about play scripts. As well as learning about the features of play scripts and how they differ from stories. We have been reading ‘The Twits’ play scripts as a class. Also, we have used the story of ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ to write our own play scripts. This has also linked to our class target which is ‘To use powerful language in our writing’ as we have included lots of adverbs to describe how our characters are speaking. On Friday 23 rd May – there will be an ‘Ugly Bug Ball’ where the children and the staff will once again be dressing up in themed costumes and will take part in many exciting activities. Hopefully we will also be letting our butterflies go free at the end of this event! YEAR 1 We also read the story “The Dragon Machine” and used adjectives to describe the dragon from the story. During phonic time, the children are continuing to work hard on learning all Phase 5 Phonemes. The children enjoy playing on the games from Phonics Play.. In literacy we have been writing some fantastic character descriptions based on the characters in Roald Dahl’s ‘Fantastic Mr Fox’. We have been impressed with the fantastic range of descriptive language the children have used. The Characters were also explored through drama when children took on the roles of Fantastic Mr Fox and 3 Farmers. In Science, the children have been learning all about healthy eating and how to maintain a healthy lifestyle. They have enjoyed sorting a variety of foods into their correct food groups and creating their own balanced meal. There has also been a focus on exercise and the effects various activities have on our body.

3 YEAR 4 In Numeracy we have been learning about rounding and we have been recapping division along a number line as well as improving our ability to solve word problems. We have also been focussing on our class target which is ‘To know the halves of the numbers up to 40’ so that the children are able to quickly recall these Our Science topic this half term has been ‘Helping the Plants grow well’ and we have been looking at what each part of a plant does and what plants need to grow healthily. The children worked hard to plan our investigation into the effect of light and water on the growth of plans and were careful to make sure it was a fair test. We are still collecting our results to see if our predictions were correct. YEAR 4 CURRICULUM MATTERS: LITERACY : In literacy this half term, we have been writing explanation texts. We watched clips from the ‘Deadly 60’ and carried out some research into different animals. We also read some explanation texts and picked out key features to help us understand what explanation texts say about the deadly features of an animal of their choice. NUMERACY: This half term, we have been learning about fractions. We have learnt to find fractions of shapes and numbers, as well as equivalent fractions. We have learnt about mixed numbers and, some children, who were ready to do so, have completed work on improper fractions. As well as this, we have developed our skills in using written methods for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division questions. AVONCROFT On Tuesday 20 th May, Year 4 children visited Avoncroft Museum in Bromsgrove to learn about the Tudors. This included taking part in a range of activities to deepen children’s understanding of the Tudors. We took part in teaching lessons, in which we learned about rich and poor Tudors and building activities. We even had a go at Wattle and Daub! We have also started learning about our exciting new Romans Topic and we have been looking at when the Romans invaded Britain and what life would have been like before they arrived. The children are extremely excited to continue learning about the Romans in Britain and seem to have lots of information to share because they are busy researching at home to help them complete their Roman projects. SCIENCE: Our science topic this half term has been ‘Habitats’. In this unit, we have learnt about living organisms. We have found out about how animals need different conditions to survive and, we have investigated the different habitats animals live in. We have also found out about how animals have adapted to suit their environment. GEOGRAPHY: In our Geography lessons, we have been carrying out a European Study. This has involved finding out about the culture and geographical features of different countries. Some of the countries we have found out about have included France, the Netherlands, Denmark and Norway.

4 In French, we have been attempting to learn the names for parts of our bodies – some of which have raised a laugh! The children have been carrying out activities like labelling diagrams, watching video clips and then testing each other on what they have seen. For their PE lessons, they have been trying to improve their striking and fielding skills. Rounders seems the game of choice to do this and Mr Cruise has been keeping an eye on potential players for his team! The children have been trying to copy the art work of Clarice Cliff this term and they have made a plate out of clay. They are currently painting their own design in the style of Clarice. For our ICT lessons, Year 5 children have been working on creating a Powerpoint Presentation linked to their science topic this term. They have been putting together a presentation about the Solar System. They have completed the basics and are now adding more advanced effects to the slides. We will be looking at the finished presentations in class. YEAR 6 The children were absolutely fantastic throughout and never moaned once (not that I heard!) and this illustrated that they have developed hugely in their maturity and attitude towards the acceptance of completing the process. The children completed papers on reading, grammar and punctuation along with spelling and finally numeracy. We all now have to wait until early in July for the results to be returned and we all have our fingers crossed in awaiting these results. YEAR 5 I don’t think we have touched the ground so far this term, we certainly have had to pack a lot things into these four weeks. First of all we have been learning about the art of persuasive text in our literacy lessons so if you have had to put your child’s pocket money up recently, then I apologise! The children have been producing letters, reports and leaflets all aimed at persuading the reader to take action or to buy or visit something or somewhere. In numeracy, we have been recapping skills already learnt and focusing on our curriculum target, finding the lines of symmetry on a shape Science this term has been out of this world, well…kind of! We have been learning all about our solar system. The children have been finding out how long it takes to Earth to orbit the Sun and how long it takes to spin on its axis, they have also looked at why we get seasons and why some parts of the worlds have daylight or night times all day long. YEAR 6 SATs: Well, we’ve finally done it. The children in Year 6 have been working tirelessly towards the SATs and, we are pleased to announce that we have finally finished all the preparation and revision towards these. YEAR 6 SATs PARTY: Each year, the school allows the children in Year 6 to have a small party on the Friday morning of SATs week – to celebrate all their hard work and effort which they have put into completing the tests. This year was no different and we were blessed with gorgeous weather to celebrate. The children and parents were incredibly generous, once again, in sending in snacks and sweets for the children to munch their way through whilst enjoying the sunshine. The children had the freedom of the field and enjoyed playing rounders, cricket and football or just relaxing under the gazebo! They were finally able to relax after all their preparations. Thank you to all who donated the treats that the children enjoyed, it really was greatly appreciated.

5 CLUBS GIRLS FOOTBALL (YEARS 4,5, & 6) The football club has been working hard again and they have really improved their ball control and tackling skills. We have been working on using all of the space available to use and passing accurately whilst moving with the ball. We are now working hard in the lead up to a friendly tournament on June 11 th which the girls are really looking forward to, although a little bit nervous. Children have been learning a range of scientific concepts and using their design and technology skills to make representations of objects. The children have made a ‘zoetrope’ which explored light and moving images and a climbing clown, where children had to explore ways of adapting their work and making it stronger in places. The children worked co-operatively and have been a pleasure to work with.. ART AND CRAFT CLUB In Art and Craft Club, we did a number of activities. These included using paint to make abstract designs, decorating boxes and personalising pencil cases. The pencil cases were first tie- dyed and then we embellished them with buttons and ribbons. PLAYGROUND GAMES Year 1 and 2 children have the playground games during after school club. They have learnt a variety of new games including; splat, fruit salad, red letter and swim fishes swim. Splat was one of the most popular games and bought out the children’s competitive spirit. LIBRARY CLUB The children who attended the Library Club enjoyed looking at a variety of stories. They used the puppets we have in the library to act our different stories. All the children listened very well. They seemed to enjoy the club, Mrs Gilbert certainly did! SCIENCE CLUB Mrs Farrington and Mrs Roberts have worked with a small group of Year 5 and Year 6 children for Wednesday Science Club. ORIGAMI CLUB The Children in Years 1 and 2 have had lots of fun taking part in origami club this half term. They have created some fantastic pieces of origami including hats, envelopes, boats and a range of animals. I have been thrilled with the children’s enthusiasm for the club and the many pieces of work they have completed at home. Well done and keep up the fabulous work!

6 ICT CLUB A number of children from years 3 and 4 have been taking part in ICT Club. At the club the children had the opportunity to use a variety of ICT programmes and games. The children were all enthusiastic and keen to develop their skills. Well done to all children who attended! JUGGLING CLUB Mr Edge held his Juggling Club for years 3 and 4 and so far we have had some degree of success. Juggling is one of those things where you want instant success but it never seems to happen! However, the children have noticed that, with perseverance and lots of practice, you can start to find yourself juggling before you know it. Some of them are now trying to juggle with one hand while others are still mastering the art with two hands. Stick with it and you will soon be teaching your brothers or sisters or maybe even the odd mum or dad!! ROUNDERS CLUB This term has seen the start of the Rounders Club but to be honest, it has been very intermittent. Unfortunately, Mr Cruise was away training for one of the weeks and another week the session was interrupted due to the school being closed for polling day. However, as a result, Mr Cruise has promised that extra sessions will be provided for Rounders before the Dove Valley tournament to be held later this term. These sessions may be after school or during lunch time or a combination of both – Children will be notified in due course DOVE VALLEY HOCKEY CLUB On 16 th May 2014, 17 Children, split across two teams, represented the school at the annual Dove Valley Hockey Tournament. The tournament was very well attended with teams being entered by William Shrewsbury, John of Rolleston, Rangemore All Saints’, Alrewas All Saints as well as Shobnall’s two teams. The B Team, predominantly made up of Year 3’s and 4’s with support from a few year 6’s, were knocked out at the group stages buit gained some valuable experience which will stand them in good stead for future events. The A Team, however, faired much better, coasting through the group stages thanks to tenacious defence and ruthless play in attack. At the quarter final stage they brushed aside John of Rolleston with a wonderful 3-0 victory. Rangemore A lay in wait at the semi-final stage. After four energy sapping games, the Shobnall children ran out of steam and Rangemore progressed. Both teams represented the school wonderfully with the A team only losing to the eventual champions. Well done to all the children involved!

7 SCHOOL COUNCIL The School Council have had a busy few months with helping to judge the amazing decorate an egg competition just before Easter and the representatives from Year 6 helped to judge our whole school Talent Competition.. PFA A huge “Thank You” to all who gave up their evening to attend the Easter Bingo which raised a fantastic sum of £455.68. On Friday 16 th May 2014, the PFA held their summer disco for the children in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. The children had a great time dancing to the latest tunes and also sampling the wonderful array of sweets and tatoos on offer. A fun time was had by children and staff alike and the event raised nearly £240.00. The next big PFA event will be the Summer Fayre which will be held on Friday 6 th June. The Fayre will commence at 4.00pm and this year we have tried to ensure that you have a great variety of stalls and activities for your fun and entertainment whilst still raising funds for our school. If you feel that you could spend a small amount of time to support our small and dedicated team of PFA members then please speak to Mrs Dixon in the office who will only be too glad to receive your kind offer for help. Even if you can not offer to help on a stall, there is always a lot of preparation prior to the event that needs to take place. Every little helps! Let’s hope that the weather is, once again, kind to us for this event Both of these events offered such a high standard of work that judging was very difficult, but they raised to the challenge and were very fair and objective in their approach. Currently the School Council are working on a whole school fund raising event, around a sports theme. Further information will be available soon VOLLEY BALL CLUB The younger members of Key Stage 2 have been developing their knowledge of the game of volleyball. This has been part of the official programme of the Summer Olympic Games since 1964 but has only recently come to Shobnall. The children have had great fun trying to ‘ground’ the ball in their opponents court. The game is played with hands or arms and our children have also been learning to ‘strike’ or ‘push’ the ball with different parts of their body. We have observed some wonderful defensive play as each time have tried to block the ball when it enters their court. Well done to all the children for their good sportsmanship and their ability to master the basic skills of serving, passing, attacking and blocking so quickly! KITCHEN Thank you to all those children who have sampled the new menu which is proving to be very popular. Would parents please ensure that dinner money envelopes are marked clearly with children’s name, class and amount of dinner money enclosed.

8 DATES FOR YOUR DIARY School Closes on Friday 23 rd May at 3.30pm for the Whitsun Break and re-opens on Monday 2 nd June at 08.45am The staff at Shobnall Primary School would like to take this opportunity to wish you a safe and wonderful Whitsun Break. STAFFING ISSUES We are, once again, drawing towards the end of a busy year. We are sad to be saying goodbye to Miss Daniella Smith, our Year 3 Teacher and Mr Phill Edge, our Year 5 Teacher, both of whom have played an invaluable role in educating our pupils. We wish them every success when they take up their new posts at Springfield Junior School and Riverview Primary School. We hope that both members of staff take away many happy memories. The staffing arrangements from September 2014 will be as follows:- Nursery – Mrs Ruth Gilbert Reception – Mrs Tina Farrington Year 1 – Miss Helen Cooper Year 2 – Mr Christopher Gordon Year 3 – Ms Miranda Alexander Year 4 – Mr Tom Yates Year 5 – Miss Charlotte Odell Year 6 – Mr Rob Cruise All staff and pupils will be given an opportunity for transition in the Summer Term.

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