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Child rights to survival, growth & development ESARO.

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1 Child rights to survival, growth & development ESARO

2 Child rights to survival, growth & development





7 Child Rights to survival, growth & development Prevention & treatment of respiratory diseases Prevention & treatment of Malaria Pre-natal care and safe delivery of new borns Prevention of HIV. Care & support for people infected & affected by AIDS Improved Nutrition Immunization against vaccine- preventable diseases Psycho-social development Treatment & Management of Diarrhoea

8 Train facilitators in participatory communication Begin a community engagement. Determine an entry point and participatory technique Identify vulnerable groups and give them a voice in the engagement Create a positive vision for child development Produce an action plan to realize the vision -resolve conflicts -integrate new tech. info. into the plan Produce mass media messages and materials to support the plan Community management committee as part of overall mgt. structure CB-MIS integrated into programme monitoring Participatory evaluation as part of overall program evaluation


10 Communication at scale identify all possible groups of facilitators encourage “horizontal” sharing of the communication strategy between communities. refine the engagement process so that it is effective as possible. identify common aspects of community action plans and support them with appropriate mass media campaigns.

11 Example: Communication for Malaria in Mozambique Focus on the use of participatory tools to encourage Community Capacity Development (CCD)

12 Zambézia Province  A CCD strategy to facilitate community Assessment, Analysis and Action Service delivery  ITNs in rural areas  community-based distribution system for the First Line Drug for malaria treatment

13 Community Capacity Development Establishment of representative community councils to provide responsibility, motivation, leadership, authority and to manage resources Use of picture based participatory tools to facilitate communication, decision-making and learning

14 Development Development of Mozambique specific tools and associated training package: –communication –hygiene and sanitation –malaria –nutrition

15 Participatory Malaria Toolkit Sad/happy child: rights violations, duty bearers etc Nurse Felicidade: health priorities Malaria Child: signs/symptoms; risk groups Pocket Chart: treatment-seeking behaviours - duty bearers, capacity gaps, priority actions Community Mapping: monitoring and planning tool Blocking the Routes: routes of malaria transmission and how to block them

16 Supportive communication Social marketing communication including: –radio spots –malaria dramas –posters, wall painting etc, especially in urban areas

17 Emergency / post-emergency Gaza: Malaria Participatory tools used in support of the distribution of ITNs to flood affected families, reaching > 250,000 people in 3 months

18 Emergency / post-emergency 100 NGO mobilisers trained in participatory methodologies Activists working in teams of 10 visit one community a day ITNs distributed at end of participatory session 200,000 ITNS distributed in 3 months 250,000 people join in participatory sessions Net retreatment rates >96%

19 Some measurable impacts: Gaza


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