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Grundtvig 2 Project Learning Partnership. D ESIGNING I NCLUSIVE S PORT A CTIVITIES F ACILITIES Questionnaire for Services Providers.

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1 Grundtvig 2 Project Learning Partnership


3 Questionnaire developing The questionnaire has two parts: a set of questions about identification of the person investigated, name of the institution where he/she works, the address, activity in which she/he is involved etc. services which several institutions offers for the persons with disabilities (accessibility of the buildings, quality of the services, etc.).

4 The questionnaire consists of 8 questions: 3 with open answers, 4 with answers at choice a set of questions concerning identification data about the respondent.

5 Population investigated This questionnaire was applied to 82 persons: The sample investigated contains persons with several ages, employed in the governmental or private sectors. 53.7 46.3

6 Results The distribution of the persons investigated in different sectors of activities is the following one: most of them (50%) are employed in education sector (among them 58.5% are women) 13.4% in economical sector (women are prevailing too – 81.2%) 8.5% in health sector (among them 71.4% are women) 8.5% are working in transport services (among them 85.7% are men).

7 There are adaptations of the sport rooms for persons with disabilities and special access for rooms devoted to table tennis and chess.

8 Concerning investigated sample (N=82): a special attention is paid to offer special access in the institutions where they are working (43% has ramps for access) there are adapted bathrooms (6.97% of the interviewed persons mentioned the existence of such bathrooms in their institutions) other facilities - phones, lifts, wheel chairs (6.97% of the interviewed persons mentioned the existence of such facilities).

9 43.1% (between them 54% males) states that there are not facilities in their institutions for persons with disabilities The reason may be that: the problem was not raised or it was not necessary (71% of cases) lack of funds (26% of cases) the conditions are not met (3% of cases)

10 About the inclusion of persons with several types of disabilities the women are preponderant (31.9% women and 27.7% men). It is also to be emphasized that 30.1% of men didn’t answer at this question, compared with 15.4% women who have answered.

11 The distribution on gender of the inclusion of persons with several types of activities

12 Concerning with the question “What do you need to improve your services and make them accessible for disabled persons?”, the most of the interviewed persons required adapted for their disability (14.3%) and financial support (14.0%). Also they would like to get more information (12.3%), the opinion of the experts (9.4%), a better understanding of their condition of disabled persons (7.0%), etc.

13 What do you need to improve your services and make them (more) accessible for disabled persons?

14 The interviewed persons think that the sportive facilities their institution offers to persons with disabilities are very important (50% of them) among them are: 53.7% 46.3%

15 Concerning the payment of the provided services the most of the interviewed persons:  are against this payment (63.4%, among them 59.6% are men)  90.0% of the women interviewed think that they have to pay for these services, comparative with 10.0% of the men interviewed.

16 Other remarks The most of the interviewed persons had not any remark to do (69.5%, among them 57.9% women). However, 30.5% of the investigated population thinks that better information of the disabled people is necessary about the centers special designed for them as well as about the possibilities they have to value their qualities in the fields accessible for them.

17 Comments The results of this research have the idea that, in a certain extent, there are services provided by several institutions for disabled persons.

18 However, there are problems concerning the services provided for persons with disabilities (although the transport is free of charge for persons with disabilities, there are not enough facilities for their access to it, they are not completely integrated in collectivities due to lack of information and of financial support).

19 It is to be revealed a more and more involvement of local authorities, NGOs and not only. A very important point is the change of mentality of the others concerning the persons with disabilities. Also, their integration in society with the help of several institutions in charge - including the National Agency for the Employment of Labor Forces - is very important. They have to provide them free courses for their professional training.

20 Although different in a certain extent, the disabled people have not to be either marginalized, or excluded. It is to think only to Stephen Hawking and his contribution to solve some universal problems.

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