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State of Our Unions The Cement is Mostly Sand 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a April 25 - AM.

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1 State of Our Unions The Cement is Mostly Sand 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a April 25 - AM

2 Introduction Brick layer – “Make the mortar extra rich, put in lots of sand.” Marriages are crumbling at an alarming rate. God has provided the glue, the cement to hold them together.

3 Introduction In previous lessons in this series – –Statistics –Communication –Submission Today – last in this series – What can hold a marriage together?

4 Marriage is empty without love 1 Corinthians 13:1-3 - 1 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. 2 And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 3 And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing.

5 Marriage is empty without love There is a difference in – –The drum section of a symphony orchestra –And a kindergarten class with pie tins and spoons Talent and ability are useless without love Sacrifice means nothing without love

6 Agape love is Required Not an accidental emotion Not an option – suggestion – good idea Husbands AND Wives are COMMANDED to love each other –Husbands – Ephesians 5:25 –Wives – Titus 2:4

7 Here is the Recipe To Hold a Marriage Together LongsufferingIn simple language – “put up with” Be patient with their faults, slights, neglects

8 Here is the Recipe To Hold a Marriage Together Longsuffering Kind After you have put up with – endured – suffered long You must now be kind!

9 Here is the Recipe To Hold a Marriage Together Longsuffering Kind Does not envy Envy and jealousy will kill love every time Love is based on trust Where there is no trust – there is no love

10 Here is the Recipe To Hold a Marriage Together Longsuffering Kind Does not envy Does not parade itself – is not puffed up We must not be “bloated with self- conceit” Don’t allow yourself to be preoccupied with self-gratification

11 Here is the Recipe To Hold a Marriage Together Does not behave rudely Keep your marriage in the bounds of decency Treat each other with some measure of respect

12 Here is the Recipe To Hold a Marriage Together Does not behave rudely Does not seek its own In simple terms – love is not selfish Love must remain “other person centered”

13 Here is the Recipe To Hold a Marriage Together Does not behave rudely Does not seek its own Is not provoked Love is not “hot tempered” Your mate should not be one of the people you get angry with quickly

14 Here is the Recipe To Hold a Marriage Together Does not behave rudely Does not seek its own Is not provoked Thinks no evil Agape love is not mistrusting Love is not suspicious Always assume the best

15 Here is the Recipe To Hold a Marriage Together Does not behave rudely Does not seek its own Is not provoked Thinks no evil Rejoices – has pleasure Love does not rejoice in iniquity Love rejoices in the truth

16 Here is the Recipe To Hold a Marriage Together Love lasts Bears all things – puts a veil over the faults Believes all things – had faith in them Hopes all things – never gives up Endures all things – weathers the storms

17 What marriages need: NOT more sand –Don’t weaken what is already crumbling More emphasis on: –Agape love – the glue that holds a marriage together –Common goals, shared faith, mutual submission, more communication

18 What about your marriage? This sermon has focused on the physical relationship of marriage But there is also a spiritual relationship of marriage to God –Commitment –Obedience –Love God with all your heart

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