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By: Ammanuel Roberts And Thomas Boogren. Our Make Project.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Ammanuel Roberts And Thomas Boogren. Our Make Project."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Ammanuel Roberts And Thomas Boogren. Our Make Project.

2 Our Topic This Project is based on NXT. NXT LEGO Mind storms NXT is a programmable robotics kit released by LEGO. This allows us to build any robot using the NXT Kit and program the robot in any way. We are programming a Obsicle Cource out of the NXT programmable kit.

3 Why did we chose this Project? And what we hoped to discover at the end of the project? We chose this Project because we wanted to express our creativity by building anything that comes to mind. We also wanted to express out creativity by programming our bot to do what ever task we were aiming for. At the end of this project we are aiming to have our bot complete a certain task efficiently. Our first task is to have our bot complete a complex obstacle course. As the bot is doing so it will be holding a ball. The goal is to complete the course without dropping the ball. In this Presentation you will learn how our project works and what we did for the past weeks.

4 How we use our class time. At the beginning of class we always get together and plan out what we our going to do during that class period. Me and Thomas come together at the beginning of the class period and plan out what we are going to do corer to the Google Calendar we have created.

5 Planning/Documentation/Class Time We used Google Calendar to plan ahead on how we are going to use our class time. Every class period we look at this Calendar to see what our task is for the day. This is how we planned most of our project. If you look below you will see our Google Calendar.

6 Documentation We looked at a documentation rubric that Mr. McCloud has provided for us on his wiki. Every week he will be checking our page and will be leaving feedback on what we can fix corer to our page. We learned that Documentation is something that needs a lot of effort in order to get a nice and efficient grade. In the first week of documentation we got a poor grade because we did not put enough effort into the process. We than realized that its more than a 5 minute task. We toke Mr. McClouds and our Peers feedback and applied it to our page and got a good grade. We tried our very best to follow the Documentation Rubric on the wiki. If you look below there is a picture of the rubric.

7 Feedback At the end of every week we had 2 fellow peers review our page. When they give us feedback we toke that feedback and apply it to our page. As they are reviewing our page they looked at a Online Documentation & Reflection resource sheet that will give them starting prompts for the page feedback section. If you look below there is one picture of a screen shot of our page and the other picture is the Doc & Reflect prompt sheet that they looked at in order to review our page.

8 The Building Below you will see a picture of us making the bot it self. We are constructing the bot to be able to complete the exact task. Which is to complete a Obsicle Course and while doing so the bot will be holding a ball the goal is to complete the Obsicle Course without dropping the ball.

9 Building the Course If you look below you will see a picture of us building the Obsicle Course. This is the course in which the bot will complete.

10 Team Member Effort We were both on task for most of the time throughout the project. At times we got distracted but than refocused our brains on the task at hand. Throughout the project we were great and had great cooperation.

11 Conclusion The project was and wasn't successful. We didn’t test our bot yet but we did finish most of the programming. We will be testing next class period hopefully. If we could do anything different it would be time usage. I think we could of used our time more effiecently. If we were to do this we would be more far in our project than we are now.

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