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Why a Consortium?. For individual faculty members and colleges, the OER effort is isolated and the goal harder to attain.

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Presentation on theme: "Why a Consortium?. For individual faculty members and colleges, the OER effort is isolated and the goal harder to attain."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why a Consortium?


3 For individual faculty members and colleges, the OER effort is isolated and the goal harder to attain.

4 Pulling together, the effort is more sustainable and the goal more attainable.

5 Consortium gives community college educators a presence and a voice in the OER movement

6 Greater Funding Opportunities

7 Collaboration and Coordination

8 Easier Communications and Networking

9 Shared Responsibility

10 Shared Expertise

11 Shared Resources


13 Why a Consortium? Gives community college educators a presence and a voice in the OER movement Leverage for funding opportunities Collaboration and coordination Easier communications and networking Shared responsibility Shared expertise Shared resources Sustainability

14 Consortium Membership Benefits Participation in development of community college quality standards for OER textbooks and course materials Networking with community college OER innovators

15 Consortium Membership Benefits Guidance and support for use of OER at community colleges

16 Consortium Membership Benefits Shared OER textbooks, course materials and training modules

17 What would happen if massive numbers of experts of the world were to unite and, with the help of the general public, do what they do best – impart knowledge to the world for free?” ~ Larry Sanger, Co-Founder of Wikipedia “Collaboration is powerful. Enormous collaborative efforts on clearly-defined, useful projects can be world-changing.

18 Governance, Goals & Objectives

19 Governance Steering Committee FHDA in-kind donation –Project Director –Supervising Administrator –3 OER experts Consortium Institutions –4 representatives

20 Steering Committee Project Director 3 OER Experts 4 Reps Supervising Admin.

21 Advance the vision for making OER widely available to community colleges in order to increase access and reduce the cost of a college education. Promote faculty innovation, training and OER development for the Consortium community. Goals

22 Consortium Objectives Develop a community of institutions that use open educational resources to support student learning, access and success. Develop and support the Community College OER Center based on a distributed network devoted to the dissemination of OER knowledge, standards and content for educating community college students.

23 Consortium Objectives Advance the vision for making OER widely available to community colleges in order to increase access and reduce the cost of a college education. Promote faculty innovation, training and OER development for the Consortium community.

24 Consortium Objectives Promote faculty innovation, training and OER development for the Consortium community. Identify and disseminate quality OER content for textbooks and courses, model OER courses, and OER library and learning resources.

25 Consortium Objectives Develop a system for the sharing of open educational resources and development tools and best practices to support teaching, learning, collaboration and research. Coordinate activities with other organizations, standards, and efforts that add value to the OER materials and the OER consortium.

26 Consortium Objectives Develop a community of institutions that use open educational resources to support student Coordinate activities with other organizations, standards, and efforts that add value to the OER materials and the OER consortium. Facilitate Consortium community sharing of open educational resources, tools and best practices in development, implementation, and support. Publish and disseminate OER reports, training and support opportunities for community colleges.

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