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COUNTRY PRESENTATION (DRUGS AND HIV/AIDS)– Nepal Dr. Krishna Kumar Rai, Director National Centre for AIDS and STD Control, Ministry of Health and Population.

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Presentation on theme: "COUNTRY PRESENTATION (DRUGS AND HIV/AIDS)– Nepal Dr. Krishna Kumar Rai, Director National Centre for AIDS and STD Control, Ministry of Health and Population."— Presentation transcript:

1 COUNTRY PRESENTATION (DRUGS AND HIV/AIDS)– Nepal Dr. Krishna Kumar Rai, Director National Centre for AIDS and STD Control, Ministry of Health and Population

2 National structures in response to HIV/AIDS  National AIDS Council (NAC) headed by the Prime Minister  National HIV/AIDS and STI Control Board (HSCB)  National Centre for AIDS and STD Control (NCASC) headed by a Director (under Ministry of Health and Population)  HIV/AIDS program is P1 program /integrated program  District AIDS Coordination Committees (DACC) in 75 districts, DHO is the secretariat of DACC

3 HIV situation in Nepal, 2011  Total HIV infection reported as of 17 September, 2011-18535 (Male-11964, Female-6571)  Heterosexual transmission is predominant-- More than 80% infections are spread through sexual transmission  Injecting drug users, female sex workers and their clients, MSM, mobile and migrant popn are the key sub populations are the most at risk population - driving the epidemic

4 Injecting Drug Users Profile and behavioural characteristics  Estimated number – 33, 742  61.6% aged between 20-29 years  59.6 % unmarried  41.7% have completed 10 or more years of schooling  Prevalence of HIV among IDU in Kathmandu Valley is 6.3% and 4.6% in Pokhara

5  Narcotic policy (because of HIV transmission related components-harm reduction) has been recognised and mainstreamed in MOHA policy and related strategy (i.e. Drug Control Strategy 2010).  Emphasis is given on reducing stigma and discrimination in all related activities— sensitization, awareness campaign. Narcotic Policy

6 Ongoing Country Efforts National Drug Control Policy -operational New Drug Control Law - upcoming Drug Control Strategy -endorsed The Guidelines for rehab centres -operational OST Guideline is on the final stage-under translation

7 Ongoing Country Efforts  Implementing the National HIV/AIDS Strategy 2011- 2015  Health System strengthening for treatment, care and support –under GFATM support/pool fund capacity development, training –under implementation.  Community System Strengthening- under implementation, HIV prevention, community care support programs in partnership with civil society --- funded by Global Fund Round 7, Global Fund Round 10 and through Sector Wide Approach –supported by pooled partners (World Bank, DFID, AusAID)

8 Contribution of the project in the National response  Coordination in setting up Harm Reduction & Methadone Maintenance program and ensuring a smooth transition to a government led mechanism supported by Global Fund and Pooled Funds  Technical partnership in involving civil society, IDU network in terms of HIV prevention of transmission,  Direct service to over 8000 IDUs through, Comprehensive Harm Reduction services and Methadone Treatment  Advocacy for conducive policy environment to drug users in the country  Overall coordinating role between the Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of Health and Population

9 Way Forward  Collaboration- strengthen regional cooperation through knowledge & experience sharing  Develop Regional Harm Reduction Policy, Strategy and advocacy guidelines  Provide lead TA role in research as well as in program development in terms of new dynamics among adolescents and young drug users (under 18)  Explore and invite new donors in the South east Asia region with the changing economic context,----- economically rising country like China (also high prevalence of HBV)


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