Elena Vocabulary Day 1. Condolences We all said our condolences to my cousin because his dog died last night. Condolences are expressions of sympathy.

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1 Elena Vocabulary Day 1

2 Condolences We all said our condolences to my cousin because his dog died last night. Condolences are expressions of sympathy for a death. 9/15/2015copyright 2006 www.brainybetty.com; All Rights Reserved. 2

3 Condolences Example: Saying sorry for your loss, feeling sad for someone, “pay your respects” Non-example: Reading about a death in the news (in which you have no emotional connection to the person) 9/15/2015copyright 2006 www.brainybetty.com; All Rights Reserved. 3

4 dictator My class thought the teacher was a dictator because she never let us vote, or have a say on anything. A ruler who has complete power over a country is a dictator. 9/15/2015copyright 2006 www.brainybetty.com; All Rights Reserved. 4

5 dictator Example: Saddam Hussein, Adolf Hitler, Fidel Castro Non-example President Barack Obama, Ex- President George Bush 9/15/2015copyright 2006 www.brainybetty.com; All Rights Reserved. 5

6 notorious Osama Bin Laden is a notorious man because he was behind the 9-11 attacks on the Twin Towers. A person or thing that is notorious is well known for having a bad reputation. 9/15/2015copyright 2006 www.brainybetty.com; All Rights Reserved. 6

7 notorious Example: Pit bull dogs, Osama Bin Laden, dictators Non- example: Babies, soldiers 9/15/2015copyright 2006 www.brainybetty.com; All Rights Reserved. 7

8 rugged It is impossible for us to drive our car through the rugged mountains. Anything that is rough or uneven is described as rugged. 9/15/2015copyright 2006 www.brainybetty.com; All Rights Reserved. 8

9 rugged Example: Mountain peaks, rocks cut by water and wind Non-example: The smooth ocean floor, rolling hills 9/15/2015copyright 2006 www.brainybetty.com; All Rights Reserved. 9

10 sombreros My grandfather let me wear his sombrero that he wore when he lived in Mexico. Spanish hats with wide brims are sombreros. 9/15/2015copyright 2006 www.brainybetty.com; All Rights Reserved. 10

11 sombreros 9/15/2015copyright 2006 www.brainybetty.com; All Rights Reserved. 11 Example: Non- example: Baseball cap, cowboy hat

12 transformed My mom said my look was totally transformed when I changed my clothes from sweats to a tuxedo. Transformed means changed in appearance 9/15/2015copyright 2006 www.brainybetty.com; All Rights Reserved. 12

13 transformed Example: Land after a flood, or volcano eruption, a person who was messy and then dresses up Non-example: Feeling better after being sick 9/15/2015copyright 2006 www.brainybetty.com; All Rights Reserved. 13

14 urgently 9/15/2015copyright 2006 www.brainybetty.com; All Rights Reserved. 14 She urgently called us to get out of the house since it was on fire! When you act urgently you act in a manner that calls for immediate action.

15 urgently Example: When there is an emergency; running; racing Non-Example: Running laps at PE; walking; nonchalantly 9/15/2015copyright 2006 www.brainybetty.com; All Rights Reserved. 15

16 wounds When I fell off of my bike, I got a wound on my leg and my elbow. Injuries in which the skin is broken 9/15/2015copyright 2006 www.brainybetty.com; All Rights Reserved. 16

17 wounds Example: A cut when you fall, a bad scratch from the cat Non-example: Aid, cure 9/15/2015copyright 2006 www.brainybetty.com; All Rights Reserved. 17

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