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DDI and Assessments in ELA Part III from Data to Action October 2014 David Abel, Fellow for Curriculum and Assessment/ELA

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Presentation on theme: "DDI and Assessments in ELA Part III from Data to Action October 2014 David Abel, Fellow for Curriculum and Assessment/ELA"— Presentation transcript:

1 DDI and Assessments in ELA Part III from Data to Action October 2014 David Abel, Fellow for Curriculum and Assessment/ELA

2 Session Objectives Participants will be able to develop action plans based on data from a Common Core-aligned assessment. Participants will be able to use data analysis documents to inform next steps for classroom instruction. Participants will have time to connect to their own practice by working with sample data trackers, including how to use data to choose groups and suggested activities within those groups.

3 AGENDA Introduction Quick Review of Assessment Design & Analyzing and Tracking Data Now what? The post-analysis action plan!  Analyzing trends  Grouping students  Possible instructional activities  When/How to implement instruction  What extra support may be needed

4 Introduction Who am I? what do I do? Why do I do it?

5 Where we’ve been, where we’re going with DDI DDI session I ( Feb, July NTI): Assessment Design DDI session II (May NTI): Data Analysis DDI session III (October NTI): Action Plan *

6 Review of Session 1: Assessment Design What do we know about this student, based on this response? What DON’T we know about based on this response?

7 Review of Session 1: Assessment Design Key understandings o Text selection matters….a lot o Comprehension is king o Sometimes we do don’t know what we don’t know—but we aim to find out!

8 Deconstructing Assessment prompts PROMPT: FOUNDATIONAL SKILLS: COMPREHENSION, WRITING ORGANIZATION, COMMAND OF GRAMMAR/MECHANICS Assessment Prompt ElementRESPONSE FOUNDATIONAL UNDERSTANDING I What vocabulary of the discipline do you need to know and understand in order to answer the prompt? FOUNDATIONAL UNDERSTANDING II What conceptual understandings of the text do you need in order to answer the prompt? What are the components of the response needed to answer the question? ANSWER (Claim) SUPPORTING EVIDENCE (textual evidence that supports claim) REASONING (connection of evidence to claim) SUPPORTING EVIDENCE (textual evidence that supports claim) REASONING (connection of evidence to claim) SUPPORTING EVIDENCE (textual evidence that supports claim) REASONING (connection of evidence to claim)

9 Analysis “Connecting the dots” Drawing conclusions from the data

10 The challenges of Tracking Data for Analysis Looking for that sweet spot between doable and useful! We don’t want to “granularize” content… …but we have to do something to look “under the hood” in order to move forward We want our students engaged in rich tasks… …but we want to dig into the work associated with the tasks to learn specifics aboutwhat our students know and can do We don’t want to reduce student data to a “checklist” where the complexities of expository writing are reduced to 0s and 1s …but we want usable information about how are kids are doing with respect to the demands of the Common Core

11 Sample Data Tracker DATA DESCRIPTORS P = Proficient D = DevelopingA = analysis L=literal XO=does not demonstrate Student Name DATAPOINTS Score from Short Response Rubric Valid Inference or Claim from text One example of textual evidence Second example of textual evidence Readability of writing and minor errors Student #1 2 PPPP Student #2 1 LLLXO Student #3 1 LLXO Student #4 0 LXO

12 Analyzing Trends Mr. Abel’s Class Data tracker (pages 5-10) Review of data descriptors: P, D, X0, A and L Review of data points Context: the hypothetical assessment in question…  Used a 8 th grade-level Literary Non-Fiction text  Was a “2 point CR” style item measuring 8.RI.3  Was given after a unit of study related to the text  Was given early in the year

13 Analyzing Trends Review of codes: P, D, X0, A and L  PROFICIENT: Valid Inference/Claim; supplies sufficient evidence in support of that claim; explanation/rationale for how evidence connects to claim  DEVELOPING: Inference/Claim; supplies partial evidence in support of that claim; incomplete explanation/rationale for how evidence connects to claim  ANALYSIS: demonstrates analysis either within inference/claim and/or evidence and/or explanation/rationale  X0: does not demonstrate evidence of this data point  LITERAL: Claim is mostly literal recounting of events or details from the text ; evidence and/or rationale are literal These are not mutually exclusive (except for X0, and Analysis cannot be literal)

14 Analyzing Trends Discuss at your table:  What’s a whole class trend?  What’s an interesting/troubling group of students?  For your convenience: Page 5-6: whole class data Pages 7-8: SORTED BY INFERENCE/CLAIM Page 9: sorted by students who have claims that are either “Developing” or “Developing/Literal” Page 10: Sorted by students who have claims that are “Proficient”, “Proficient/Analysis” or “Proficient/Literal”

15 Analyzing Trends  What’s a whole class trend?  What’s an interesting/troubling group of students?

16 Action Plan Templates Erie 2 North Star Generic WHY (ANALYSIS)  WHO, HOW, WHEN  RE- ASSESS

17 WHO: Grouping How might you use the analysis of trends to form small groups for small-group instruction/review? How might you use the analysis of trends to determine whole class instruction? How might you use the analysis of trends to determine what extra support may be needed to meet students’ needs?

18 HOW: Instruction How might you use the analysis of trends to plan instruction with whole class? Small groups? Can you use student-facing feedback from the assessment as a meta-cognitive piece? Continuum of interventions on page 16 Excerpts from Common Core-Aligned Interventions for Adolescent Readers pages 17-36

19 WHEN: Instruction The show must go on…. How might you use the analysis of trends to plan instruction with whole class? Small groups? What scheduling and time considerations will there be?

20 WHEN: Re-Assess When should you take the temperature with regard to the whole class, small groups, specific individual students again? How should you assess (informal, exit ticket, interview, etc.)

21 Creating an Action Plan Use one of the templates provided, create an action plan outlining the why/who/how/when for the whole class OR a small group of students in Mr. Abel’s class.

22 Creating an Action Plan SHAREOUT


24 THANK YOU David Abel

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