HL7 Webinar: Mobile Health Chuck Jaffe Austin Kreisler John Quinn 19 March 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "HL7 Webinar: Mobile Health Chuck Jaffe Austin Kreisler John Quinn 19 March 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 HL7 Webinar: Mobile Health Chuck Jaffe Austin Kreisler John Quinn 19 March 2012

2 Agenda Introduction: Opportunities for HL7 in the Mobile Health landscape HL7 Specifications & Mobile Health: Current standards, significant gaps, and areas for collaboration among WGs Developing an HL7 Workgroup: Requirements, Governance, and Projects Q&A Next steps

3 Webinar Objectives Introduce membership to the opportunities in the mobile health Gauge the interest of members for participation in a mobile health initiative Demonstrate a need for a distinct WG Discuss a framework for process and governance Assess interest among individuals for leadership roles

4 Ongoing Mobile Health Discussions Non-profit healthcare organizations EHR vendors Device manufacturers Technology developers HIT organizations Developers of standards & profiles Academia Healthcare systems Professional societies Professional support organizations Government organizations Regulatory agencies Patient advocacy groups HIE & ACO organizations

5 Next Steps Define the objectives of the WG Create a formal WG, as outlined in the GOM, to support specific deliverables Elect co-chairs Enable opportunities for collaboration, both within HL7 and with outside entities Provide meeting times in Vancouver Establish guidelines for work prioritization Support outreach and networking

6 Looking Forward Map the landscape, both in North American & in the international community Coordinate efforts with other HL7 WGs and Committees TSC & Technical committees Education Marketing & Communication Ambassador Program Establish external partnership

7 Mobile Health and HL7 Standards Austin Kreisler Chair – Technical Steering Committee

8 Foundational and Technology Focused Standards V3 Reference Information Models V3 Data types Model Interchange Format V3 Implementation Technology Specification V3 Common Terminology specification SAIF Canonical Definition And many others

9 Technology Focused Workgroups Implementable Technology Specifications (ITS) Conformance and Guidance for Implementation and Testing (CGIT) Infrastructure & Messaging (InM) Modeling & Methodology (MnM) RIM Based Application Architecture (RIMBAA) Security (SEC) Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) Templates Vocabulary

10 What’s All This Have to Do With Mobile Health? None are focused specifically on Mobile Healthcare

11 Mobile Health Allows healthcare data to be captured and provided any where and any time Healthcare data on mobile devices is healthcare data on the move HL7 Standards are all about moving data from one point to another HL7 is a natural fit for mobile devices

12 What’s Missing? Many HL7 Standards developed with “controlled” secure environments (such as healthcare enterprise networks) in mind Mobile devices often operate outside of these secure, controlled environments Mobile devices often provide integrated services such as GPS, image/audio/video capture & display, etc. in a hand held package HL7 needs to think through the impact of all these technologies on HL7 Standards

13 HL7 Mobile Health Work Group Potential questions for the new work group: What are the security & privacy implications for mobile devices and the impact on HL7 Standards What sort of impact would Geo-coding of all healthcare data have on HL7 Standards? Where are all the HL7 Apps? What impact will mobile devices have on healthcare workflow?

14 Collaboration Work with existing work groups to update existing standards for the mobile environment Collaborate with the Education WG and Ambassador program to educate people inside and outside of HL7 regarding mobile health Work with the Marketing WG to promote use of HL7 Standards in the mobile computing market place

15 Writing Standards that support Mobile Health Interoperability within HL7 John Quinn, HL7 CTO

16 Volunteers HL7 is an organization of volunteers. Volunteers exclusively create, ballot and maintain the content of the HL7 Standards HL7 is looking for existing and new volunteers with knowledge and expertise: Domain knowledge the technical and mobile communications; The clinical and administrative processes that are and will be supported by the information and communications technologies.

17 Organization in HL7 HL7 Technical Committee Organization contains a Steering Division Domain titled Foundation and Technologies that contains “vertical” supporting technologies that support HL7 standards. Examples include Modeling and Methodology, Implementation Technology Specifications, SOA and more. We would consider organizing Mobile Health as a Work Group in this Steering Division

18 Thanks cjaffe@hl7.org austin.j.kreisler@saic.com john.f.quinn@accenture.com

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