It has been an exciting month as we delved into the FOSS world of Liquids and Solids. In this newsletter and on the Grade 1 website, you can find some.

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Presentation on theme: "It has been an exciting month as we delved into the FOSS world of Liquids and Solids. In this newsletter and on the Grade 1 website, you can find some."— Presentation transcript:

1 It has been an exciting month as we delved into the FOSS world of Liquids and Solids. In this newsletter and on the Grade 1 website, you can find some fantastic vocabulary games to play with your child while learning about this topic. There are also games and vocabulary offered for math and language arts. Feel free to explore these games at home with your child. We enjoyed meeting with some of the ESL parents at the first ESL parent workshop on January 14. Parents who came had the opportunity to explore Kidspiration as well as learn about Starfall, a game on our Grade 1 website, with Ms Chen. The Grade 1 ESL team will be offering one more workshop on Thursday, February 12 at 2:35 p.m. in room 1A03. A newsletter about the workshop location and topic will be sent via email and notice after the Chinese New Year holiday. We hope to see all of our ESL parents there! Until then, have a wonderful holiday celebration with your families!! - Susan Chen & Virginia Blais The ESL Corner

2 Vocabulary High Frequency Words Consonant Blends MathScience Solids and Liquids had st-op, st-amp, st-ickTens & Ones& Hundreds particle notsp-eak, sk-ip, sm-ile…is less than…mixture butsc-ream, sn-ow, sw-im…is more than…pour whatcr-y, cl-ay, fl-y, fr-y…is the same as…separate allpl-ay, sl-ide, bl-ue…is equal to…evaporate werepr-ince, dr-agon, tr-ee unit, pounds-lbmelt whenbr-own, gr-owl, gl-assFlats=100, Longs=10freeze wedr-ink, qu-it, tw-inHalf past ____.layer thereHow much more/less? dissolve

3 Odd One Out Put a few solids and liquids words in a list with one being “odd”. Please use December Webpage Solids and Liquids vocabulary for the list. E.g. wood, bean, screw and milk. Not only does the child need to say which word it is (solid) but WHY it is not a liquid… the odd one out. Odd One Out Put a few solids and liquids words in a list with one being “odd”. Please use December Webpage Solids and Liquids vocabulary for the list. E.g. wood, bean, screw and milk. Not only does the child need to say which word it is (solid) but WHY it is not a liquid… the odd one out. Vocabulary Cards This is a fantastic game that you can make with any of your vocabulary words at home. Using visuals with these vocabulary words will help ESL learners. Attached is Solids and Liquids vocabulary cards for you to try at home. You can also do this with analog or digital clocks that you can print at Creamy Characters This is an enjoyable tactile activity that will make your child fall in love with spelling of high frequency words and consonant blend words. Simply spray some shaving cream on the table and have your child smooth it out. Pick one of these words from a hat and say it aloud. Let your child write the word in the shaving cream. Then smooth out to erase and start again! Vocabulary Games Liquids & Solids Jeopardy Have fun over the holiday playing ‘Jeopardy’ with your children. It’ll give you an opportunity to play a game, while at the same time, learn the concepts and vocabulary that Grade 1 students are exposed to in the science curriculum. Your children will love showing you how much they know. Emotional attachment to new concepts and vocabulary enhances memory retention.‘Jeopardy’

4 Solids and Liquids Vocabulary Cards FloatLiquidPourBubblyObserve Colorless FoamyTranslucentSurfaceViscous TransparentPropertyVialLevelSink

5 TowerFlexible SmoothTransparentCylinder Soft Tower SolidFlat Flexible OpaqueRough Sort LiquidpointedPropertyRigid

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