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Genres A French word meaning type or kind. Genres are a classification system used to provide a way to talk about texts.

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Presentation on theme: "Genres A French word meaning type or kind. Genres are a classification system used to provide a way to talk about texts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Genres A French word meaning type or kind. Genres are a classification system used to provide a way to talk about texts.

2 Genres are important because… –They give you a rich language to talk about texts. –They help you understand how information is organized and presented. –They also help you to pick out the types of books that you like to read.

3 Let’s Begin with Fiction Remember, FICTION means FAKE. It is a narrative that is often imagined rather than real. The purpose is to entertain or involve readers in stories of life. You will come across characters, problems, and a setting in fiction.

4 Types of Fiction Traditional Literature: Originated in the stories passed down orally throughout history. This includes folktales, fairy tales, myths, legends, and epics. Ex: Cinderella, Paul Bunyon, The Headless Horseman. Fantasy: Fiction that has unrealistic elements. This includes modern fantasy and science fiction. Ex: Animorphs, Harry Potter series.

5 Types of Fiction Continued Realistic Fiction: Drawn from the writer’s imagination, but it can be true in real life. It often focuses on regular human problems. Ex: Ramona series, Frindle. Historical Fiction: Drawn from the writer’s imagination, but it is true to life in some period of the past. Ex: American Girl Series, Bud Not Buddy.

6 Moving on to Non-Fiction! Non-fiction provides factual information through text and pictures. It usually focuses on a particular topic. The information in non-fiction must be accurate, meaning you must be able to look it up and prove that it is true.

7 Types of Non-Fiction Informational: Provide ideas and facts that are related to all different topics. Ex: A book about magnets, a book about how plants grow. Biography: An account of the life of an individual. Ex: A book about Abraham Lincoln.

8 Types of Non-Fiction Continued Autobiography: An account of the life of an individual written by the person. Ex: A book about Michael Jordon that he wrote himself. Memoir: The story of a personal or historical event. Ex: Little House on the Prarie series

9 The End Now that you know all about genres, picking out books will be a snap!

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