Art Detective Folders Rosalie Claussen Lincoln Public Schools Lincoln, Nebraska 2008 ©

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1 Art Detective Folders Rosalie Claussen Lincoln Public Schools Lincoln, Nebraska 2008 ©

2 Lincoln convention and visitors Bureau Population 240,000

3 Lincoln Public Schools Lincoln, Nebraska 33,400 students 7,000 employees 2,800 certified teachers 53 schools: 36 elementary, 10 m.s., 6 h.s., 1 alternative h.s and 4 focus programs (science, arts & humanities, technology and entrepreneurship) + 2 elementary and 1 middle school under construction Art Specialists, full & part-time, in all but 3 elementary schools Collaborative colleagues and a supportive District Art Consultant - Nancy Childs

4 My Background I have 400 art students - middle to upper class families I see students once a week for 50 minutes I teach art three days a week at Pyrtle Elementary and I am the Gifted Facilitator at Belmont Elementary two days a week This is my 19th year teaching elementary art for LPS

5 Pyrtle Elementary 16.0% free and reduced lunch 13.5% special education 3.5% mobility 4.1% students of color 9.0% gifted 36.0% attend on permit 96.5% average daily attendance

6 Meeting the National Standards The Lincoln Public Schools art curriculum is based on 7 Core Abilities which are directly correlated to the National Standards. Think Creatively with ArtKnow the Language of Art ** The Creative Process Elements & Principles Connect With Art *Create Art ** Art History Production Express Through Art ** Live with Art * Interpret Works Careers Talk About Art Reflecting & Assessing developed by Lincoln Public Schools* Connects **Communicates Meeting the Core Abilities with Art Detectives……….

7 Core Ability #2 (National Standard #4) Connect with Art! Explore Connections with History and Cultures through: art history aesthetics criticism multicultural education

8 What Are They? How did they begin?

9 The Beginning Reproductions and class discussion Reproductions and small group work

10 ART WARM-UPS Title of work of art: ____________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Date of the work of art:_________________________________________ Artist’s name:________________________________________________ Country or culture:____________________________________________ Descriptive words and phrases: Summary sentence of main idea:

11 The class discussions, small group work, and Art Warm-Ups led to the development of art study packets. My colleague, Tabi Zimmerman, and I shared ideas and the result was The Art Detective Folders.

12 Art Detective Folders Art Detective Folders are study packets on artists. Working independently or in groups of two or three, students learn facts, look at reproductions and answer questions on artists.

13 What’s In a Folder? Artist Information Sheet Reproductions

14 Core Ability #3 (National Standard #3) Express Through Art! Explore Artistic Expression: Discover artists’ intentions Learn to read and interpret artworks Understand choices for effective communication

15 Core Ability #4 (National Standard #2) Know the Language of Art! Know: the art elements and principles of design how to identify, interpret and use the elements and principles in an artwork how the elements and principles are connected ColorColor ColorColor Line Balance RepetitionRepetition Shap e

16 Art Detective Artist Form Artist: I. Biography A. Born: B. Died: C. Culture: II. Style: A. Art Style: B. What makes this artist’s work important? III. Interesting facts A. B. C. D.

17 (Page2) Art Detective Questions: 1. 2. Activities: 1. 2. For more information...

18 Art Detective Artist Form Artist: Georgia O’Keeffe A.Born:1887 B. Died: 1986 C. Culture: American Style: Abstract What makes this artist’s work important? Her art is important because she painted things as she saw them. Interesting facts A. Georgia was born in Sun Prairie, Wisconsin. B. She had very discouraging teachers in school. C. Georgia started taking painting classes when she was 10 years old. D. She started out by doing oil & water color paintings. E. Georgia had success as a painter from the beginning. This was very unusual. F. Georgia was married to a famous photographer, Alfred Stieglitz G. She lived for 98 years.


20 Art Detective Answers Artist’s Name: Georgia O’Keeffe Artist’s date of birth / death: 1887 / 1986 Artist’s Culture: American Art Style: Abstract Why is their art important? Her art is important because she painted things as she saw them. List at least three interesting facts you have learned about the artist: 1. She had very discouraging teachers in school. 2. Georgia started taking painting classes when she was 10 years old. 3. She lived for 98 years.

21 Look at the pictures and find one work of art by this artist that you like. Write the name or a description of the work of art: _________________________________________________________________ Describe what you see when you look at the work of art. Use a complete sentence. _________________________________________________________________ Write a question using an art element. Look at the art work you chose and answer your question using a complete sentence. (for help see Be an Art Detective sheet) _________________________________________________________________ Complete the following sentence. When I look at this piece of art I think of: (somewhere you’ve been, something you do, a book you’ve read) _________________________________________________________________ Answer the Art Detective questions on the back of the artist fact sheet. Write your answer in this space.


23 Look at the pictures and find one work of art by this artist that you like. Write the name or a description of the work of art: Red Poppy. (It is a picture of a large red flower.) Describe what you see when you look at the work of art. Use a complete sentence. It is a picture of large red flower with a black center. Write a question using an art element. Look at the art work you chose and answer your question using a complete sentence. (for help see Be an Art Detective sheet) How did Georgia show form? She overlapped the petals and changed the value to make it look 3-D. Complete the following sentence. When I look at this piece of art I think of: (somewhere you’ve been, something you do, a book you’ve read) planting flowers with my dad. Answer the Art Detective questions on the back of the artist fact sheet. Write your answer in this space.

24 Be An Art Detective How did the artist use the elements in the work of art? 1. Pick a question. 2. Fill in the blank with an element. (color, shape, form, line, space, texture, value) 3. Answer the question. Why did the artist use ___________________________? How did the artist use ___________________________ ? Where did the artist use __________________________? The artist used _____________________ to show what ? The artist used ______________so we would know what ? The artist used _____________to make what important ? The artist used ______________so we would think what ? The artist used ________________so we would see what ? The artist used _______________________ to tell what ? © may not be reproduced for profit rclaussen 2008

25 Art Detective Questions: (answer either #1 or #2) 1.Look at the picture Skull with White Rose. One day on the way to answer the door Georgia stuck a fabric flower in a white animal skull. She later looked at it and decided to paint it. Which of the design elements did the addition of the flower change? How did it change? Shape Texture Line Value Color Form Space 2.Georgia said she painted big flowers so people would look at them like people looked at the big buildings in New York City. Look at the pictures City Night and Pansy (gold star). Both were painted in 1926. List three ways they are similar.


27 The flower changed the texture. The skull is hard and the flower is soft. The flower changed the shape. With the flower the shape is more organic.

28 Art Detective Questions: (answer either #1 or #2) 1.Look at the picture Skull with White Rose. One day on the way to answer the door Georgia stuck a fabric flower in a white animal skull. She later looked at it and decided to paint it. Which of the design elements did the addition of the flower change? How did it change? Shape Texture Line Value Color Form Space 2.Georgia said she painted big flowers so people would look at them like people looked at the big buildings in New York City. Look at the pictures City Night and Pansy (gold star). Both were painted in 1926. List three ways they are similar.


30 Both have a lot of black, white and blue Both are vertical pictures. Both have very light and very dark values.



33 SUPPLIES NEEDED Folder Information sheet “Be an Art Detective”sheet Reproductions laminated or in protectors


35 Reproductions……. Where to find them Catalogs Old art books Magazines Post cards


37 Storage

38 Core Ability #7 (National Standard # 5) Talk about Art! Develop Critical Thinking Skills by: looking, thinking, and talking about art work reflecting and assessing to understand what was learned through the art experience receiving and providing feedback so that the total art experience is enhanced

39 Teaching the process As a whole class One artist Large reproductions Overhead


41 Ideas: What is the art piece about? _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Word Choice: Build a descriptive word list about the artwork (adjectives) _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Voice: What is the artist trying to tell you? _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Fluency: Rhythm of the piece of art—look at shapes, repetition of lines, flow and movement. What do you see? _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Organization: Composition—How is the art piece set up? How are the elements organized in the artwork? _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Conventions: Technique and media - What materials were used? How well did the artist use them? _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ © may not be reproduced for profit rclaussen 2008 Using 6 Trait Writing to Look at and Talk About Art

42 Art Detective Folders provide: Independent study of artists Multicultural exposure to artists Facts and samples of art work

43 Higher level thinking questions Incorporation reading and writing skills Integrated art production projects Easily adapted for all students Easy to teach format

44 Quick and easy access can be used for 10 minutes or an entire class period Great for substitute teachers Very little storage space needed Great way to store and organize information

45 Kids Love Them!

46 This presentation was created by Rosalie Claussen Lincoln Public Schools Lincoln, Nebraska html © may not be reproduced for profit

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