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Microscopes. Field of View Fly’s Foot Surface of an Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory Silicon microchip.

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Presentation on theme: "Microscopes. Field of View Fly’s Foot Surface of an Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory Silicon microchip."— Presentation transcript:

1 Microscopes

2 Field of View


4 Fly’s Foot


6 Surface of an Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory Silicon microchip

7 Eyelash hairs growing from the surface of human skin

8 The surface of a strawberry

9 Bacteria on the surface of a human tongue

10 Human sperm (spermatozoa)

11 Nylon hooks and loops of Velcro

12 Household dust: includes long hairs of cat fur, twisted synthetic and woolen fibers, serrated insect scales, a pollen grain, and plant and insect remains

13 The weave of nylon stocking fibers

14 The head of a mosquito

15 Head louse clinging to a human hair

16 Eight eyes (two groups of four) on the head of a tarantula

17 Cut human hairs and shaving foam between two razor blades

18 Cigarette paper the tobacco is rolled in

19 Corroded surface of a rusty nail

20 Mushrooms spores

21 Clutch of butterfly eggs on a raspberry plant

22 Calcium phosphate crystal

23 Spider Skin

24 Starch in a corn kernel

25 Intestinal Bacteria

26 Paramecium

27 Volvox

28 Hooke


30 Prokaryotes Link to Cell Size








38 Eukaryotes



41 Fluid Moasic Model

42 http://

43 Nucleus

44 Contains the genes that control the cell; localizing the cell’s DNA Nuclear envelope - separates the nucleus contents from cytoplasm - double membrane with pores to regulate what enters and exits nucleus

45 Nucleus Nucleolus – densely packed RNA and proteins that makes up ribosomes Chromatin: threads of DNA that makes up the chromosomes and their associated proteins (histones)


47 Endomembrane System Membranes physically touch one another or transfer membrane segments through tiny vessicles Includes: - Nuclear envelope - Endoplasmic reticulum - Golgi apparatus - Lysosomes - Peroxisomes - Cell membrane

48 ER + Ribosomes

49 Endoplasmic Reticulum Membranous labryinth extending from the nuclear membrane Made of tubes and sacs called cisternae

50 Rough ER: ribosomes stud the cytoplasmic surface Many types of specialized cells secrete proteins made by the rough ER which are moved in transport vesicles As the polypeptide chain grows from the ribosomes, it goes into the ERs cisternal space and folds into higher levels Some proteins (glycoproteins) are covalently bonded to carbohydrates or are embedded in newly synthesized lipid membranes

51 Smooth ER: cytoplasmic surface lacks ribosomes Function: - synthesis of phospholipids and steroids -carbohydrate metabolism, -detoxification of drugs/poisons

52 Ribosomes Sites where cells assemble proteins according to genetic instructions Free ribosomes are suspended in the cytoplasm which make proteins that will function in the cytosol Bound ribosomes are attached to the endoplasmic reticulum which make proteins that be included in membranes or transported outside the cell

53 Golgi Bodies

54 Golgi Apparatus Flattened, inner-connected membranous sacks with cisternae Products of ER are modified, stored, and shipped via transport vesicles Secretory vesicles have “docking sites” that recognize the surface of specific organelles

55 Lysosome Membrane-enclosed bag of hydrolytic enzymes that digests macromolecules Works best in an environment with pH = 5 Amoeba eat via phagocytosis = engulf food then digest as the lysosome fuses to it Usually only found in animals

56 Animation: Lysosomes Lysosome

57 Peroxisome

58 Contains enzymes that transfer hydrogen from various substrates to oxygen, producing H 2 O 2 The H 2 O 2 is then converted into water Helps breakdown fats to be used in mitochondria for energy Detoxify alcohol in the liver

59 Mitochondria

60 Site of cellular respiration which generates ATP from sugars and fats Have ribosomes and small amounts of DNA for its own protein synthesis 100s-1000s per cell which correlate to the metabolic activity of the cell Enclosed in phospholipid bi-layer with inner foldings called cristae

61 Chloroplasts

62 Convert solar energy into chemical energy by absorbing sunlight and using it to synthesize glucose from CO 2 and H 2 O. Plastids: specialized organelles in plants - Leucoplasts: store starch in roots and tubers - Chromoplasts: enriched in pigments that give plants their colors - Chloroplasts: contain the green pigment cholorphyll


64 What organelle is taking up most of the space in this plant cell?

65 Vacuole Central vacuole: stores water, organic compounds, ions, wastes, and hydrolytic enzymes Tonoplast: membrane surrounding plant vacuole Vacuoles and vesicles are both membranous sacs, but vacuoles are larger

66 Cytoskeleton

67 Network of fibers that allow for material movement within the cell microtubules – larger filaments that help move organelles during cell division form hair-like extensions on cell surface for movement (cilia or flagella) Centrioles – rings of microtubules which form spindle fibers to aide in cell division Microfilaments (actin) – smaller filaments that maintain shape and aid in muscle contraction

68 Centriole

69 Flagella


71 Cell Wall Made of cellulose (polysaccharide) not digested by most animals Rigid structure that supports and protects plant cell by preventing the excess uptake of water - turgor pressure from vacuole assists in support Allows movement of materials in/out of cell through plasmodesmata (channels)

72 Cytoplasm Cytosol: semi-fluid medium in which organelles are suspended Mostly water but also contains ions, sugars, amino acids, RNA, and ATP (cell energy) Harvard Cell AnimationHarvard Cell Animation/


74 Plasmolyzed FlaccidTurgid



77 Animation of Endo/Exocytosis

78 Exocytosis

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