POPs Monitoring in Japan – Fate and Behavior of POPs - Takeshi NAKANO, (Hyogo Pref. Inst. of Pub. Health & Env. Sci.) Minoru.

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Presentation on theme: "POPs Monitoring in Japan – Fate and Behavior of POPs - Takeshi NAKANO, (Hyogo Pref. Inst. of Pub. Health & Env. Sci.) Minoru."— Presentation transcript:

1 POPs Monitoring in Japan – Fate and Behavior of POPs - Takeshi NAKANO, (Hyogo Pref. Inst. of Pub. Health & Env. Sci.) Takeshi_Nakano@pref.hyogo.jp Minoru FUKUSHIMA (Osaka city Inst. of Pub. Health & Env. Sci.), Yasuyuki SHIBATA, Noriyuki SUZUKI, Yoshikatsu TAKAZAWA (National Inst. for Env. Studies), Yoshitoku YOSHIDA, Noriya NAKAJIMA, Yasunori ENOMOTO (Ministry of Environment), Shinsuke TANABE (Ehime University), Masatoshi MORITA (National Inst. for Env. Studies)

2 Introduction POPs monitoring by Japanese Ministry of the Environment (former Environment Agency) had continued from 1978 in the biological samples and from 1986 in the water and sediment samples until 2001. To cope with the Stockholm Convention, changing pollution levels, and the technological innovations, the activity was reframed into "POPs pollution investigation (POPs monitoring survey)" in 2002 taking into consideration the data accumulation and continuity.

3 Methods and Materials POPs monitoring survey fiscal year 2002, -102 air samples from 34 sites, -114 water samples from 38 sites, -189 sediment samples from 63 sites, -118 biological samples from 24 sites were analyzed using HRGC/HRMS for PCBs, HCB, aldrin, endrin, DDTs, chlordanes, heptachlor, and HCHs.

4 Acknowledgements This study was supported by POPs monitoring survey from the Ministry of Environment.

5 Trend of PCB Use in Japan Total 58,000t Amount of PCB use (t)

6 PCB usage(t) PCB level (ng/m 3 )

7 POPs levels (2002) Air Sediment Water Biota 0.01-1ng/m 3 0.1-10ng/L 0.05-800ng/g-dry0.1-800ng/g-wet

8 Air Water Bird Fish Shellfish Sediment 大気 水質 魚 貝類 底質 鳥

9 Air Water Bird 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 abundance(%) Human blood Breast milk

10 2002 air water biota sediment α-HCH γ-HCH

11 2002 air water biota sediment α-HCH β-HCH

12 2002 air water biota sediment trans-CHL cis-CHL

13 2002 air water biota sediment trans-CHL heptachlor

14 2002 air water biota sediment trans-CHL oxy-CHL

15 2002 air water biota sediment DDTs DDEs

16 2002 air water biota sediment DDTs DDDs

17 2002 air water biota sediment DDEs DDDs

18 2002 air water biota sediment p,p’-DDT o,p’-DDT


20 Atmospher e aldrin chlordane DDTs dieldrin endrin heptachlor HCB PCBs HCHs Max Min 75% 25% Median Concentration (pg/m 3 ) Atmosphere

21 Water aldrin chlordane DDTs dieldrin endrin heptachlor HCB PCBs HCHs Max Min 75% 25% Median Concentration (pg/ l ) Water

22 1970199019802000 HCH Time Trends of PCBs and HCHs Concentrations in Yodo River y=(3×10 9 )e -0.13x r 2 =0.88 250 200 150 100 50 0 Years HCH Concentration (x10 3 pg/l) PCB Concentration (x10 3 pg/l) 40 30 20 10 0

23 Sediment aldrin chlordane DDTs dieldrin endrin heptachlor HCB PCBs HCHs Max Min 75% 25% Median Concentration (pg/ g - d ry ) Sediment

24 Biota aldrin chlordane DDTs dieldrin endrin heptachlor HCB PCBs HCHs Max Min 75% 25% Median Concentration (pg/ g ) Biota

25 Atmosphere Water SedimentShell fish FishBird Biota ←DDTs (7.8×10 5 ) ←PCBs (4.2×10 4 ) ←HCHs (3.1×10 3 ) chlordane (2.4×10 4 ) HCB (4.2×10 4 ) endrin (1.4×10 4 ) dieldrin (2.7×10 4 ) heptachlor (1.4×10 4 ) aldrin (1.6×10 4 ) HCHs PCBs chlordane DDTs dieldrin HCB endrin heptachlor aldrin chlordane PCBs HCB HCHs heptachlor DDTs dieldrin endrin aldrin Concentration Ratios for POPs

26 Technical DDT p,p’-DDT o,p’-DDT p,p’- DDD o,p’- DDD p,p’- DDE o,p’- DDE 40 20 0 40 20 0 40 20 0 Water Sediment Atmosphere 20 0 60 40 20 0 60 40 80 100 80 60 40 20 0 Mussel Fish Bird

27 DDT vs DDD 1 Atmosphere ( ● ) Water ( ● ) Sediment ( ● ) Biota ( ● ) 1000000 ×10 3 pg/m 3, l, kg 1 1000 0.001 100100000.010.0001

28 Water Sediment Atmosphere Mussel Fish Bird 60 40 20 0 Relative Concentration (%) of Chlordane and its related Compounds Technical Chlordane t-CHL c-CHL t-NCL c-NCL HEP OXYHEPX 30 20 10 0

29 trans - vs cis- chl ordane 1 Atmosphere ( ● ) Water ( ● ) Sediment ( ● ) Biota ( ● ) 1000000 ×10 3 pg/m 3, l, kg 1 1000 0.001 100 10000 0.01 0.0001

30 Water Sediment Atmosphere Mussel Fish Bird Technical HCH α β γ δ

31 α-HCH vs β-HCH 1 Atmosphere ( ● ) Water ( ● ) Sediment ( ● ) Biota ( ● ) 0.0011000 ×10 3 pg/m 3, l, kg 1 1000 0.001

32 80 2000 3000 0 1000 100 60 40 20 0 Lake Biwa in 1975 α : 17% β : 75% γ : 8% Av Conc 158600pg/l Concentration (pg/l) Composition (%) 11000

33 Concentration (pg/m 3 ) chlordane in Ambient Air (1,400-2,100)

34 Chlordane in Water (2100) Concentration (pg/L)

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