Mobilizing Assets for Community Driven Development Coady International Institute May 21 – May 31 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Mobilizing Assets for Community Driven Development Coady International Institute May 21 – May 31 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mobilizing Assets for Community Driven Development Coady International Institute May 21 – May 31 2013

2 Building a Skills Inventory

3 Individual Skills  How would you go about identifying the myriad of skills, talents, gifts and capacities that community members possess?

4 Mapping skills of the head, hand and heart Cooking Dancing Embroidery Salt Farming Stitching Compassion Humour Teamwork Conflict resolution Willingness to collaborate Analysis Organization Writing Management Literacy

5 Categories of skills  Skills for making livelihoods  Sub groupings?  “Civic” skills (skills for building ‘community’)  Think also of:  Cultural skills (and indigenous knowledge)  Local innovations

6 Individual Skills Crop Production Animal Husbandry Civic SkillsConstruction Skills Handicrafts & Artisans Artistic Skills Health SkillsOther - Farming - Weeding - Thrashing - Sowing - Harvesting - Irrigation - Flood protection - Rearing - Breeding - Fattening - Castrating - Taming horse, ox, and mule - Milking and milk processing - Conflict mediation - Group leadership - Advising - Counseling - Organizing - Masonry - Carpentry - Plastering & roofing - Surveying construction of irrigation canals - Hand dug wells - Blacksmith - Pottery - Weaving -Embroidery - Basket making - Tailoring - Spinning - Plating hair - Barbering - Tanning - Musical instruments - Singing - Dancing - Poetry - Playing traditional musical instruments - Story telling Ttraditional healing - Bone setting - Midwifery - Herbalist - Cautery - Veterinary - Birthing - Childcare, socialization - Petty trading - Weather forecast - Time reckoning - Natural resource managing - Farm tool making - Silo making

7 Mapping Community Associations

8 Associations  Faith-based  Gender  Age  Residence  Sports and Recreation  Shared Interest  Professional  Cultural  Self-Help or Support

9 Association Mapping (SEWA, India)

10 Associations: Venn diagrams

11 Association Mapping (SEARSOLIN Philippines)

12 The relationships between Associations and Institutions (RCDC – MARD, Vietnam)


14 By mapping associations, the community  Identifies existing organisational capacity  Sees where the energy is in this community  Understands what motivates people to organise  Recognises existing leadership in the community  Can think about how existing associations can be modified and expanded to meet new opportunities

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