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Adonis Golden Ratio Adonis Golden Ratio Is it worth buying ?

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1 Adonis Golden Ratio Adonis Golden Ratio Is it worth buying ?

2 Adonis Golden Ratio Adonis Golden Ratio is a fitness program designed for maximum fat loss and muscle gain. According to John Barban the author. Adonis Golden Ratio This program is a result of more than 10 years’ extensive research into fitness training and nutrition. Adonis Golden Ratio is designed to help you a specific physique that corresponds to the ratio of shoulders to waist. The Adonis Golden Ratio system was built on the premise that the ‘perfect’ physique is one which is comparable to Adonis.

3 Adonis Golden Ratio Based on Three Rep Tempos Using Power- in which you simply push as hard as you can, a style of rep applied to your heaviest lifts. The idea is to push the weight with the intention of moving as fast as possible — even though it may be so heavy you can only move slowly. 1-P-2 which means one second on the concentric phase (the actual lifting, pressing or pulling of the weight), a pause for one second at the exertion points of the lift, and a two second eccentric or negative (that is lowering the weight or returning back to the starting position). Flow Sets – which are done rhythmically and continuously, using your muscle like a piston to move up and down in a fluid motion, without stopping at the top or bottom. That way, a set becomes one giant rep moving at a good pace.

4 Adonis Golden Ratio Benefits Adonis Golden Ratio Benefits Adonis Golden Ratio is a thorough program with clear objectives and precise steps of what you need to do to achieve those objectives. The muscle building techniques are some of the most advanced and they give healthy lean muscle. The program works for all fitness levels as well as body types. Whether you’re over-weight or muscular, you simply need to choose an objective and follow through with the instructions and correct workout plan. Most muscle building programs on the market present information in an very unorganized fashion. With the Adonis Golden Ratio however, this is certainly not the case.

5 Adonis Golden Ratio Bonuses & Price The included bonuses add actual value to the Adonis Golden Ratio program and unlike other similar programs can actually be used to support and enhance it. First, the lifetime upgrade for FREE of the main package is definitely worth mentioning. Pretty cool, and not at all expected You really have nothing to lose; this muscle building program comes with a 60-day money back guarantee with no questions asked and cost is equivalent to 1 one hour session with a base certified personal trainer.

6 How is this Program Different from other Muscle Building guides out There? Personally, I found that the techniques and strategies offered in this program were both new and original and what I believe is the future of muscle building training. An example is the idea of intermittent fasting, which is becoming more and more mainstream in the fitness industry. Personally I love it due to the fact preparing and eating 7-8 meals a day was a massive effort, but I also have so much more energy all day every day. The biggest difference that sets the Adonis Golden Ratio apart from everything else is the unique measurement and nutrition software. Like I said earlier, I would have happily paid the total amount for the software alone.Adonis Golden Ratio The Adonis Golden Ratio program certainly lives up to its hype; it’s this abundance of knowledge combined with software and bonus guides which has created such an impact in the fitness industry.

7 Adonis Golden Ratio Click Here for the Best Results :

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